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Thema: v 13 karte in muticam

  1. #1
    Registriert seit
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    v 13 karte in muticam

    hallo, ich hoffe mir kann hier endlich mal einer richtig helfen habe mir ein multicam zugelegt um mit meiner originalkarte v 13 in der dbox sky zu schauen die karte ist schon freigeschaltet in der originalbox

    habe eine philips box mit einem keywelt image wo die cccam und die news schon drin sind leider funkioniert es noch nicht habe auch auf 357 eingestellt und die karte ist im 2 slot

    <?xml version="1.0"?>

    For setup-issues, look in readme.txt!
    If there are other troubles, try different forums or irc channels around :o)

    The configfile are NOT case-sensitive, and shouldnt care about dos/unix cr/lf.

    <!-- valid value for listening-ip are:
    IPv4 adress of local interface. -->
    <readers name="Standard Phoenix on PC">
    <!-- valid value for name are:
    Any name of your choice, just to name the device for you to read. -->
    <name>Phoenix on Com1</name>

    <!-- valid value for type are:
    phoenix, dbox, sci, dragon, sc8, mp35, smartreader, pcsc (for own binary) or infinity(for own binary). -->

    <!-- valid value for mhz are:
    153(1.53mhz), 358(3.58mhz), 368(3,68Mhz), 450(4.5mhz), 536(5.36mhz), 600(6.00mhz), 715(7.15 mhz), 800(8.00mhz)
    1000(10.00 mhz), 1071(10.71mhz), 1200 (12.00mhz), 1431(14.31 mhz), 1600 (16.00mhz)
    This setting is now IMPORTANT, normal phoenix usually have 3.57mhz, and can usually be overclocked
    to 6mhz. For the others you probably need extra crystal (be careful). -->

    <!-- valid value for node are full path to device, f.ex /dev/tts/0,
    /dev/sciX (for dreambox), /dev/cardreaderX (for dragon),
    /dev/tts/USBX (for a usb2serial device).
    COMx on Win32, COM1, COM2 etc.
    For PC/SC this is just 0, 1 ,2 and so on (reader number) -->

    <!-- valid value for infinity_number are number of device, if you have multiple, only used in infinity binary,
    0, 1 ... -->

    <!-- valid value for slot are:
    0-7 (only used on Sc8). -->

    <!-- valid value for parity are:
    Odd, Even, None (ignored on sci and dragon).
    This is only used on serial _BEFORE_ ATR is recieved. -->

    <!-- valid value for reset are:
    normal, inverse (ignored on sci and dragon).
    normal is phoenix, inverse is smartmouse -->

    <!-- valid value for export are:
    Yes,No - if not exported only localhost can connect. -->

    <!-- valid value for enabled are:
    Yes,No - if not enabled it cant be used. -->

    <!-- valid value for blocksa are:
    Yes, No - block shared address emm to card. -->

    <!-- valid value for blockua are:
    Yes, No - block unique address emm to card. -->

    <!-- valid value for blockga are:
    Yes, No - block group address emm to card. -->

    <!-- valid value for blockC0 are:
    Yes, No - block fake emm to card. -->

    <!-- valid value for boxkey are:
    The boxkey/boxid of your nagra/nds STB. -->
    <!-- <boxkey>0000000000</boxkey> -->

    <!-- valid value for rsa are:
    The RSA key from your nagra STB. -->
    <!-- <rsa>0000000000</rsa> -->

    <!-- valid value for camkey are:
    0 - Europe, 1 - Oz -->

    <!-- valid value for irdeto-camkey are:
    8byte hex. -->

    <!-- valid value for camkey-data are:
    64byte hex -->
    <irdeto-camkey-data>000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000</irdeto-camkey-data>

    <!-- valid value for crypto-special are:
    Yes, No - Used to enable/disable real-time mosc on Cryptoworks. -->

    <!-- valid value for ipk are:
    64byte hex -->
    <ipk>000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000</ipk>

    <!-- valid value for ucpk are:
    64byte hex -->
    <ucpk>00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000</ucpk>

    <!-- valid value for PTShanshake are:
    Yes, No - Used to enable/disable real-time HighBaud on Cryptoworks and Viacess. -->

    <!-- valid value for carddetect are:
    Yes, No - Used to try to detect if card is present in you cardreader. -->

    <!-- valid value for newcamd_port are:
    0,65535 - Which port newcamd server will listen for incomming connections. -->

    <!-- valid value for autosid are:
    Yes, No - Let NewCS decide which sids should be allowed/denied based on card answers. -->

    <!-- valid value for Seca-PPV are:
    Yes, No - Let NewCS decide which sids should be allowed/denied based on card answers. -->

    <!-- valid value for Pincode are:
    0000, 9999 - For f.ex PPV on Conax, also for parental lock on conax and cryptoworks. -->

    <!-- Notes about Service ID's:
    There are some points worth mentioning:
    1. If you allow a sid, all others will be rejected for that caid.
    2. When you deny a sid, all others then the denied will be let through to that caid.
    3. If you dont specify a reader, all sid's will get let through.
    4. Put as many provider-sections in sid as you'd like, and as many id-sections under allow/deny as you want.
    5. Deny is the stronger one, will always override allow.
    6. If you want to add several sid's at once, do <id>0000:0010</id>, this will add all ten to list. -->
    <!-- valid value for id are:
    4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it. -->
    <!-- valid value for id are:
    4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it. -->
    <!-- valid value for priority are:
    hard, round, fifo - hard is lower userid, higher priority(gets ECM through before user with higher id),
    round, there is an equal chance for all users to get ECM through, fifo, first sendt ECM gets through. -->
    <!-- valid value for enable are:
    Yes, No - Enable or Disable radegast server. -->

    <!-- valid value for port are:
    0,65535 - Which port to listen for incomming connections. -->

    <!-- valid value for hostname are:
    all, IP-address or DNS-name. -->
    <!-- valid value for emm are:
    0-255 - Number of EMM's to cache. -->

    <!-- valid value for ecm are:
    0-255 - Number of ECM's to cache.
    -1 - Dynamic ECM Cache. -->
    <server> <!-- Port to accept connections on -->
    <!-- valid value for userfile are:
    Any username you'd like - Used for browser to logon (its case sensitive). -->

    <!-- valid value for password are:
    Any password you'd like - Used for browser to logon (its case sensitive). -->

    <!-- valid value for accesslevel are:
    admin, stats - Define what rights the user has in the web-console -->
    <!-- valid value for password:
    Max 25 characters and minimum 8, this is case-sensitive. -->

    <!-- valid value for mode:
    simple, advanced - Set TCP-Console to advanced mode to get access to
    potentially dangerous features.-->

    <!-- valid value for level are:
    normal, verbose, spam - How extensive debug should be. -->

    <!-- valid value for type are:
    Init, general, ecm, emm, net, all - Section of debug that should be displayed. -->

    <!-- valid value for output are:
    Console, udp, tcp, file, all - Where to show debug. -->

    <!-- console_options are so you can set own loglevel/type for console-logger:
    Should hold level and type-tags like above. -->

    <!-- valid value for logfile are:
    Path and filename - Where to write debug logs if file or all is chosed in output. -->

    <!-- file_options are so you can set own loglevel/type for file-logger:
    Should hold level and type-tags like above. -->

    <!-- valid value for udp_host are:
    IP-address or DNS-name - Where to send debug if udp or all is chosed in output. -->

    <!-- valid value for udp_port are:
    0,65535 - Which port to send the udp packets. -->

    <!-- udp_options are so you can set own loglevel/type for udp-logger:
    Should hold level and type-tags like above. -->

    <!-- valid value for tcp_port are:
    0,65535 - Which port to listen for incomming tcp connections. -->

    <!-- tcp_options are so you can set own loglevel/type for tcp-logger:
    Should hold level and type-tags like above. -->
    <!-- valid value for enabled are:
    Yes, No - Enable or Disable newcamd server. -->

    <!-- valid value for name are:
    Any name - Used to identify server to remote clients,
    if the remote client isnt newcamd, this field have no purpouse. -->

    <!-- valid value for deskey are:
    any 14x2 numbers - Used to encrypt the communication between
    the client and the server. -->
    <deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>

    <!-- Notes about users:
    The first user doesnt have au without beeing it set to on (unlike newcamd cardserver).
    You can add as many user-sections as you want, just put them under eachother. -->
    <!-- valid value for userfile are:
    Any username you'd like - Used for client to logon (its case sensitive). -->

    <!-- valid value for password are:
    Any password you'd like - Used for client to logon (its case sensitive). -->

    <!-- valid value for hostname are:
    IP-address or DNS-name - Used for reverse login to the client. -->

    <!-- valid value for port are:
    0-65535 - Which port reverse login to the client. -->

    <!-- valid value for au are:
    On,Off - Wheather the client are allowed to send EMM to the server. -->

    <!-- valid value for sidoverride are:
    On,Off - Wheather the client are allowed to override the SID-filter. -->

    <!-- valid value for readers are device name,
    if one <allow> present, other readers will be disabled! -->
    <allow>Phoenix on Com1</allow>

    <!-- valid value for spider are:
    Yes,No - Wheather the client are allowed to be newcamd Cardspider. -->

    <!-- valid value for rate are:
    1-60 - number of seconds between each ecm -->

    <!-- valid value for cardlevel are:
    1 - If its set Mgcamd will use all cards over the same port. -->
    <!-- valid value for tcp_port are:
    0,65535 - Which port to listen for incomming tcp connections. -->
    <!-- enable or disable the server, valid values are yes/no -->

    <!-- What Realm server will report to clients -->
    <peer> <!-- Connect to remote Chamelon server with the below credentials -->
    <!-- valid value for tcp_port are:
    0,65535 - Which port to listen for incomming tcp connections. -->
    <!-- valid value for userfile are:
    Any username you'd like - Used for client to logon (its case sensitive). -->
    <!-- valid value for password are:
    Any password you'd like - Used for client to logon (its case sensitive). -->

    <!-- What Realm client has access to on server -->
    <!-- valid value for name are:
    Any username you'd like - Used for client to logon (its case sensitive). -->
    <!-- valid value for password are:
    Any password you'd like - Used for client to logon (its case sensitive). -->
    <!-- Not yet implemented, this will be how chameleon will connect to more than one network -->
    <!-- valid value for virtualcards are:
    A list of caid and provider id to add to the default list in chameleon2 -->

  2. #2
    Moderator (Verstorben) Avatar von Ratatia
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    Ich gehe davon aus, Du hast Sat-Empfang ?

    V13 ist eine NDS-Karte. Du solltest die Karte vielleicht in eine S02 umtauschen. Diese läuft in der d-Box super.

  3. #3

    Registriert seit
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    hallo, ja habe eine satkarte will sie aber nur nebenbei im kinderzimmer laufen lassen also geht es nicht mit dem umtauschen

  4. #4
    Registriert seit
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    Habe das gleiche Problem, V13 Karte im Multicam,Dbox2 Philips,glj_09_09_satimage_2 x_cccam_newcs_by_nash Image, cccam und newcs aktiviert, im Browser unter NEWCS steht

    Readers Status

    Status CAID Mhz Resets ECMs Net ECM Node Reader
    0900 357 68 0 0 /dev/tts/1 0 (Multicam)
    aber es bleibt alles dunkel.

  5. #5
    Moderator Avatar von dirk01
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    Von der V13 habe ich gar keine Ahnung, aber so wie ich das sehe, wird die V13 von NewCS erkannt.
    Hast du denn auch in der CCcam.cfg eine N-Line zu NewCS eingerichtet ?, denn sonst kannst du kein Bild bekommen, auch mit einer S02 nicht.

    So sieht eine N-Line zu NewCS aus:

    Du mußt nur den richtigen Port, Username, Passwort + Deskey rein schreiben, siehe in deiner newcs.xml nach
    Informationen zu eingefügten Links Informationen zu eingefügten Links

    GigaBlue Quad HD, Kathrein UFS-913, DBox2 Philips, LED TV Philips 7108,
    Hotbird 13.0, Astra 19.0

  6. #6
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    was muß ich den in Port, Username, Passwort + Deskey eintragen ?

  7. #7
    Moderator Avatar von dirk01
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    Das habe ich doch oben schon geschrieben, alle diese Daten stehen in deiner newcs.xml

    Verbinde dich mit deiner Box per FTP und suche danach, müßte irgenwas mit var/tuxbox/config sein
    GigaBlue Quad HD, Kathrein UFS-913, DBox2 Philips, LED TV Philips 7108,
    Hotbird 13.0, Astra 19.0

  8. #8
    Registriert seit
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    Danke dirk01 es hat sich gelöst, habe eine neue newcs.xml und eine neue cccam.cfg auf die Dbox geschrieben und alles hell,nu gehts an cs für 2 Kathrein und eine Dbox2, werde dich bestimmt nochmal nerven.

    Jetzt ein neues Problem, Freezer auf HD Kanälen, wie bekommt man das weg ?
    Geändert von faun (06.01.10 um 17:50 Uhr)

  9. #9
    Registriert seit
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    was mich schon lange interessieren würde:
    Wenn mit einer S02 Karte Cardsharing läuft, würde das dann mit einer V13 genauso laufen oder braucht man da andere Software bzw. Einstellungen.

    Ich z. b. verwende auf der D-Box den mpcs server und auf den client boxen camd3.


  10. #10
    Moderator Avatar von dirk01
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    V13 ist die schlechteste Lösung zum sharen, ich glaube mehrmals gelesen zu haben, das gerade bei HD gerne Freezer kommen. Auch so läuft die Karte nicht so stabil wie eine S02.
    Angeblich kann man die Karte etwas übertakten und soll leichte Verbesserung bringen, aber bitte frag mich nicht um wieviel mhz erhöht werden kann. Da ist absolute Vorsicht angesagt, sonst ist die Karte futsch.

    die Software bleibt gleich, du mußt nur die mhz der Karte anpassen, in mpcs kann man das irgendwo hinterlegen. Eine S02 braucht 6,00 mhz eine V13 3,57 mhz.
    GigaBlue Quad HD, Kathrein UFS-913, DBox2 Philips, LED TV Philips 7108,
    Hotbird 13.0, Astra 19.0

  11. #11
    SMember Avatar von sammy909
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    Hi, bei mpcs mußt du in der reader und user den Caid wechseln von 1702 auf irgendwas mit 09... NDS.


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