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Can you post in English
OK. thes translation is not perfect.
Hi, I have bought myself the Receiver DSR5003Plus, and have played in Winguest Softly. Everything runs perfect tense, but there are present no Amos and Sirius transmitter. Has found the transmitters by Manuelesuchlauf, and wanted to cover up whole transmitter list on my PC, but, unfortunately, it did not go. I get only the transmitters with Winguest Softly were present. My question is:
How can I headline my transmitter list in the Winguest Softly? Which topical is Softly without transmitter list, or where one can insert the transmitter list? Which key plays on the DSR5003Plus on it, and how he is called generally somebody could show me a Bsp Please, help to me the forum has already searched because if I this problem does not solve I must look every spot with More anew softly my transmitter list newly by hand. In addition one needs a few hours.
Receiver information: Device type: Software FTAPLUS State: 3.01-B41.02 Nov 10 2006-V301 hardware state: STS_MB.02A-SZL0