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Thema: Enigma2 image for the TF7700HDPVR


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  1. #1
    Was ist Spam ?

    Registriert seit
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    Big City
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    Zitat Zitat von PeterPan4711 Beitrag anzeigen
    Warum ?

    als ich fragte, hatte ich es noch nicht drauf !
    Jetzt schon......021er Version
    Bin für eine alpha Version ziemlich zufrieden.....
    CAM geht ja jetzt auch....
    2 Aufnahmen gleichzeitig gehen bei mir auch ....
    Wenn man viel rumschaltet, hängt er sich manchmal auf...
    Emu noch nicht installiert....
    Wenn CI Modul aktiv ist, ist die Belastung der CPU sehr hoch, war bei der 02er besser....
    Das sehr gute ist, dass fast alle Video Formate abgespielt werden.....
    Das habe ich in der original FW mehr als vermisst....
    Noch ein paar Sachen gefixt.... dann ist es super...
    Wird schon.....
    Gruß NOLLE
    . .
    objektiv betrachtet, ist alles subjektiv

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Sep 2006
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    Es gibt jetzt das TDT 0.3 E² Version für den Topfield 7700 HDPVR
    Ich habe es drauf gemacht und läuft recht flüssig auch Timeshift soll gehen hat aber noch paar Probleme.
    Das Bild ruckeln wärend einer aufnahme ist bei mir weg.

    THX TeamDuktales

    ################################################## #######
    # #
    # Team Ducktales' Enigma2 image for the TF7700HDPVR #
    # #
    # Release 0.3.0 #
    # #
    ################################################## #######
    The provided image is based on the Linux operating system and includes
    the Enigma2 PVR application. Please read this document carefully before
    installing the image.

    New features and bugfixes (since 0.2.1)
    + Feature: introduced MediaPlayerExtended
    + Feature: timeshift is now working (still unstable). Press pause key
    to start timeshift and the stop key to stop it. Alternatively
    the timeshift may be stopped by switching to another channel.
    + Feature: added DHCP support
    + Change: mountpoint for sda3 is now set to /hdd (all programs recorded
    before updating will appear after installation in /hdd instead of
    /hdd/movies). The change was required to host timeshift files
    on the sda3 (because they are created in /media/hdd).
    + Update: incorporated the new version of stmfb v22(37)[3.1]
    + Update: added new timezones
    + Fix: fixed displaying the Dolby icon on VFD
    + Fix: fixed the link status in the network menu
    + Fix: switched subtitle color to white
    + Fix: fixed the issue with stopping playback while it is paused
    + Fix: improved audio/video resynchronization after pause
    + Fix: improved CAM handling (especially the performance)

    Unsupported features and known problems
    - The only supported tuner type is DVB-S2 CX24116/CX24118.
    - Volume control keys
    Due to an incompatibility with many menus the keys right/left cannot be used
    for volume control. Therefore, the volume can be controlled via the frame
    control keys |< and >|.
    - Timeshift sometimes does not pause even if it shows pause sign and
    the timeshift recording starts.
    Workaround: switch to another channel.
    - Timeshift ignores the recorded buffer if the time elapsed since
    activation is less than 6-7 seconds.
    Workaround: do not unpause timeshift in the first 8 seconds.
    - "Fast forward" does not work properly at speeds higher than 8x.
    "Jump forward" can be used instead (see playback keys).
    - Rewind does not work properly. Sometimes enigma2 freezes when rewinding.
    "Jump back" can be used instead (see playback keys).
    - Samsung LCD TVs will probably have problems with the default resolution
    - HDD shuts down and spins up very often, workaround - disable HDD standby in
    e2 settings.
    - With "AC3 downmix on" there is no sound on optical when AC3 stream is
    selected. With "AC3 downmix off" the system migt freeze when zapping to
    channels with AC3.

    When reporting problems please provide console logs documenting the system
    Topfield 7700HDPVR mit Enigma2

  3. #3
    Registriert seit
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    25 incubuscamd + TDT 0.3.0

    Ich bekomme mit dem TDT 0.3.0 nur incubuscamd 0.55 zum laufen.
    würde gerne 0.8.3 zum laufen bekomme zb. bekomme das zwar zum "laufen" und bekomme ein connect zu CCcamd Server hin(nach mehrmaligem starten des incubus) aber der zu entschlüsselnde Film stream bleibt dunkel.

    trotz die Tips aus dem UFS910 Forum. von anlegen des "adapter1" und die simu_button.ko ist im 0.3.0 schon die neue.

    für Tipps wäre ich dankbar.

    Topfield 7700HDPVR mit Enigma2

  4. #4
    Registriert seit
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    Es gibt eine Mod version des TDT 0.3.0 mit BluePanel

    Enigma2 CIe2T Topfield 7700/7710 "MOD 2.0"

    Modified E2 by CroTeam CIe2T

    based "Team Ducktales"(Release 0.3.0 )

    The provided image is based on the Linux operating system and includes
    the Enigma2 PVR application. Please read "ReleaseNotesTF7700" document carefully before
    installing the image.

    - added blue panel
    - added Mbox.emu
    - fixed some bugs
    - for HDPVR models (not confirmed for HSCI)
    Topfield 7700HDPVR mit Enigma2

  5. #5
    Registriert seit
    Dec 2008
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    Wenn du Incubus ans laufen bekommst dann kannst du problemlos auf newcs zugreifen inclusive der Hd Kanäle.
    N line eintragen in der incubus cfg
    @ Klick Mgcamd läuft nicht unter Enigma.

  6. #6
    Registriert seit
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    Weisst du zufaellig welche incubus laeuft?

  7. #7
    Registriert seit
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    Das würde mich jetzt auch interessieren. Incubus habe ich am laufen gehabt, nach einer halben Stunde war schluß.
    Aha, unter NewCs läuft es jetzt besser?
    Das Incubus dürfte dann das 0.83 sein, oder?

    MgCamd, leider ja. Ist mir auch erst am Wochenende eingefallen. Schade das die Jungs dafür nichts gemacht haben. Ich wußte nur noch das ich das mal auf ner Kathi am laufen hatte. Dann war es wohl das 2.0E vom AAF-Team.
    Icecrypt S4000
    Octagon 1018
    Astro ASR 1200
    Rebox HD8000
    Rebox HD4000
    SkyStar HDS2
    Dream 7000

    MfG Klick

  8. #8
    Registriert seit
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    TeamDuktales 0.4.0

    TeamDuktales 0.4.0

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    	#                                                       #
    	#   Team Ducktales' Enigma2 image for the TF7700HDPVR   #
    	#                                                       #
    	#                    Release 0.4.0                      #
    	#                                                       #
    The provided image is based on the Linux operating system and includes
    the Enigma2 PVR application. Please read this document carefully before
    installing the image.
    New features and bugfixes (since 0.3.2)
    + Feature: o added an extended version of TopfieldVFD plugin to
                 adjust VFD settings and to control additional icons
               o added displaying clock and Ethernet activity
               o added displaying MP3 tags
    + Feature: added handling for "auto" afterEvent in recording timer
              (deepstandby after recording if woken up by a timer)
    + Feature: recognition and playback of files with the extension .rec
    + Change: reduced the guard time for shutdown prior to timer events from 360
              to 60 seconds (i. e. the box can be shut down up to 60 seconds
              before next recording)
    + Change: reduced the wakeup guard time from 300 to 60 seconds (i.e. the
              box wakes up 60 seconds before next recording)
    + Change: moved mounting /dev/sda3 from rcS to fstab
    + Fix: improved the CAM detection
    + Fix: fixed the U-Boot handling of FAT32, now high-capacity USB sticks
           should be read properly
    + Fix: fixed the issue with the MP3 playlist
    + Fix: re-added the fix to display the Dolby icon on VFD  correctly
    + Fix: changed mount options to allow HDD idle without intermittent wakeups
    + Fix: removed duplicate entries in /etc/fstab
    + Fix: fixed AVI audio track selection
    + Fix: fixed playback of AVI files with 23.976fps/24.976fps/29.976fps
    + Fix: re-added the workaround to fix the issue with stopping playback
           while it is paused 
    Unsupported features and known problems
    - The only supported tuner type is DVB-S2 CX24116/CX24118.
    - Volume control ****
      Due to an incompatibility with many menus the **** right/left cannot be used
      for volume control. Therefore, the volume can be controlled via the frame
      control **** |< and >|.
    - Temporary loss of sync if timeshift is unpaused within 6-7 seconds after
      its activation.
      Workaround: do not unpause timeshift in the first 8 seconds.
    - "Fast forward" does not work properly at speeds higher than 8x.
      "Jump forward" can be used instead (see playback keys).
    - Rewind does not work properly. Sometimes enigma2 freezes when rewinding.
      "Jump back" can be used instead (see playback keys).
    - Some Samsung LCD TVs might have problems with the default resolution
    - With "AC3 downmix on" there is no sound on optical when AC3 stream is
      selected. With "AC3 downmix off" the system migt freeze when zapping to
      channels with AC3.
    - There are problems with switching between different satelleites via Diseqc.
      It takes several seconds to tune to a channel on another satellite.
    - Simultaneous output to HDMI and Scart is not supported.
    - Sporadic hangers when zapping during an active HDTV recording
    - Sporadic problems with old frames in a live stream (flashbacks)
    - Some USB sticks are not recognized so that the Enigma2 installation
      does not work. Reformatting the stick with FAT32 might help.
    When reporting problems please provide console logs documenting the system
    The software is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind.
    Please consider that you may lose manufacturer's warranty when installing
    this image.
    This is an alpha image. That is some functions may not be available or be
    buggy (causing crashes/freezes or loss of data).
    The installation of the Enigma2 image formats (ext2) the internal harddisk
    unless installation on a USB HDD is selected.
    ALL FILES ON THE HARDDRIVE WILL BE LOST. When reverting the installation
    on the internal HDD to the original Topfield firmware all Enigma2 files
    will be lost too.
    Installation instructions
    You will need either a USB stick or a USB harddrive with FAT32 filesystem.
    - Copy the files Enigma_Installer.tfd, uImage, rootfs.tar.gz and
      Engima_Installer.ini to the USB device. Please read the instructions
      in Engima_Installer.ini on how to modify the installation process.
    - Attach the drive to the USB slot.
    - Open the Topfield firmware update menu and select the image file
      Enigma_Installer.tfd on the USB drive.
    - Start the firmware update from USB. This part is very quick.
      Restart the receiver when the display shows the blinking END
    - After about 6-7 minutes the installation should be finished.
    - When installing to a USB HDD (option usbhdd in Enigma_Installer.tfd)
      the installer will ask you to detach the initial USB device and to
      attach a USB HDD to install to.
    During the installation the VFD shows the current installation step and
    error messages (if any):
    "9 USB STCK"	mounting USB stick
    "STCK DETACH"	waiting for USB device to be detached (USB HDD installation)
    "HDD ATTACH"	waiting for USB HDD to be attached (USB HDD installation)
    "8 HDD PART"	partitioning HDD
    "7 HDD FMT"	formatting HDD (root fs)
    "6 HDD FMT"	formatting HDD (data fs)
    "5 HDD SWAP"	creating swap
    "4 ROOT FS"	installing root file system
    "3 LOADER"	flashing U-Boot settings
    "2 KERNEL"	flashing kernel
    "1 FSCK"	checking file system
    "0 REBOOT"	rebooting within 2 seconds
    When installing to a USB HDD the contents of the internal HDD remain unchanged.
    IMPORTANT: When using the option "keepsettings" in Engima_Installer.ini the
    newer settings (incl. keymap.xml updates) will not be installed.
    It is recommended to attach a cable to the serial port and log the output in a
    terminal program (e.g. TeraTerm, Putty) during the installation and the first
    start. Serial port settings: 115200, 8, N, 1.
    The USB filesystem should be writable to prevent infinite installation loop.
    (The file uImage is renamed to avoid the infinite loop.)
    The first start usually takes approximately 3 minutes due to creation of
    device nodes.
    To uninstall Enigma2, copy your favorite Topfield firmware on your stick and
    rename it to "topfield.tfd" (don't forget to rename uImage_ if necessary). The
    installer will flash the firmware and reboot the Toppy. There have been reports
    that the PVR appears to be dead for about 5 minutes until the picture comes on
    the TV screen. So please be patient. Enigma2 can also be removed by flashing a
    regular Topfield firmware image using standard tools like TFD-Down or VegaPack
    via the serial interface.
    First start
    On the first start the Enigma2 interactively configures the video output to be
    used. The following options are available:
    - Component
    - HDMI
    - Scart
    - HDMI-PC
    Each connection type is switched on for 30 seconds. The VFD displays the
    connection type which is currently active. You can either wait until the
    connection type you want is displayed and your TV shows a picture or you
    can select the connection type with Up and Down buttons on the remote control.
    Confirm the desired connection type with the Ok button. After that you can
    proceed with the configuration supported by the configuration wizard.
    The image contains a default channel table. If you want to replace it you can
    perform a channel scan later.
    Network configuration
    The U-Boot settings contain the following configuration by default:
    MAC address 00:3e:9e:11:22:33
    IP address
    That is after booting the image you can login via telnet if your computer is in
    the same subnet.
    These values are set up by the U-Boot. You can change the values
    in Enigma2 menu "Settings/System/Network.../Adapter settings".
    Playback ****
    Play - shows the file list
    Pause - pauses playback or activates timeshift
    Stop - stops playback or timeshift
    Record - opens the record dialog for starting stopping recording
    Yellow - pause/unpause playback
    Green - continue playback
    Red - jump to the beginning
    Blue - jump to the next bookmark
    1/3 jump 15 seconds backwards/forwards (configurable in the settings menu)
    4/6 jump 60 seconds backwards/forwards (configurable in the settings menu)
    7/9 jump 5 minutes backwards/forwards (configurable in the settings menu)
    Full *** map can be found in the file /usr/local/share/enigma2/keymap.xml.
    Team Ducktales
    Version 0.3.2
    + Feature: added support for scrolling VDF strings
               (settable with the command-line tool tffpctl)
    + Fix: fixed the issue with transponder blocked by a recording
    Version 0.3.1
    + Feature: added support for the lower CI slot
    + Feature: more than 2 simultaneous recordings are possible
    + Feature: added VFD support for displaying some UTF-8 characters (ä, ö, ü)
    + Feature: added VFD support for displaying strings in upper case
               (to display strings in lower and upper case comment out the line
                "/bin/tffpctl --allcaps 1" in /etc/init.d/rcS)
    + Update: incorporated the new enigma2 version (05/30/2009)
    + Update: incorporated the new web interface version (06/04/2009)
    + Fix: disabled the HDD standby by default to avoid annoying spindowns/spinups
    + Fix: fixed the issue with multiple recordings on the same transponder
           (timeshift also works while recording on the same transponder)
    + Fix: fixed fast forward for MP3 in MediaPlayer
    + Fix: increased the framebuffer memory to 12MB to allow HD skins
    + Fix: added missing file in Tuxtxt plugin
    + Fix: made timeshift start more stable
    + Fix: fixed mkv video with h264 or divx/xvid
    + Fix: reduced picture artifacts when browsing through e2 menus
    Version 0.3.0
    + Feature: introduced MediaPlayerExtended 
    + Feature: timeshift is now working (still unstable). Press pause *** 
               to start timeshift and the stop *** to stop it. Alternatively 
               the timeshift may be stopped by switching to another channel. 
    + Feature: added DHCP support 
    + Change: mountpoint for sda3 is now set to /hdd (all programs recorded 
              before updating will appear after installation in /hdd instead of 
              /hdd/movies). The change was required to host timeshift files 
              on the sda3 (because they are created in /media/hdd). 
    + Update: incorporated the new version of stmfb v22(37)[3.1] 
    + Update: added new timezones 
    + Fix: fixed displaying the Dolby icon on VFD 
    + Fix: fixed the link status in the network menu 
    + Fix: switched subtitle color to white 
    + Fix: fixed the issue with stopping playback while it is paused 
    + Fix: improved audio/video resynchronization after pause 
    + Fix: improved CAM handling (especially the performance) 
    Version 0.2.1
    + Fix: updated satellites.xml in /etc/tuxbox
    + Fix: changed the shutdown procedure to prevent corrupting the filesystem
    + Fix: fixed minor issues with tuxtxt
    + Fix: fixed minor issues in CAM handling
    + Fix: fixed the issue with e2 settings not saved during an update or
    Version 0.2
    + Feature: first beta support for CAMs (upper slot only)
    + Feature: added flashing topfield.tfd (if present on the USB stick) to
      make going back to Topfield firmware easier
    + Feature: freed 16 MB of unused RAM
    + Feature: migrated system partition to ext3 filesystem
    + Feature: migrated to stlinux-
    + Feature: installation control file (noformat, noupdate, nopartition,
      keepsettings, usbhdd)
    + Feature: enabled installation to a USB HDD (option usbhdd)
    + Feature: improved emergency shutdown policy
    + Change: removed mapping of the **** V- (left) and V+ (right) to volume control
      to avoid problems in various menus. The volume can now be adjusted with
      the **** |< and >|.
    + Fix: the **** V-/V+ can now be used to change entries in the timer menu and
      to scroll page up/page down.
    + Fix: updated the settings for Astra 19°° and added new satellites.xml for
      orbital position 13.0, 19.2 and 23.5 east
    + Fix: applied the SATA patch to fix interactions with HDDs
    + Fix: fixed repeating Diseq commands delaying tuning up to 20 seconds
    + Fix: added swap to /etc/fstab
    + Fix: added the dvr1 device for recording
    + Fix: added updating the network settings to the rcS (activates the user
      settings made in e2)
    + Fix: fixed the issue with "SID not found in PAT" and some scan problems
    + Fix: fixed the issue with low volume
    + Fix: improved shutdown behavior so that the PVR is not turned off before
      the kernel finished unmounting file systems
    + Fix: updated Vader skin (DNS settings, timer)
    + Fix: swapped **** zapUp and zapDown
    + Fix: Daylight Saving Time
    - Fix: no video on the FIRST start after installation
    Version 0.1
    * initial release
    Topfield 7700HDPVR mit Enigma2

  9. #9
    Mitglied Avatar von haiput
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    Hallo Leute..
    Habe einpaar Fragen zu dem Topfield 7700HDPVR ohne Festplatte.
    was für eine Festplatte wäre geeignet , Größe 500gb???
    Lohnt es sich überhaupt enigma2 zu installieren???
    kann man enigma2 ohne große Kenntnisse installieren ???

    The only supported tuner type is DVB-S2 CX24116/CX24118

    haben die Topfield 7700HDPVR verschiedene Tuner drin?

    Danke im vorraus.

  10. #10
    Registriert seit
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    Topfield empfiehlt extra Platten was für TV Aufnahmen geeignet sind.
    500GB ist ganz OK.
    Das enigma2 kommt auf Festplatte da der flash zu klein ist.

    ansonsten die enigm2 readme lesen. ja es gibt eigentlich nur die tuner typen .

    ansonsten ist die Bedienung eben enigma2 ähnlich wie unter den dreamboxen.

    Topfield 7700HDPVR mit Enigma2

  11. #11
    Mitglied Avatar von haiput
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    würde so eine festplatte passen?
    500GB Western Digital Caviar GP WD5000AACS

  12. #12
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    Zitat Zitat von haiput Beitrag anzeigen
    würde so eine festplatte passen?
    500GB Western Digital Caviar GP WD5000AACS

    Ne das ist keine CE/AV Festplatte. Sondern eine normale PC Festplatte.

    Nimm die WD5000AVVS

    Informationen zu eingefügten Links Informationen zu eingefügten Links

    Topfield 7700HDPVR mit Enigma2

  13. #13
    Mitglied Avatar von haiput
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    wie sieht es aus mit Enigma2 und Usals ???????

  14. #14
    Registriert seit
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    USALS ist mit E2 ganz ok. den Topfielfd kannst du ohne E2 komplett vergessen.
    Wenn du richtige Platten für den Topfield suchst, gehe zu einem Händler der die dafür auch verkauft. ZB: Sattom!
    Icecrypt S4000
    Octagon 1018
    Astro ASR 1200
    Rebox HD8000
    Rebox HD4000
    SkyStar HDS2
    Dream 7000

    MfG Klick

  15. #15
    Mitglied Avatar von haiput
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    gibt es mit enigma auch die Möglichkeit wie bei den dreamboxen, einen usb wlan Stick zu betreiben?

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    Letzter Beitrag: 22.01.10, 20:24


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