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Hast Du die mbox.cfg hier aus dem Thread genommen,prüfe ,ob Du die mbox-enigma.sh40 in mbox umbenannt hast und die Rechte stimmen.

Nein hier mein mbox.cfg


A: { 0 } // for QBoxHD receivers or for any receivers if needed it
//A: { x }
//Choose adapter path
//x=0 -> /dev/dvb/adapter0/
//x=1 -> /dev/dvb/adapter1/
//x=2 -> /dev/dvb/adapter2/
//x=.. -> .......
//default x=0

D: { 4 }

//D: { x }
//x=0 -> disable
//x=1 -> enable dbox2 cw writing
//x=2 -> enable STAPI for IPBOX
//x=3 -> enable STAPI for Kathrein
//x=4 -> enable Linux DVB API for Kathrein
//default disabled

B: { 1 }

//B: { x }
//x=0 -> disable local UDP ports 8004-80xx ,this ports are used with DVB cards and gbox plugin (Windows and Linux)
//x=1 -> enable
//default disabled

Z: { 12 } { 8024 }

// Z option -> control sending/writing current informations
// Z: { xy } { IP port }
// x=0 -> don't print time stamp (in console screen and in debug file)
// x=1 -> print time stamp ( .... )
// y=0 -> no writing/sending informations to debug file/destination IP
// y=1 -> send informations to destination IP but not in debug file
// y=2 -> write informations to debug file but don't send to destination IP
// y=3 -> write/send informations to debug file/destination IP
// IP port -> destination IP and UDP port where to send informations
// no default

#C: { 7999 }

// C option -> control receiving some command messages localy or from another IP
// C: { IP port }
// IP-> your local IP or you DNS
// port -> on what port you will be waiting command messages
// no default

U: { 1 }

// U options -> Update peer(s) IP if it changes while peer still resending ecm's/cw etc.. information
// default only on hello message peer(s) IP are updated !!!
// U: { x }
// x=0 -> disabled
// x=1 -> enabled
// default disabled

L: { 1 }

// L option -> how mbox to menage virtual card(s) with level 0
// ( only for peer(s) who have and can reshare virtual cards but don't want to use LEVEL 0 card(s) for them self)
// L: { x }
// x=0 -> don't load any virtual cards with LEVEL 0, you can't use them for your self
// x=1 -> load all virtual cards with LEVEL 0 ,you will be using them for your self
// default 1

#G: { /hdd/ }

//G option -> redirect writing ONLY debug.txt file to internal or external HDD in receivers or for any other reason.
//Remove #, ONLY if you want to use this option !!!!!!!

T: { /tmp/ }

// T option -> where to store temp files ... (share.info,debug.txt ,etc.)
// T: { folder_path_to_files, example: T: { /tmp/ } }

K: { /var/keys/ }

// K option -> where is cwshare.cfg file
// K: { folder_path_to_files, example: K: { /var/keys/ } }

M: { 1 }

// M option -> Mode option
// M: { x }
// x=0 -> local mode no NET
// x=1 -> NET mode
// default 0

P: { 2/tmp/camd.socket }

// P option -> PMT location (Dont used with linux and windows)
// you must be tuned to channel so image can generate this file
// { /tmp/pmt.tmp } for receivers and images that create this file <- use this if you can
// { /tmp/pmtX.tmp } X-> number -> pmt1.tmp ......
// { 1/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 1
// { 2/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 2

W: { 0 }

// W option -> write raw ECM to ecm.raw file
// W: { x }
// x=0 -> disabled
// x=1 -> enabled
// default disabled

Q: { 300 }

//Q option -> newcamd connect retry in sec.
//Q: { x }
// default 300 sec.

F: { 500 }

//F option -> reset writing debug.txt from begining if file size is higher then (x)(KB)
//F { x } -> decimal in KBytes
//default 500 KB

//V: { card_type device clock inverse_Reset}
#V: { 3 1 3571200 0 }
#V: { 3 2 3571200 1 }
// card_type:
// Seca 3 , Irdeto 4, Conax 5, Cryptoworks 6, Viaccess 7, NDS 8, Nagravision 9

// device:
// COM1/ttyS0 1
// COM2/ttyS1 2
// /dev/sci0 3
// /dev/sci1 4
// /dev/usb/tts/0 5
// /dev/usb/tts/1 6
// /dev/tts/0 7
// /dev/tts/1 8
// /dev/ttyUSB0 9
// /dev/ttyUSB1 10

//clocks for COM ports in Hz
//for SCI slots use this values
// 1 - 3.33 Mhz
// 2 - 3.63 Mhz
// 3 - 4 Mhz
// 4 - 4.44 Mhz
// 5 - 5Mhz
// 6 - 5.71 Mhz
// 7 - 6.66 Mhz
// 8 - 8 Mhz

//Inverse Reset
// 1 -yes
// 0 -no

J: { 1 }
// J option -> enable adding betacrypt header to N3 ECM for Premier
// J { x }
// x = 0 -> disabled
// x = 1 -> enabled

R: { 3600 }
// R option -> resend hello to all peers after X seconds, ony for gboxx peers,not mbox peers
//default in code 3600 seconds

H: { 1 0 0 0 }
// H option -> mapping provid (0-disabled, 1-enabled)
//H: { a b c d }
//a-> mapping all 0BXX to 0B00
//b-> mapping 1810 to 1801
//c-> mapping 1803 to 1801
//d-> mapping 1802 to 1801