Hi, du brauchst nur Oscam.
# main configuration
#nice = -1
#WaitForCards = 1
# logging
#pidfile = /var/run/oscam.pid
#logfile = /var/log/oscam/oscam.log
#usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
#cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw
# monitor
#port = 988
#aulow = 120
#monlevel = 1
# web interface
#httpport = 8888
#httpuser = myusername
#httppwd = mypassword
# protocols
#key = 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D hier kannst CCcam mit N-Lines verbinden
#port = 10000@1722
#port = 20000
#user = user1
#allowed =
#port = 30000@0100:FFFFFF;30001@0200:FFF000,FFFF00;30002@0300:FFFFFF
#port = 40000
#version = 1.2.3 hier mit C-Lines
#build = 1234
#reshare = 2
#password = password1
#maxdist = 4
#cardinfos = card.infos
#ignorelist = ignore.list
#onlineinfos = online.infos
#locals = 01000000,02000000,0300FFFF
#device = user2@/dev/ttyS0?delay=1&timeout=300
enabled = 1 dadurch brauchst du keine CCcam auf der Dream, um damit zu gucken.
user = user1
demux = /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
ca = /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca1
socket = /tmp/camd.socket
user account für dich
User = user1
monlevel = 4
uniq = 0
group = 1
AU = 1
betatunnel = 1834.FFFF:1722 da müßen wir mal testen.
caid = 1722
# /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.server
# Prepared by PurpleHaze for Peter Pan Neverland 2.0
# Internal reader lower (or if the box has only one reader)
label = lower
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
enable = 1
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
# For some NDS cards like CAID 093E you might need the boxkey.
# Read the key from you original decoder and remove the last digit.
# Convert from DEC to HEX. If the result is only 7 digits you must
# add a zero in front. Insert the 8 digits below in stead of 00000000.
#boxid = 00000000
# remote newcamd reader
#label = remote2
#protocol = newcamd
#key =
#device =
#account =
#group = 2
#fallback = 1
#label = remote3
#protocol = newcamd
#key =
#device =
#account =
#group = 3
#fallback = 1
# Internal reader upper (boxes with two readers)
#label = upper
#protocol = internal
#device = /dev/sci1
#enable = 0
#group = 1
#emmcache = 1,3,2
# For some NDS cards like CAID 093E you might need the boxkey.
# Read the key from you original decoder and remove the last digit.
# Convert from DEC to HEX. If the result is only 7 digits you must
# add a zero in front. Insert the 8 digits below in stead of 00000000.
#boxid = 00000000
# Smargo (mousemode)
# Set enable to 1 if connected to the box, 0 if not used
#label = smargo
#protocol = mouse
#device = /dev/ttyUSB0
#enable = 0
#group = 4
#emmcache = 1,3,2
# For some NDS cards like CAID 093E you might need the boxkey.
# Read the key from you original decoder and remove the last digit.
# Convert from DEC to HEX. If the result is only 7 digits you must
# add a zero in front. Insert the 8 digits below in stead of 00000000.
#boxid = 00000000