Also mein Homesharing Premiere-4erPaketHD läuft folgendermaßen.
D-Box2 mit GLJ Image MPCS und Camd3.868 für HD auf der KathiAaf2.0e
Damit die neue Karte läuft hab ich einfach nach dem Online aufspielen des MPCS-Dukat die "mpcs-0.9dSP1-powerpc-tuxbox-dbox2" aus dem Threadt im Streamboard im Ordner emu der D-Box2 getauscht(Rechte nicht vergessen).Die ist mit Quickhack für HD und kann die neuen Karten.
Wichtig ist jetzt die Configuration des Systems.
Ich schreibs hier mal rein:
in der mpsc.conf (d-Box)steht folgendes:
# ****server config
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Nice : Priority (20=low - (-20)=highest) (default=system given)
# Values less than zero requires root privileges
# Use a 99 to disable this feature (on embedded systems)
# ClientTimeout : Value in seconds for client process to wait for key (5)
# FallbackTimeout : Value in seconds for reader process to switch to fallback
# ClientMaxIdle : Value in seconds for client process
# being idle before disconnect (120)
# CacheDelay : Value in msec to delay cached requests (0)
# BindWait : Value in seconds to wait for bind request to complete (120)
# ResolveDelay : Value in seconds for resolver-process (default=30)
# LogFile : Logfile :-) (/var/log/****server)
# : special: if "LogFile=syslog" syslogd will be used
# PidFile : Pidfile for scripts (default: no pidfile)
# UsrFile : Logfile for user/session logging (default: no logfile)
# Sleep : set default value for user account (default=0)
# ServerIP : bind services to ONE dedicated ip-address
# this sets the default, may be overwritten in client sections
# if not set, every interface will be used (INADDR_ANY)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nice = -1
ClientTimeout = 5
ClientMaxIdle = 120
CacheDelay = 0
BindWait = 60
ResolveDelay = 15
LogFile = /var/log/****server
PidFile = /var/run/****
#UsrFile = /var/log/****user.log
Sleep = 0
#ServerIP =
# -- monitor ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Port : Port-Number (0 disables this protocol)
# ServerIP : bind service to ONE dedicated ip-address
# NoCrypt : IP's or IP-ranges where unencrypted connects are permitted
# AULow : Value in minutes to signal low emm-support (default=30)
# MonLevel : Default user-level for monitor-access (default=2)
# 0 = no access to monitor
# 1 = only server-process and own clients will be shown
# 2 = all processes will be shown, no action permitted
# 3 = all processes will be shown, reload permitted
# 4 = all is permitted.
# this value may be overwritten in mpcs.user
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Port = 988
NoCrypt =
NoCrypt =
NoCrypt =
NoCrypt =
AULow = 120
MonLevel = 4
# -- camd 3.3x ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Port : Port-Number (0 disables this protocol)
# ServerIP : bind service to ONE dedicated ip-address
# Key : Encryption key (disabled if no key set)
# Passive : Disables permament EMM-requests (if AU) and heartbeat
# (in case of problems with ProgDVB, VDR-sc ...)
# NoCrypt : IP's or IP-ranges without encryption
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Port = 0
#Key = 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF
Passive = 0
NoCrypt =
NoCrypt =
NoCrypt =
NoCrypt =
# -- camd 3.5x ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Port : Port-Number (0 disables this protocol)
# ServerIP : bind service to ONE dedicated ip-address
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Port = 10000
# -- radegast -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Port : Port-Number (0 disables this protocol)
# ServerIP : bind service to ONE dedicated ip-address
# Allowed : IP's or IP-ranges allowed to connect
# User : Account to use, must be set to enable permission rules
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Port = 0
Allowed =
Allowed =
Allowed =
Allowed =
User = hero
Port = 10002@1702:000000
Key = 0102030405060708091011121314
# -- serial client ------------------------------------------------------------
# mpcs supports serial connects with one of the following protocols:
# - hsic (humax5400 sharing interface client - ToH3.x HoT2.x)
# - sssp (simple serial sharing protocol)
# - bomba (Arion, Ferguson, OpenBox 6**, PowerSky etc. with firmware BOMBA)
# - dsr9500 sharing protocol
# Device : user@device[:baud][?delay=x&timeout=x]
# This line may be given multiple for multiple serial clients
# User and device must be given, baud, delay an timeout are optional
# user = Account to use in mpcs.user
# device = your serial device, of course
# baud = baudrate to use, valid are:
# 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 (default=115200)
# delay = additional delay in ms while sending (default=0)
# timeout= max. time in ms to get a complete request (default=50)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this sample will use user hero on device /dev/ttyS0
# with 115200 baud, no delay and the default of 50ms timeout
#Device = hero@/dev/ttyS0
# this sample will use user hero on device /dev/tts/1
# with 38400 baud, 1 ms delay and the default of 50ms timeout
#Device = hero@/dev/tts/1:38400?delay=1
die mpcs.server der D-Box:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Label : label to identify reader (auto-upodate)
# Protocol : protocol of device, at this time "mouse", "internal" or "camd35"
# note: ****readers with device like /dev/sciX should be
# protocol=internal, others are protocol=mouse.
# Device : device for reader or "<hostname>,<port>[,<lport]" for remote
# Detect : local reader only: **** detect method (default=CD)
# may be CD (Carrier Detect), DSR (Data Set Ready),
# CTS (Clear To Send), RING (Ring Indicator) or NONE (No Detection)
# to specify an inverted signal use "Detect=!CTS" for example.
# Account : account to use for remote-server
# EMMCache : <usecache>,<rewrite>,<logging>
# where usecache may be 0 or 1 (1=use emmcache)
# where rewrite may be >=0 (valid only if usecache=1)
# you can choose how often the same emm will be written.
# where logging may be 0,1,2
# 0=no emm logging exept errors
# 1=emm logging exept skipped (cached) emms
# 2=full emm logging
# BlockNano : list of EMM-nano's to block (in hex w/o 0x)
# Fallback : may be 0 (primary reader) or 1 (fallback reader)
# CAID : list of valid caids and mapping (if not set all caids are valid)
# format: <caid>[&<mask>][:<new caid>],....
# Group : list of groups reader belongs to (range: 1-32)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sample for remote ****reader as reader "myfriend", fallback reader
# caid 1702, 1722 will be send only AND they will be mapped to 1702
# sample for local ****reader as reader "my****"
Label = multicam
Protocol = mouse
Device = /dev/tts/1
EMMCache = 1,3,2
BlockNano =
Detect = none
Group = 1,2
die mpcs.user geht so:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User : username
# Pwd : password
# Uniq : where uniq may be 0 or 1
# (1 means account can't be used twice at a time)
# Sleep : if sleep>0 then this connection will go into suspend-mode
# after <sleep> minutes, if channel has not been changed
# if set, this will override the system global sleep value
# AU : label of reader for sending emm's (if set)
# Account : <username>,<password>,<uniq>,<au>
# CAID : list of valid caids and mapping (if not set all caids are valid)
# format: <caid>[&<mask>][:<new caid>],....
# Group : list of groups reader belongs to (range: 1-32)
# MonLevel : individual level for monitor-access (see also mpcs.conf)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sample user-account
# without auto-update
# may be used once at a time only
# valid caid's: 1702, 1722 and they will be mapped to 1702
# belongs to group 1
# has default access to monitor

User = glj
Pwd = ncs
Uniq = 1
Group = 1
CAID = 1702,1722
AU = multicam
MonLevel = 4

User = local
Pwd = local
Uniq = 1
Group = 1
CAID = 1702,1722
AU = multicam
MonLevel = 4
# sample user-account
# with auto-update for reader "my****"
# may be used once at a time only
# all caid's are valid
# belongs to group 1 and 3
# has full access in mpcs-monitor

User = hero
Pwd = itsme
Uniq = 1
Group = 1,3
AU = my****
CAID = 1702,1722
MonLevel = 4
# sample user-account
# without auto-update
# may be used multiple at a time
# valid caid's: 0500, 1702 and 1722
# belongs to group 2
# has no access to monitor

User = other
Pwd = itsopen
Group = 2
CAID = 0500, 1702&FFDF
MonLevel = 0

User = kathi
Pwd = kathi
#AU = multicam
Uniq = 0
#CAID = 1702,1722,1833,1834
Group = 1
1801to1702 = 1

jetzt die Camd3.server der D-Box:
cs357x://local:local@ 0&1722:000000=1702:00000
vielleicht noch die camd3.config der D-box:
und die meine camd3.conf aus der Dbox:
jo und wenn man dann noch die entstprechende Camd3.server auf der Kathi hat:
die x stehen für deine D-box IP
läuft das Sytem mit Sicherheit.
Spielst du dir dann den MPCS-Monitor mit folgender mpcsmon.conf ein:
kannst du die ganze Geschichte auch noch überwachen.
Alle MPCS Dateien befinden sich im Ordner tuxbox/config, der Rest wie immer .
Die downgeloadete mpcs zum Tauschen im Ordner EMU und muss natürlich nur mpcs heißen auch nach dem Tausch,also umbennen(Rechte755 nicht vergessen).

tja das war mal ne Beschreibung von mir, wo ich denke das alles wichtige drinn ist.

User und PW können ja nach belieben geändert werden sowie auch der Cs-Port . In meinem Beispiel ist das Port 10000 local:local und kathi:kathi als die Wichtigsten.

Wenn man sich hier genau dran hält, sollte alles laufen.
Bei mir Läufts TOP zu Hause.
Falls Interesse besteht hab ich auch noch die Camd3.ignore Dateien im Netz gefunden. Damit gibt es weniger überflüssige Anfragen zum Server.
So das wars aber erstmal, ich hoffe alles was ich hier geschrieben habe ist in diesem Board erlaubt.

Gruß und viel Glück, Neo