
so habe das alles mal wie beschrieben versucht einzuspielen.
Resultat ist.

D-Box2 (Server) IP.

PW Karte im Originalslot -> geht
PW Karte im Multicam -> dunkel

Multicam im Menü auf "aus"

Kathi (client) IP. -> dunkel

Um alle fehler auszuschließen führe ich mal das eingespielte auf.


camd3.868 -> Emu -> Rechte755

mpcs -> Emu -> Rechte755 - zuerst über Online Update. Danach überschrieben mit "mpcs-0.9dSP1-powerpc-tuxbox-dbox2" (Streamboard)

mpcs.conf nach /tuxbox/config

# ****server config
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Nice : Priority (20=low - (-20)=highest) (default=system given)
# Values less than zero requires root privileges
# Use a 99 to disable this feature (on embedded systems)
# ClientTimeout : Value in seconds for client process to wait for key (5)
# FallbackTimeout : Value in seconds for reader process to switch to fallback
# ClientMaxIdle : Value in seconds for client process
# being idle before disconnect (120)
# CacheDelay : Value in msec to delay cached requests (0)
# BindWait : Value in seconds to wait for bind request to complete (120)
# ResolveDelay : Value in seconds for resolver-process (default=30)
# LogFile : Logfile :-) (/var/log/****server)
# : special: if "LogFile=syslog" syslogd will be used
# PidFile : Pidfile for scripts (default: no pidfile)
# UsrFile : Logfile for user/session logging (default: no logfile)
# Sleep : set default value for user account (default=0)
# ServerIP : bind services to ONE dedicated ip-address
# this sets the default, may be overwritten in client sections
# if not set, every interface will be used (INADDR_ANY)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nice = -1
ClientTimeout = 5
ClientMaxIdle = 120
CacheDelay = 0
BindWait = 60
ResolveDelay = 15
LogFile = /var/log/****server
PidFile = /var/run/****server.pid
#UsrFile = /var/log/****user.log
Sleep = 0
#ServerIP =
# -- monitor ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Port : Port-Number (0 disables this protocol)
# ServerIP : bind service to ONE dedicated ip-address
# NoCrypt : IP's or IP-ranges where unencrypted connects are permitted
# AULow : Value in minutes to signal low emm-support (default=30)
# MonLevel : Default user-level for monitor-access (default=2)
# 0 = no access to monitor
# 1 = only server-process and own clients will be shown
# 2 = all processes will be shown, no action permitted
# 3 = all processes will be shown, reload permitted
# 4 = all is permitted.
# this value may be overwritten in mpcs.user
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Port = 988
NoCrypt =
NoCrypt =
NoCrypt =
NoCrypt =
AULow = 120
MonLevel = 4
# -- camd 3.3x ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Port : Port-Number (0 disables this protocol)
# ServerIP : bind service to ONE dedicated ip-address
# Key : Encryption key (disabled if no key set)
# Passive : Disables permament EMM-requests (if AU) and heartbeat
# (in case of problems with ProgDVB, VDR-sc ...)
# NoCrypt : IP's or IP-ranges without encryption
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Port = 0
#Key = 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF
Passive = 0
NoCrypt =
NoCrypt =
NoCrypt =
NoCrypt =
# -- camd 3.5x ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Port : Port-Number (0 disables this protocol)
# ServerIP : bind service to ONE dedicated ip-address
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Port = 10000
# -- radegast -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Port : Port-Number (0 disables this protocol)
# ServerIP : bind service to ONE dedicated ip-address
# Allowed : IP's or IP-ranges allowed to connect
# User : Account to use, must be set to enable permission rules
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Port = 0
Allowed =
Allowed =
Allowed =
Allowed =
User = hero
Port = 10002@1702:000000
Key = 0102030405060708091011121314
# -- serial client ------------------------------------------------------------
# mpcs supports serial connects with one of the following protocols:
# - hsic (humax5400 sharing interface client - ToH3.x HoT2.x)
# - sssp (simple serial sharing protocol)
# - bomba (Arion, Ferguson, OpenBox 6**, PowerSky etc. with firmware BOMBA)
# - dsr9500 sharing protocol
# Device : user@device[:baud][?delay=x&timeout=x]
# This line may be given multiple for multiple serial clients
# User and device must be given, baud, delay an timeout are optional
# user = Account to use in mpcs.user
# device = your serial device, of course
# baud = baudrate to use, valid are:
# 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 (default=115200)
# delay = additional delay in ms while sending (default=0)
# timeout= max. time in ms to get a complete request (default=50)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this sample will use user hero on device /dev/ttyS0
# with 115200 baud, no delay and the default of 50ms timeout
#Device = hero@/dev/ttyS0
# this sample will use user hero on device /dev/tts/1
# with 38400 baud, 1 ms delay and the default of 50ms timeout
#Device = hero@/dev/tts/1:38400?delay=1

mpcs.server -> /tuxbox/config

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Label : label to identify reader (auto-upodate)
# Protocol : protocol of device, at this time "mouse", "internal" or "camd35"
# note: ****readers with device like /dev/sciX should be
# protocol=internal, others are protocol=mouse.
# Device : device for reader or "<hostname>,<port>[,<lport]" for remote
# Detect : local reader only: **** detect method (default=CD)
# may be CD (Carrier Detect), DSR (Data Set Ready),
# CTS (Clear To Send), RING (Ring Indicator) or NONE (No Detection)
# to specify an inverted signal use "Detect=!CTS" for example.
# Account : account to use for remote-server
# EMMCache : <usecache>,<rewrite>,<logging>
# where usecache may be 0 or 1 (1=use emmcache)
# where rewrite may be >=0 (valid only if usecache=1)
# you can choose how often the same emm will be written.
# where logging may be 0,1,2
# 0=no emm logging exept errors
# 1=emm logging exept skipped (cached) emms
# 2=full emm logging
# BlockNano : list of EMM-nano's to block (in hex w/o 0x)
# Fallback : may be 0 (primary reader) or 1 (fallback reader)
# CAID : list of valid caids and mapping (if not set all caids are valid)
# format: <caid>[&<mask>][:<new caid>],....
# Group : list of groups reader belongs to (range: 1-32)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sample for remote ****reader as reader "myfriend", fallback reader
# caid 1702, 1722 will be send only AND they will be mapped to 1702
# sample for local ****reader as reader "my****"
Label = multicam
Protocol = mouse
Device = /dev/tts/1
EMMCache = 1,3,2
BlockNano =
Detect = none
Group = 1,2

mpcs.user -> tuxbox/config

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User : username
# Pwd : password
# Uniq : where uniq may be 0 or 1
# (1 means account can't be used twice at a time)
# Sleep : if sleep>0 then this connection will go into suspend-mode
# after <sleep> minutes, if channel has not been changed
# if set, this will override the system global sleep value
# AU : label of reader for sending emm's (if set)
# Account : <username>,<password>,<uniq>,<au>
# CAID : list of valid caids and mapping (if not set all caids are valid)
# format: <caid>[&<mask>][:<new caid>],....
# Group : list of groups reader belongs to (range: 1-32)
# MonLevel : individual level for monitor-access (see also mpcs.conf)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sample user-account
# without auto-update
# may be used once at a time only
# valid caid's: 1702, 1722 and they will be mapped to 1702
# belongs to group 1
# has default access to monitor

User = glj
Pwd = ncs
Uniq = 1
Group = 1
CAID = 1702,1722
AU = multicam
MonLevel = 4

User = local
Pwd = local
Uniq = 1
Group = 1
CAID = 1702,1722
AU = multicam
MonLevel = 4
# sample user-account
# with auto-update for reader "my****"
# may be used once at a time only
# all caid's are valid
# belongs to group 1 and 3
# has full access in mpcs-monitor

User = hero
Pwd = itsme
Uniq = 1
Group = 1,3
AU = my****
CAID = 1702,1722
MonLevel = 4
# sample user-account
# without auto-update
# may be used multiple at a time
# valid caid's: 0500, 1702 and 1722
# belongs to group 2
# has no access to monitor

User = other
Pwd = itsopen
Group = 2
CAID = 0500, 1702&FFDF
MonLevel = 0

User = kathi
Pwd = kathi
#AU = multicam
Uniq = 0
#CAID = 1702,1722,1833,1834
Group = 1
1801to1702 = 1

camd3.config -> /keys



Alternativ hatte ich auch diese mal probiert.


camd3.servers -> /keys

cs357x://local:local@ 0&1722:000000=1702:00000


Kathi-UFS 910

camd3.902 (sh) online Download über AAF -> /data/emu Rechte 755

camd3.servers -> /data/keys



So das sind ganz genau meine Originalwerte so wie ich diese in die Box geschoben habe.

Seht ihr wo ich ein oder mehrere Fehler getan habe???

Vielen Dank