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Thema: GBox & MBox Kontrolle???


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  1. #1
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    GBox & MBox Kontrolle???

    ich habe folgendes Problem mit der S02 und Multicard ,und zwar bekomme ich einfach nichts hell mit meiner D2 Box Nokia im Multicam AHAB 2 (mit gelber Lampe) mit (2xI_Image.2009\keywelt_07_09_sat_sorglos_2 x_intel_gbox_mbox_newcs_mpcs_by_nash.img).Ich wollte die D2 Box später mit zwei Kathi`s 910 (Sommerdream Image) mit MBox oder GBox HomeCS betreiben. Könnte sich vielleicht mal einer dazu bereit erklären und sich diese Einstellungen mal an zuschauen,ob alles soweit stimmt oder auch nicht und noch etwas fehlen könnte?
    Was muss ich alles in dem Menü einstellen? GBox / MBox oder beides???
    Danke vorab.

    M: { { 12345678 }}
    O: { 2000 2000 }
    D: {{ 8006 7005 { 12345678 { A3 A3 }}}}
    D: {{ 8006 7005 { 12345678 { A3 A3 }}}}
    C: { 15000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } { 10 } { 1702FFFF:17020000 }
    C: { 15001 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 } { 10 } { 1833FFFF:18330000 }

    #gbox config file
    # Trace/Debug
    # xx yz ; xx=00 no konsole output
    # xx yz ; xx=01 konsole output
    # xx yz ; y=0 debug output (don´t use)
    # xx yz ; y=1 no debug output
    # xx yz ; z=0 ouput to konsole
    # xx yz ; z=1 output to /var/tmp/debug.txt
    # xx yz ; z=2 Output to UDP (to capture with gboxt)
    Z: { 01 10 } 8024
    # 00 auto
    # 01 80X86
    # 02 MPC823
    # 03 IBM STB04xxx
    # 00 auto
    # 01 ibm
    # 02 api2
    # 03 api3
    # 00 cw write style = use internal routine (only dbox2)
    # 01 cw write style = CA_SET_DESCR type1 (dbox2, vdr)
    # 02 cw write style = CA_SET_DESCR type2
    # 03 cw write style = CA_SET_DESCR type3
    # 04 cw write style = 16 byte /proc/bus/gtx
    # 05 cw write style = 4096 byte /proc/bus/gtx, cw offset=0x04D0
    # xx write cw in 1st device with index=xx
    # yy write cw in 2nd device with index=yy
    # 01 means with .index=0 (default)
    # 02 means with .index=1
    # 03 means with .index=0 and .index=1
    # .. any bitwise combination ...
    # FF means with all 8 indexes (0-7)
    # PPC files,folders,devices
    # folder/device comment
    #F: { 01 } /var/tmp/pmt.tmp // pmt file
    #F: { 02 } /var/tmp/emm.info // key update log file
    #F: { 03 } /var/tmp/ecm.info // ecm info file
    #F: { 11 } /var/keys // folder for config files
    #F: { 12 } /var/tmp // folder for temporary file
    #F: { 13 } /var/tmp // folder for keyfiles
    #F: { 21 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca0 // ca device
    #F: { 22 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 // dvr device
    #F: { 23 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 // demux device
    #F: { 31 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca1 // second ca device to write cw´s (recording)
    #F: { 41 } /dev/sci0 // STB04xxx slot1
    #F: { 42 } /dev/sci1 // STB04xxx slot2
    #F: { 43 } /dev/tts/0 // rs232 com1
    #F: { 44 } /dev/tts/1 // rs232 com2
    F: { 01 } 03/var/tmp/pmt.tmp//pmtfile
    F: { 02 } /var/tmp/emm.info//keyupdatelogfile
    F: { 03 } /var/tmp/ecm.info//ecminfofile
    F: { 11 } /var/keys//folderforconfigfiles
    F: { 12 } /var/tmp//folderfortemporaryfile
    F: { 23 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0//demuxdevice
    F: { 54 } 03
    #gbox working mode
    # 00 pure Emu
    # 01 pure SoftCam (when card inside), Emu (when no card inside)
    # 02 pure Net Client
    # 03 Mixed mode !!!!! always use this !!!!!
    G: { 03 }
    # Display ECM messages on Konsole
    # 00 don´t show any ECM´s
    # 01 show only valid ECM´s
    # 02 show valid and bad ECM´s with complete data display
    C: { 01 }
    # Display EMM messages on Konsole
    # 00 don´t show any EMM´s
    # 01 show only valid EMM´s
    # 02 show valid and bad EMM´s with complete data display
    # 1* Log any tier change on PW-Nagra-17xx cards into /var/keys/pwupdate.log
    M: { 01 }
    # AutoUpdate
    # 00 is ignored (default)
    # 01 enable AU
    # 02 Auto AU !!!!! always use this !!!!!
    A: { 02 }
    # Key update
    # 01 update only new keys, default setting
    # 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
    U: { 01 }
    # Hash pids
    # 01 hash only pids with implemented algos and available keys !!!!! always use this
    H: { 01 }
    # Key files folder
    # 00 keyfiles in /var/keys
    # 01 keyfiles in /var/tmp
    T: { 00 }
    # On Screen Display for the Multysystemcam on com1/com2
    # 00 No OSD (default)
    # 01 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino
    # 02 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino new nhttpd format
    # 03 display Smartcard messages in Enigma
    O: { 00 }
    # Logger and NET-mode UDP port Init
    # 00 do not init UDP port
    # 01 Init UDP port for IP, port, UDP
    L: { 00 } 8017
    # Use SSSP over rs232 port
    # a0 a=1 debug on, a=0 normal operatiuon
    # 0b b=1 for com1, b=2 for com2
    # Option for Seasons-Interface
    W: { 00 00 } 9600
    # *x ** ; x = device nummber to be used (0= default)
    # D* ** ; force use of /proc/bus/gtx for cw write operations
    (in the dbox2 the gbox writes directly the CW´s, 00 is the
    recommended mode ! No drivers are required) use D* ** ONLY if
    you have Problems. 0* ** should be prefered !!!
    # F* ** ; write CW´s in both devices (used for PVR in STB04xxx devices)
    # ** y* ; y=0001b (0x1*) use slot1 as Multicam (only on STB04xxx)
    # ** y* ; y=0010b (0x2*) use slot2 as Multicam (only on STB04xxx)
    # ** y* ; y=0011b (0x3*) use slot1 and slot2 as Multicams (only on STB04xxx)
    # ** *z ; z=0001b (0x*1) use com1 as Multicam
    # ** *z ; z=0010b (0x*2) use com2 as Multicam
    # ** *z ; z=0011b (0x*3) use com1 and com2 as Multicams
    # ** yz ; yz=00110011b (0x33) use slot1+slot2+com1+com2 as Multicams
    # ** *z ; z=0100b (0x*4) invert CTS detection on com1
    # ** *z ; z=1000b (0x*8) invert CTS detection on com2
    # example: yz = 0x0A = 00001010 (use com2 with inverted CTS detection line)
    V: { 00 03 }
    //mbox.cfg EXPLANATION and EXAMPLES
    A: { 0 } // for QBoxHD receivers or for any receivers if needed it
    //A: { x }
    //Choose adapter path
    //x=0 -> /dev/dvb/adapter0/
    //x=1 -> /dev/dvb/adapter1/
    //x=2 -> /dev/dvb/adapter2/
    //x=.. -> .......
    //default x=0
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    D: { 0 }
    //D: { x }
    //x=0 -> disable
    //x=1 -> enable dbox2 cw writing
    //x=2 -> enable STAPI for IPBOX
    //x=3 -> enable STAPI for Kathrein
    //x=4 -> enable Linux DVB API for Kathrein
    //x=5 -> enable triple dragon
    //x=6 -> enable Qbox HD
    //x=7 -> enable STAPI for Kathrein ufs922 -> dont work CSA decoding :(
    //default disabled
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    B: { 0 0 0 }
    //B: { 1 } // for local watching over DVB
    //B: { x IP_listen IP_send }
    //x=0 -> disable local UDP ports 8004-80xx ,this ports are used with DVB cards and gbox plugin (Windows and Linux)
    //x=1 -> enable
    //IP_listen -> on what IP to wait for PMT and ECMs
    //IP_send -> on what IP to send DCW
    //default disabled
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    Z: { 11 } { 8080}
    // Z option -> control sending/writing current informations
    // Z: { xy } { IP port }
    // x=0 -> don't print time stamp (in console screen and in debug file)
    // x=1 -> print time stamp ( .... )
    // y=0 -> no writing/sending informations to debug file/destination IP
    // y=1 -> send informations to destination IP but not in debug file
    // y=2 -> write informations to debug file but don't send to destination IP
    // y=3 -> write/send informations to debug file/destination IP
    // IP port -> destination IP and UDP port where to send informations
    // no default
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    #C: { 7999 }
    // C option -> control receiving some command messages localy or from another IP
    // C: { IP port }
    // IP-> your local IP or you DNS
    // port -> on what port you will be waiting command messages
    // no default
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    U: { 1 }
    // U options -> Update peer(s) IP if it changes while peer still resending ecm's/cw etc.. information
    // default only on hello message peer(s) IP are updated !!!
    // U: { x }
    // x=0 -> disabled
    // x=1 -> enabled
    // default disabled
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    L: { 1 }
    // L option -> how mbox to menage virtual card(s) with level 0
    // ( only for peer(s) who have and can reshare virtual cards but don't want to use LEVEL 0 card(s) for them self)
    // L: { x }
    // x=0 -> don't load any virtual cards with LEVEL 0, you can't use them for your self
    // x=1 -> load all virtual cards with LEVEL 0 ,you will be using them for your self
    // default 1
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    #G: { /hdd/ }
    //G option -> redirect writing ONLY debug.txt file to internal or external HDD in receivers or for any other reason.
    //Remove #, ONLY if you want to use this option !!!!!!!
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    T: { /tmp/ }
    // T option -> where to store temp files ... (share.info,debug.txt ,etc.)
    // T: { folder_path_to_files, example: T: { /tmp/ } }
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    K: { /var/keys/ }
    // K option -> where is cwshare.cfg,mbox.prio file
    // K: { folder_path_to_files, example: K: { /var/keys/ } }
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    M: { 1 }
    // M option -> Mode option
    // M: { x }
    // x=0 -> local mode no NET
    // x=1 -> NET mode
    // default 0
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    P: { /tmp/pmt.tmp }
    // P option -> PMT location (Dont used with linux and windows)
    // you must be tuned to channel so image can generate this file
    // { /tmp/pmt.tmp } for receivers and images that create this file <- use this if you can
    // { /tmp/pmtX.tmp } X-> number -> pmt1.tmp ......
    // { 1/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 1
    // { 2/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 2
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    W: { 0 }
    // W option -> write raw ECM to ecm.raw file
    // W: { x }
    // x=0 -> disabled
    // x=1 -> enabled
    // default disabled
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    Q: { 30 }
    //Q option -> newcamd connect retry in sec.
    //Q: { x }
    // default 300 sec.
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    F: { 500 }
    //F option -> reset writing debug.txt from begining if file size is higher then (x)(KB)
    //F { x } -> decimal in KBytes
    //default 500 KB
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    //V: { card_type | device number | clock | inverse_Reset | inverse_CD_Line | detect card over CTS | DM800/8000 | dbox }
    #V: { 3 1 3571200 0 0 0 0 0 } // external reader example -> Seca card, com1 port, clock 3.57 Mhz,
    #V: { 3 2 3571200 1 0 0 0 0 }
    #V: { 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 } // dreambox example -> Seca card,sci0 slot,3.33 Mhz
    // [card_type]:
    // Seca 3
    // Irdeto 4
    // Conax 5
    // Cryptoworks 6
    // Viaccess 7
    // NDS 8
    // Nagravision 9
    // [device number]:
    // COM1/ttyS0 1
    // COM2/ttyS1 2
    // /dev/sci0 3
    // /dev/sci1 4
    // /dev/usb/tts/0 5
    // /dev/usb/tts/1 6
    // /dev/tts/0 7
    // /dev/tts/1 8
    // /dev/ttyUSB0 9
    // /dev/ttyUSB1 10
    // /dev/scard0 11 //azbox
    // /dev/scard1 12 //azbox
    //for COM ports and external card readers in Hz!!!
    //for SCI DreamBox slots use this values
    // 1 - 3.33 Mhz
    // 2 - 3.63 Mhz
    // 3 - 4 Mhz
    // 4 - 4.44 Mhz
    // 5 - 5Mhz
    // 6 - 5.71 Mhz
    // 7 - 6.66 Mhz
    // 8 - 8 Mhz
    //[Inverse Reset]
    // 1 -yes
    // 0 -no
    //for GPIO
    //[Inverse CD Line Detection]
    //1 - yes
    //0 - no
    //[Detect card over CTS signal]
    //1 - yes
    //0 - no
    //[DM800/8000 box]
    //1 - yes
    //0 - no
    //[dbox serial/multicam]
    //1 - yes
    //0 - no
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    #J: { 1 }
    // J option -> enable adding betacrypt header to N3 ECM for Premier
    // J { x }
    // x = 0 -> disabled
    // x = 1 -> enabled
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/
    #S: { COM1 115200 }
    //S option -> enable sssp protocol
    //S: { x baud }
    //x= serial device ...
    //valids baud -> 115200,57600,38400,19200,9600
    /************************************************** ************************************************** ********************/

    R: { 1500 }
    E: { 1742 } // Premiere 1
    E: { 1744 } // Premiere 2
    E: { 1746 } // Premiere 3
    E: { 1748 } // Premiere 4
    E: { 174C } // Premiere Filmclassics
    E: { 174E } // Premiere Filmfest
    E: { 1728 } // Premiere Nostalgie
    E: { 1766 } // 13th Street
    E: { 1772 } // Discovery Channel
    E: { 1774 } // Discovery Geschichte
    E: { 170E } // Animal Planet
    E: { 176A } // MGM
    E: { 1768 } // Sci Fi
    E: { 171C } // Premiere Krimi
    E: { 1718 } // Fox
    E: { 1780 } // Goldstar TV
    E: { 176C } // Disney Channel
    E: { 177E } // Beate-Uhse TV
    E: { 1700 } // Premiere Sport Portal
    E: { 1782 } // Heimatkanal
    E: { 177C } // Focus Gesundheit
    E: { 17A0 } // Hit24
    E: { 179C } // 1-2-3 TV
    E: { 17A6 } // Classica
    E: { 17AA } // Sport
    E: { 170C } // Sport
    E: { 17AC } // Sport
    E: { 176E } // Jetix
    E: { 1770 } // Junior
    E: { 171E } // RTL Crime
    E: { 174A } // Passion
    E: { 17C4 } // Sat.1 Comedy
    E: { 0155 } // Cartoon Network
    E: { 17D8 } // Animax
    E: { 17DE } // E.Clips
    E: { 184F } // Nick Premium
    E: { 184E } // MTV Entertainment
    E: { 184D } // MTV Music
    E: { 17D8 } // Disney Playhouse
    E: { 17DA } // Disney Toon
    E: { 17C6 } // Kabel 1 Classics
    E: { 17D0 } // Kinowelt
    E: { 17D4 } // AXN
    E: { 0154 } // NASN
    E: { 0157 } // RTL Living
    E: { 17DC } // Boomerang
    E: { 17D2 } // TCM
    E: { 0158 } // Eurosport 2
    E: { 17D6 } // Romance TV
    E: { 1758 } // P-80er
    E: { 1754 } // Plove Songs
    E: { 1752 } // P-Rock Hymnen
    E: { 1756 } // P 60 er 70 er
    E: { 1750 } // Dt Charts
    E: { 175C } // P-Country
    G: { 17020001 }
    G: { 17020002 }
    G: { 17020003

    R: { 1500 }
    # Prem Full
    E: { 18BA }
    E: { 18BC }
    Geändert von Hasi0112 (08.09.09 um 01:38 Uhr)

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