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Thema: ORF update mit mpcs ?!

  1. #1
    Seniormitglied Avatar von Stummi08/15
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    Hi, hab auf meiner Box den mpcs am laufen.
    Nun die Frage, gibt es ein cam welches mir die updates fürs ORF macht?
    Da ich alles mit camd3 am laufen habe, ist dies ja nicht möglich.
    Hab auch schon mit newcamd probiert, aber da wird nicht mal mein Cardreader (MasterCRD) angesprochen worden.....
    Vielen Dank schon mal für hilfreiche Infos!
    Kann mir mal bitte wer eine newcamd.config hier posten, oder per pn zukommen lassen, welche mit dem mpcs läuft?
    Probier nun scho den ganzen Tag, aber krieg einfach keine connection zustande....
    Danke schonmal!
    so sieht momentan meine mpcs.config aus:
    Nice = -15
    ClientTimeout = 4
    ClientMaxIdle = 60
    CacheDelay = 0
    FallbackTimeout = 1
    BindWait = 10
    ResolveDelay = 10
    DyndnsInterval = 120
    LogFile = /dev/null
    #LogFile = /ramdsk/kpcs.log
    #PidFile = /ramdsk/kpcs.pid
    #MaxLogSize = 102400
    showecmdw = 0
    showemmdw = 0
    disablecache1 = 0
    disablecache2 = 0
    disablecache = 0
    Filter = 0
    #Filter = 500
    Port = 988
    NoCrypt =
    NoCrypt =
    NoCrypt =
    NoCrypt =
    AULow = 120
    MonLevel = 4
    Key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    Port = 23423@0D05:FFFFFF; 23424@1702:FFFFFF; 23425@0500:FFFFFF
    # -- camd 3.5x ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Port : Port-Number (0 disables this protocol)
    # ServerIP : bind service to ONE dedicated ip-address
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Port = 54343
    Port = 20197
    Sorry dass ich meinen doch schon älteren Thread noch mal hernehm...
    aber leider bin ich mit meinen Problem immer noch nicht weitergekommen.
    Nun meine Frage,
    hat hier irgendwer seine ORF Karte mit mpcs am laufen?
    Wenn ja, wie schafft Ihr es, dass die updates geschrieben werden?
    Bitte helft mir mal, ich bin echt am verzweifeln.....
    Geändert von hansie45 (05.03.09 um 14:18 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Moderator Avatar von Tomyslav
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    Nimm mal CCCam und gehe auf ORF1 dann sollten die Updates gehen.
    MfG Tomyslav

    DBox 1 DVB 2000
    DBox 2 KW Image
    Dreambox 800 NN²
    Humax 5400Z TOH 11.3
    Kathrein UFS 910 E²

    Kein Support über PN!

  3. #3
    Avatar von Stummi08/15
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    So hab´s endlich geschafft den mgcamd mit mpcs zu verbinden!
    Leider wird meine ORF Karte trotz mpcs 1.0 und neuestem mgcamd nicht mit updates versorgt!
    Die Serverbox ist auch gleichzeitig der Client, hier meine Einstellungen,
    vielleicht kann mir hier jemand sagen warum die updates nicht geschrieben werden...
    Sollte ja eigentlich funktionieren oder?
    Nice = -15
    ClientTimeout = 4
    ClientMaxIdle = 60
    CacheDelay = 0
    FallbackTimeout = 1
    BindWait = 10
    ResolveDelay = 10
    DyndnsInterval = 120
    LogFile = /dev/null
    #LogFile = /ramdsk/kpcs.log
    #PidFile = /ramdsk/kpcs.pid
    #MaxLogSize = 102400
    showecmdw = 0
    showemmdw = 0
    disablecache1 = 0
    disablecache2 = 0
    disablecache = 0
    Filter = 0
    #Filter = 500
    Port = 988
    NoCrypt =
    NoCrypt =
    NoCrypt =
    NoCrypt =
    AULow = 120
    MonLevel = 4
    Key = 0102030405060708091011121314
    Port = 15000@0D05:000000
    # -- camd 3.5x ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Port : Port-Number (0 disables this protocol)
    # ServerIP : bind service to ONE dedicated ip-address
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Port = 54343
    Port = 20197
    blockua = 1
    blockga = 1
    blocksa = 1
    AU = 1
    Enable = 1
    Label = Multicam
    Protocol = mouse
    Device = /dev/tts/1
    #pincode = 7291
    #BaudRate = 16000
    EMMCache = 1,1,10
    Detect = CD
    Group = 1
    Fallback = 0
    CAID = 0D05
    #ChID = 0666:02,03,04,05,06,07,0E
    User = user1
    Pwd = internal
    CAID = 0D05
    Group = 1
    MonLevel = 4
    AU = Multicam
    CWS = 15000 user1 internal 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan mpcs
    # if both control word server and emulator keys are available for the
    # channel, which method should be tried first?
    PREFER_EMU = no
    # Autoupdate for Emu and Control Word Servers
    # AU is always yes if there are betad UDS control word server
    # connected to newcamd
    AU = yes
    # OSD
    # number of seconds to show the newcamd OSD, works on enigma only
    # 0 seconds -> OSD off
    # 1 second -> show "Can't decode" messages only
    # Recent Enigma versions come with a new option "Use http authentication"
    # in the Expert Setup menu. If this option is enabled, the Enigma web server
    # requires all clients to authorize themselves with username (root) and
    # password (usually dbox2 or dreambox). The following option tells newcamd
    # about the authentication username and password to use for the web server
    # in order to be able to display its on screen information.
    OSD_WEB_LOGIN = root:dbox
    # newcamd debug options
    # dumps all ca systems used by a channel on the console
    # print debug messages about ECM handling
    DEBUG_ECM = yes
    # print debug messages about EMM handling
    DEBUG_EMM = yes
    # print debug messages about Control Word Server (CWS)
    DEBUG_CWS = yes
    # print debug messages about dbox2 CAM (cam-alpha.bin)
    DEBUG_CAM = yes
    # hex dump of entire PAT
    SHOW_PAT = no
    # hex dump of entire PMT
    SHOW_PMT = no
    # hex dump of entire ECM
    SHOW_ECM = no
    # hex dump of entire CAT
    SHOW_CAT = no
    # hex dump of entire EMM (AU)
    SHOW_EMM = no
    # show network ECM messages being sent and received from/to the cardservers
    SHOW_CWS_ECM = no
    # show network EMM messages being sent and received from/to the cardservers
    SHOW_CWS_EMM = no
    # hex dump of EMMs with wrong signature
    # newcamd optional settings
    # Delay between reception of new control word and writing them into
    # the CSA registers
    # this is a default, can be changed for each individual key in keylist
    # reload config on every channel zap
    # reload keylist on every channel zap
    # write osd ca info to file
    CA_INFO_FILE = /tmp/cainfo.txt
    # newcamd mandatory settings for control word servers (cws)
    # Cardserver list
    # <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <14 byte triple-des key in hex> <lan/wan> <cardserver name> [noecm]
    # wan connections will be dropped and rebuild if newcamd is told so by camdcmd
    # (see admin options)
    # If the last word in the CWS line is noecm, newcamd will not attempt to send
    # any ecms to that card, it will only send EMMs (AU) if userid is 1. Useful if
    # you want to merge several cards of one provider into one port using
    # cardspider.
    # hostname = uds to use betad, port is the serial port in that case
    # CWS = uds 1 dummy dummy
    # CWS = linux.domain.com 10000 dummy2 dummy2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan cardserv
    # CWS = 10000 dummy3 dummy3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan cardserv
    #CWS = uds 0 local local
    CWS = 15000 user1 internal 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan mpcs
    # newcamd optional settings for using control word servers (cws)
    # Timeout for cardserver login in 100ms
    # Port to listen for incoming cardserver connections (reverse login)
    # and/or admin connections
    # Port to get a list of all connected cardservers, just telnet to it
    CWS_DEBUG_PORT = 12001
    # send keep alive messages to servers to keep connections from dying by
    # unreasonable router NAT timeouts, make sure all cardservers/spiders you
    # conntect to are v5.25 or newer, otherwise you'll loose connection to them,
    # if set to yes
    # seems this feature is commonly misunderstood, it only keeps connections
    # open even if no data packets are using it for while (NAT routers tend to
    # forget about established tcp connections when they are inactive), it is
    # NOT to automatically reconnect to servers, see also Q&A in readme.txt
    # newcamd admin control options
    # (incoming port is the same as CWS_INCOMING_PORT)
    # <password> <14 byte des key>
    ADMIN_PASSWORD = 0102030405060708091011121314
    Hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen.....
    Problem gelöst, in der mg_cfg datei war der AU Parameter falsch gesetzt!
    Geändert von hansie45 (05.03.09 um 14:18 Uhr)

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