Changes in version AnyDVD

* New (Blu-ray): Support for new BD+ protection
* New (Blu-ray): Updated decryption keys
* New (Blu-ray): Added a "disc.inf" file to the root of the Blu-ray disc with useful
* information for 3rd party tools
* New (Blu-ray): Added warning, if the Online Protection Database cannot be reached
* New (DVD): Support for new copy protections
* New (DVD): Added option to remove CSS mastering errors
* This has been enabled by default in the past, but is only needed
* for a handful of discs (e.g. "Go", R2, Germany), and is now disabled by default
* Change (Blu-ray): Because of popular demand, the default Region code setting is back
* Remember, if you want to remove the region lock of Blu-ray discs, you *MUST* specify the region of the *DISC*. Not of your player. Not of your country. Of the *DISC*. Check the packaging or the disc itself for region code markings
* Fix (Blu-ray): Playback problem, if region lock was removed with some discs
* Some minor fixes and improvements
* Updated languages

Ich weise ausdrücklich nochmals darauf hin das keinerlei öffentlicher Support geduldet wird.

Dies ist NUR ein Informations Thread zu AnyDVD und die jeweiligen Versionen.

Das Programm ist nur für Illegale Anwendungen entwickelt worden.