What's new in AnyDVD Beta:

* New (Blu-ray): Added "Speed Menus"
* New (Blu-ray): Support for new BD+ protection
* New (Blu-ray): Support for new Java based protection
* New (Blu-ray): Updated decryption keys
* New (Blu-ray): Workaround for broken Lite-On (and OEMs, e.g. ASUS) firmware which
* caused creation of .iso images with incorrect size
* Fix (Blu-ray): Support for new Java based protection
* New (DVD): Support for new copy protections
* New (DVD): Workaround for incorrectly recorded AVCREC DVD discs
* New (DVD): Improved cutting of ending cells for movie only copies of some discs
* Fix (DVD): Possible crash in RCE removal
* Fix (DVD): Bug introduced in, corrupted file system with some discs
* Fix (DVD): "repair defective disc structure" stage in AnyDVD ripper could cause
* PS10 errors with some discs
* Some minor fixes and improvements
* Updated languages

What's new in AnyDVD Beta:

* Speed menu supports 3D playback
* Speed menu allows you to choose between 2D and 3D playback
* Speed menu is now more flicker free, faster than the eye can see
* Support for new Blu-ray discs
* Support for new DVD discs

Changes in version AnyDVD Beta:

* New (Blu-ray): Added "Speed Menus"
* Updated languages

Ich weise ausdrücklich nochmals darauf hin das keinerlei öffentlicher Support geduldet wird.

Dies ist NUR ein Informations Thread zu AnyDVD und die jeweiligen Versionen.

Das Programm ist nur für Illegale Anwendungen entwickelt worden.