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Soll das heißen, ich könnte mit einer 7020 oder vielleicht sogar 7025, da Twintuner, permanentes Timeshifting realisieren?
Mit einer 7020 geht es- 7025 wird von ruDbox nicht unterstützt....

Question: How to switch on auto-timeshifting mode?
ANSWER: Main Menu/Settings/Recording/direct recording settings/Auto-timeshift start pause.
Set entry more than zero. 1 or 2 or 5... or 300.
Now at each zap channel record automatically will begin.
Auto-Record(files) of the previous channel will automatically delete at each zap channels.
Auto-timeshifting mode is a special mode of recording, but it can be switched on original record-mode.
Features menu/Auto-timeshift to basic record mode.