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Thema: Umstieg auf Dreambox 800

  1. #16
    Moderator Avatar von Erdwin
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    also unter var/keys muss mindestens die cwshare und die mbox.cfg liegen.

    Die cwshare kannste wie oben schon geschrieben aus gbox Zeiten übernehmen. Würde da erstmal alles außer die M: D: und G: Lines rausnehmen.

    Die mbox.cfg sollte die originale aus dem Paket sein. Da am besten mal die Erklärung zu den einzelnen Lines lesen was was macht. Normalerweise sollte die erstmal laufen ohne das da was geändert wird. Das Feintuning kannst dann später auch noch machen. Guck erstmal ob Verbindung ist usw.

  2. #17

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    Also mit viel Hin und Her und Erdwins Hilfe haben wir nun geschafft das die Boxen miteinander verbunden sind !

    Das Problem nun:

    Nix wird helle bei der Dream...

    Kann mir jemand erklären wie ich die gbox_cfg am Server umschreiben muss das diese einen Log schreibt ? Und wie ich diesen dann auslese um zu sehen ob von der Dream anfragen kommen !??

  3. #18
    Asiafreak Avatar von Musicnapper
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    Stell mal Deine mbox.cfg rein ,evtl muss die angepasst werden

  4. #19

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    vielen dank

    //mbox.cfg EXPLANATION and EXAMPLES

    A: { 0 } // for QBoxHD receivers or for any receivers if needed it
    //A: { x }
    //Choose adapter path
    //x=0 -> /dev/dvb/adapter0/
    //x=1 -> /dev/dvb/adapter1/
    //x=2 -> /dev/dvb/adapter2/
    //x=.. -> .......
    //default x=0

    D: { 0 }

    //D: { x }
    //x=0 -> disable
    //x=1 -> enable dbox2 cw writing
    //x=2 -> enable STAPI for IPBOX
    //x=3 -> enable STAPI for Kathrein
    //x=4 -> enable Linux DVB API for Kathrein
    //x=5 -> enable triple dragon
    //x=6 -> enable Qbox HD
    //default disabled

    B: { 0 }

    //B: { x }
    //x=0 -> disable local UDP ports 8004-80xx ,this ports are used with DVB cards and gbox plugin (Windows and Linux)
    //x=1 -> enable
    //default disabled

    Z: { 12 } { 8000 }

    // Z option -> control sending/writing current informations
    // Z: { xy } { IP port }
    // x=0 -> don't print time stamp (in console screen and in debug file)
    // x=1 -> print time stamp ( .... )
    // y=0 -> no writing/sending informations to debug file/destination IP
    // y=1 -> send informations to destination IP but not in debug file
    // y=2 -> write informations to debug file but don't send to destination IP
    // y=3 -> write/send informations to debug file/destination IP
    // IP port -> destination IP and UDP port where to send informations
    // no default

    #C: { 7999 }

    // C option -> control receiving some command messages localy or from another IP
    // C: { IP port }
    // IP-> your local IP or you DNS
    // port -> on what port you will be waiting command messages
    // no default

    U: { 1 }

    // U options -> Update peer(s) IP if it changes while peer still resending ecm's/cw etc.. information
    // default only on hello message peer(s) IP are updated !!!
    // U: { x }
    // x=0 -> disabled
    // x=1 -> enabled
    // default disabled

    L: { 1 }

    // L option -> how mbox to menage virtual card(s) with level 0
    // ( only for peer(s) who have and can reshare virtual cards but don't want to use LEVEL 0 card(s) for them self)
    // L: { x }
    // x=0 -> don't load any virtual cards with LEVEL 0, you can't use them for your self
    // x=1 -> load all virtual cards with LEVEL 0 ,you will be using them for your self
    // default 1

    #G: { /hdd/ }

    //G option -> redirect writing ONLY debug.txt file to internal or external HDD in receivers or for any other reason.
    //Remove #, ONLY if you want to use this option !!!!!!!

    T: { /tmp/ }

    // T option -> where to store temp files ... (share.info,debug.txt ,etc.)
    // T: { folder_path_to_files, example: T: { /tmp/ } }

    K: { /var/keys/ }

    // K option -> where is cwshare.cfg,mbox.prio file
    // K: { folder_path_to_files, example: K: { /var/keys/ } }

    M: { 1 }

    // M option -> Mode option
    // M: { x }
    // x=0 -> local mode no NET
    // x=1 -> NET mode
    // default 0

    P: { /tmp/pmt.tmp }

    // P option -> PMT location (Dont used with linux and windows)
    // you must be tuned to channel so image can generate this file
    // { /tmp/pmt.tmp } for receivers and images that create this file <- use this if you can
    // { /tmp/pmtX.tmp } X-> number -> pmt1.tmp ......
    // { 1/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 1
    // { 2/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 2

    W: { 0 }

    // W option -> write raw ECM to ecm.raw file
    // W: { x }
    // x=0 -> disabled
    // x=1 -> enabled
    // default disabled

    Q: { 300 }

    //Q option -> newcamd connect retry in sec.
    //Q: { x }
    // default 300 sec.

    F: { 500 }

    //F option -> reset writing debug.txt from begining if file size is higher then (x)(KB)
    //F { x } -> decimal in KBytes
    //default 500 KB

    ///DO NOT USE THIS ,NOT TESTED !!!!!!!!//
    //V: { card_type device clock inverse_Reset}
    #V: { 3 1 3571200 0 }
    #V: { 3 2 3571200 1 }
    // card_type:
    // Seca 3 , Irdeto 4, Conax 5, Cryptoworks 6, Viaccess 7, NDS 8, Nagravision 9

    // device:
    // COM1/ttyS0 1
    // COM2/ttyS1 2
    // /dev/sci0 3
    // /dev/sci1 4
    // /dev/usb/tts/0 5
    // /dev/usb/tts/1 6
    // /dev/tts/0 7
    // /dev/tts/1 8
    // /dev/ttyUSB0 9
    // /dev/ttyUSB1 10

    //clocks for COM ports in Hz
    //for SCI slots use this values
    // 1 - 3.33 Mhz
    // 2 - 3.63 Mhz
    // 3 - 4 Mhz
    // 4 - 4.44 Mhz
    // 5 - 5Mhz
    // 6 - 5.71 Mhz
    // 7 - 6.66 Mhz
    // 8 - 8 Mhz

    //Inverse Reset
    // 1 -yes
    // 0 -no
    ///DO NOT USE THIS ,NOT TESTED !!!!!!!!//

    J: { 1 }
    // J option -> enable adding betacrypt header to N3 ECM for Premier
    // J { x }
    // x = 0 -> disabled
    // x = 1 -> enabled

    R: { 3600 }
    // R option -> resend hello to all peers after X seconds, ony for gboxx peers,not mbox peers
    //default in code 3600 seconds

    H: { 0 0 0 0 0 }
    // H option -> mapping provid (0-disabled, 1-enabled)
    //H: { a b c d e }
    //a-> mapping all 0BXX to 0B00
    //b-> mapping 1810 to 1801
    //c-> mapping 1803 to 1801
    //d-> mapping 1802 to 1801
    //e-> mapping 1815 to 1801

    S: { COM1 }
    //S option -> enable sssp protocol
    //S: { x }

  5. #20
    Asiafreak Avatar von Musicnapper
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    OK ,nix auffälliges ,jetzt die Cwshare.cfg ,aber machen die DYNDNS unkenntlich.

  6. #21

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    M: { xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx { 25021980 }}
    D: { xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx { 2499 2499 { 23101980 { A3 A3 }}}}
    I: {2}
    X: {5}

    ^^ das is die cwshare welche auch in meiner Dbox2 lief. und dort einwandfrei ;)
    Geändert von ThaMurda (02.09.09 um 11:33 Uhr)

  7. #22
    Asiafreak Avatar von Musicnapper
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    Ist auch ok.Welche Mbox 04 beta build 23-X hast Du die -4 gab es in 2 Versionen ,die -3 konnte G und D-Lines.

  8. #23

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    Also meine heisst

    mbox_all_0.4 BETA build 0023 sonst steht nix dahinter

    Frag mal so, welche brauche ich genau? mbox 0.4 BETA build 0023 4-th REUPLOAD habe ich gerade noch gefunden sowie die

    mbox 0.4 BETA build 0023 3 REUPLOAD
    Geändert von ThaMurda (02.09.09 um 13:21 Uhr)

  9. #24
    Asiafreak Avatar von Musicnapper
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    Ich hab Dir mal die richtige angehungen.
    Angehängte Dateien Angehängte Dateien

  10. #25

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    So habe jetzt deine Mbox genommen die Mbox.mips umgeschrieben in mbox_0.6.0006(der name vom onlineupdate) und überschrieben in /usr/bin/ Rechte 755 die mbox.config habe ich auch nochmal ausgetauscht leider ohne erfolg.

    oh man kann doch nur nen kleiner fehler sein oder? hab das gemini 4.10 drauf läuft doch stabil damit eigentlich oder?

  11. #26
    SMember Avatar von B.T.
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    Wo ist die CWshare.cfg drin? nach meiner Meinung in usr/keys oder?

    dann ändere mal den Eintrag K: in der mbox.cfg wie folgt:

    K: { /usr/keys/ }

    dann hab ich bei J und Q folgende einträge bei mir:

    Q: { 20 }

    F: { 50 }

    und bei J: stellst du einfach mal zum testen auf 0

    mit diesen Einstellungen müsste es eingentlich laufen.

  12. #27

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    habe ich gemacht ist immer noch dunkel mbox.cfg sie jetzt so aus

    //mbox.cfg EXPLANATION and EXAMPLES

    A: { 0 } // for QBoxHD receivers or for any receivers if needed it
    //A: { x }
    //Choose adapter path
    //x=0 -> /dev/dvb/adapter0/
    //x=1 -> /dev/dvb/adapter1/
    //x=2 -> /dev/dvb/adapter2/
    //x=.. -> .......
    //default x=0

    D: { 0 }

    //D: { x }
    //x=0 -> disable
    //x=1 -> enable dbox2 cw writing
    //x=2 -> enable STAPI for IPBOX
    //x=3 -> enable STAPI for Kathrein
    //x=4 -> enable Linux DVB API for Kathrein
    //x=5 -> enable triple dragon
    //x=6 -> enable Qbox HD
    //default disabled

    B: { 0 }

    //B: { x }
    //x=0 -> disable local UDP ports 8004-80xx ,this ports are used with DVB cards and gbox plugin (Windows and Linux)
    //x=1 -> enable
    //default disabled

    Z: { 12 } { 8000 }

    // Z option -> control sending/writing current informations
    // Z: { xy } { IP port }
    // x=0 -> don't print time stamp (in console screen and in debug file)
    // x=1 -> print time stamp ( .... )
    // y=0 -> no writing/sending informations to debug file/destination IP
    // y=1 -> send informations to destination IP but not in debug file
    // y=2 -> write informations to debug file but don't send to destination IP
    // y=3 -> write/send informations to debug file/destination IP
    // IP port -> destination IP and UDP port where to send informations
    // no default

    #C: { 7999 }

    // C option -> control receiving some command messages localy or from another IP
    // C: { IP port }
    // IP-> your local IP or you DNS
    // port -> on what port you will be waiting command messages
    // no default

    U: { 1 }

    // U options -> Update peer(s) IP if it changes while peer still resending ecm's/cw etc.. information
    // default only on hello message peer(s) IP are updated !!!
    // U: { x }
    // x=0 -> disabled
    // x=1 -> enabled
    // default disabled

    L: { 1 }

    // L option -> how mbox to menage virtual card(s) with level 0
    // ( only for peer(s) who have and can reshare virtual cards but don't want to use LEVEL 0 card(s) for them self)
    // L: { x }
    // x=0 -> don't load any virtual cards with LEVEL 0, you can't use them for your self
    // x=1 -> load all virtual cards with LEVEL 0 ,you will be using them for your self
    // default 1

    #G: { /hdd/ }

    //G option -> redirect writing ONLY debug.txt file to internal or external HDD in receivers or for any other reason.
    //Remove #, ONLY if you want to use this option !!!!!!!

    T: { /tmp/ }

    // T option -> where to store temp files ... (share.info,debug.txt ,etc.)
    // T: { folder_path_to_files, example: T: { /tmp/ } }

    K: { /usr/keys/ }

    // K option -> where is cwshare.cfg,mbox.prio file
    // K: { folder_path_to_files, example: K: { /var/keys/ } }

    M: { 1 }

    // M option -> Mode option
    // M: { x }
    // x=0 -> local mode no NET
    // x=1 -> NET mode
    // default 0

    P: { /tmp/pmt.tmp }

    // P option -> PMT location (Dont used with linux and windows)
    // you must be tuned to channel so image can generate this file
    // { /tmp/pmt.tmp } for receivers and images that create this file <- use this if you can
    // { /tmp/pmtX.tmp } X-> number -> pmt1.tmp ......
    // { 1/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 1
    // { 2/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 2

    W: { 0 }

    // W option -> write raw ECM to ecm.raw file
    // W: { x }
    // x=0 -> disabled
    // x=1 -> enabled
    // default disabled

    Q: { 20 }

    //Q option -> newcamd connect retry in sec.
    //Q: { x }
    // default 300 sec.

    F: { 50 }

    //F option -> reset writing debug.txt from begining if file size is higher then (x)(KB)
    //F { x } -> decimal in KBytes
    //default 500 KB

    ///DO NOT USE THIS ,NOT TESTED !!!!!!!!//
    //V: { card_type device clock inverse_Reset}
    #V: { 3 1 3571200 0 }
    #V: { 3 2 3571200 1 }
    // card_type:
    // Seca 3 , Irdeto 4, Conax 5, Cryptoworks 6, Viaccess 7, NDS 8, Nagravision 9

    // device:
    // COM1/ttyS0 1
    // COM2/ttyS1 2
    // /dev/sci0 3
    // /dev/sci1 4
    // /dev/usb/tts/0 5
    // /dev/usb/tts/1 6
    // /dev/tts/0 7
    // /dev/tts/1 8
    // /dev/ttyUSB0 9
    // /dev/ttyUSB1 10

    //clocks for COM ports in Hz
    //for SCI slots use this values
    // 1 - 3.33 Mhz
    // 2 - 3.63 Mhz
    // 3 - 4 Mhz
    // 4 - 4.44 Mhz
    // 5 - 5Mhz
    // 6 - 5.71 Mhz
    // 7 - 6.66 Mhz
    // 8 - 8 Mhz

    //Inverse Reset
    // 1 -yes
    // 0 -no
    ///DO NOT USE THIS ,NOT TESTED !!!!!!!!//

    J: { 0 }
    // J option -> enable adding betacrypt header to N3 ECM for Premier
    // J { x }
    // x = 0 -> disabled
    // x = 1 -> enabled

    R: { 3600 }
    // R option -> resend hello to all peers after X seconds, ony for gboxx peers,not mbox peers
    //default in code 3600 seconds

    H: { 0 0 0 0 0 }
    // H option -> mapping provid (0-disabled, 1-enabled)
    //H: { a b c d e }
    //a-> mapping all 0BXX to 0B00
    //b-> mapping 1810 to 1801
    //c-> mapping 1803 to 1801
    //d-> mapping 1802 to 1801
    //e-> mapping 1815 to 1801

    S: { COM1 }
    //S option -> enable sssp protocol
    //S: { x }

  13. #28
    Asiafreak Avatar von Musicnapper
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    Wo liegen bei Dir die keys ,cwshare.cfg und die mbox.cfg ?Leider hab ich keine Dream um es selbst nach zu sehen.

  14. #29
    SMember Avatar von B.T.
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    so er hat jetzt folgende mbox.cfg drin und damit funzt es:

    //mbox.cfg EXPLANATION and EXAMPLES

    D: { 0 }

    //D: { x }
    //x=0 -> disable
    //x=1 -> enable dbox2 cw writing
    //x=2 -> enable STAPI for IPBOX
    //x=3 -> enable STAPI for Kathrein
    //x=4 -> enable Linux DVB API for Kathrein
    //default disabled

    B: { 0 }

    //B: { x }
    //x=0 -> disable local UDP ports 8004-80xx ,this ports are used with DVB cards and gbox plugin (Windows and Linux)
    //x=1 -> enable
    //default disabled

    Z: { 11 } { 7025 }

    // Z option -> control sending/writing current informations
    // Z: { xy } { IP port }
    // x=0 -> don't print time stamp (in console screen and in debug file)
    // x=1 -> print time stamp ( .... )
    // y=0 -> no writing/sending informations to debug file/destination IP
    // y=1 -> send informations to destination IP but not in debug file
    // y=2 -> write informations to debug file but don't send to destination IP
    // y=3 -> write/send informations to debug file/destination IP
    // IP port -> destination IP and UDP port where to send informations
    // no default

    #C: { 7999 }

    // C option -> control receiving some command messages localy or from another IP
    // C: { IP port }
    // IP-> your local IP or you DNS
    // port -> on what port you will be waiting command messages
    // no default

    U: { 1 }

    // U options -> Update peer(s) IP if it changes while peer still resending ecm's/cw etc.. information
    // default only on hello message peer(s) IP are updated !!!
    // U: { x }
    // x=0 -> disabled
    // x=1 -> enabled
    // default disabled

    L: { 1 }

    // L option -> how mbox to menage virtual card(s) with level 0
    // ( only for peer(s) who have and can reshare virtual cards but don't want to use LEVEL 0 card(s) for them self)
    // L: { x }
    // x=0 -> don't load any virtual cards with LEVEL 0, you can't use them for your self
    // x=1 -> load all virtual cards with LEVEL 0 ,you will be using them for your self
    // default 1

    #G: { /hdd/ }

    //G option -> redirect writing ONLY debug.txt file to internal or external HDD in receivers or for any other reason.
    //Remove #, ONLY if you want to use this option !!!!!!!

    T: { /tmp/ }

    // T option -> where to store temp files ... (share.info,debug.txt ,etc.)
    // T: { folder_path_to_files, example: T: { /tmp/ } }

    K: { /usr/keys/ }

    // K option -> where is cwshare.cfg file
    // K: { folder_path_to_files, example: K: { /var/keys/ } }

    E: { 1 }

    // E option -> disable same cards from peers
    // E: { x }
    // x=0 -> use same cards(boxids) from peers
    // x=1 -> don't use same cards(boxids) from peers
    // default 1

    M: { 1 }

    // M option -> Mode option
    // M: { x }
    // x=0 -> local mode no NET
    // x=1 -> NET mode
    // default 0

    P: { 2/tmp/camd.socket }

    // P option -> PMT location (Dont used with linux and windows)
    // you must be tuned to channel so image can generate this file
    // { /tmp/pmt.tmp } for receivers and images that create this file <- use this if you can
    // { 1/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 1
    // { 2/tmp/camd.socket } for enigma 2

    W: { 0 }

    // W option -> write raw ECM to ecm.raw file
    // W: { x }
    // x=0 -> disabled
    // x=1 -> enabled
    // default disabled

    Q: { 20 }

    //Q option -> newcamd connect retry in sec.
    //Q: { x }
    // default 300 sec.

    F: { 50 }

    //F option -> reset writing debug.txt from begining if file size is higher then (x)(KB)
    //F { x } -> decimal in KBytes
    //default 500 KB

    J: { 0 }
    // J option -> enable adding betacrypt header to N3 ECM for Premier
    // J { x }
    // x = 0 -> disabled
    // x = 1 -> enabled

    R: { 3600 }
    // R option -> resend hello to all peers after X seconds, ony for gboxx peers,not mbox peers
    //default in code 3600 seconds

    H: { 0 0 0 0 }
    // H option -> mapping provid (0-disabled, 1-enabled)
    //H: { a b c d }
    //a-> mapping all 0BXX to 0B00
    //b-> mapping 1810 to 1801
    //c-> mapping 1803 to 1801
    //d-> mapping 1802 to 1801

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