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Thema: Neuling brauch dringend Hilfe mit den Configdateien bzgl. der EMM


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    AW: Neuling brauch dringend Hilfe mit den Configdateien bzgl. der EMM

    Ich nutze den xcamclient2 Emulator und das cccam Protokoll. Ich habe ein paar Konfig Dateien die ich mal zeigen kann damit es etwas klarer wird wo das Problem ist. Achso, ich bin ein User, nicht der der shared.


    # Comment lines can start with # or ;
    # every client line starts with the client name, followed by some arguments:
    # 'hostname' is the name of the server
    # 'port' is the port on the server
    # 'emm' is a flag to allow EMM transfers to the server
    # (0=disabled 1=enabled)
    # 'caid' (optional) caid on which this client should work
    # 'mask' (optional) mask for caid e.g. caid=1700 mask=FF00 would allow
    # anything between 1700 & 17FF.
    # Default is 1700 & FF00. If only caid is given mask is FFFF.
    # You may give multiple caid/mask values comma separated
    # (e.g. 1702,1722,0d0c/ff00).
    # 'username' is the login username
    # 'password' is the login password
    # radegast client
    # aroureos client
    # 'hexbase'
    # 'hexserial' card data for which EMM updates should be send
    # camd33 client (tcp protocol)
    # 'aeskey' is the AES key (32bytes), disable encryption if missing
    # camd35 client (udp protocol)
    # cardd client
    # buffy client
    # 'aeskey' is the AES key (32bytes), disable encryption if missing
    # newcamd client
    # 'cfgkey' is the config key (28bytes)
    # gbox client
    # NOTE: hostname & port will be ignore. GBOX must be runnning on the local
    # machine. For convinience you should choose localhost:8004
    # cccam client (via LD_PRE_LOAD wrapper)
    # NOTE: hostname will be ignore. CCcam must be runnning on the local machine
    # 'socket' is the name of the camd socket file. For multiple cards add %d
    # into the string. This will be replaced with the number 0-3.
    # e.g. /var/emu/chroot%d/tmp/camd.socket
    # (the real) cccam client
    # NOTE: this is a real client. You don't need to have CCcam running on local
    # machine.


    ## reader configuration

    ## connect to main
    #label = main
    #protocol = cccam
    #device = xxxx,xxxx
    #user = xxxxx
    #password = xxxxxx
    #group = 1
    #cccversion = 2.1.4

    ## connect to backup
    #label = backup
    #protocol = cccam
    #device = xxxxx,xxxxx
    #user = xxxxxx
    #password = xxxxxx
    #group = 1
    #cccversion = 2.1.4


    nice = -1
    waitforcards = 1
    preferlocalcards = 1
    logfile = /dev/null
    osdlock_pin = 1234 # for locking the Xcam OSD menu remove the # sign

    enabled = 1
    user = user1
    au = 0
    pmt_mode = 5
    request_mode = 1

    Ich habe au = 0 gesetzt und doch werden EMM gesendet. Ich verstehe nicht ganz wieso und weiß langsam nicht mehr weiter.
    Geändert von moneytalks (01.05.15 um 19:07 Uhr)

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