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Thema: DBOX2 Mastercrd und NDS V13 funzt nicht -:(

  1. #1
    Registriert seit
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    DBOX2 Mastercrd und NDS V13 funzt nicht -:(


    nach dem ich nun vergeblich versucht habe meine original Prem. Karte V13 zum Laufen zu bekommen, habe ich nun meinen alten "Mastercrd Junior" rausgekramt.

    Leider auch ohne Erfolg.

    Hier meine Daten:

    DBox2 Sagem
    Keywelt-Image Oktober
    MasterCrd Junior an RS-232
    MasterCrd Frequenz 3,57 Mhz

    Sorglospaket installiert.

    Hier meine newcs.xml
    	<readers name="DBox2">
    			<deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>
    Und hier meine CCcam.cfg

      N: 34001 newcs1 newcs 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
    Und hier noch mein newcs log

    BusyBox v1.7.2 (2008-10-30 00:59:12 CET) built-in shell (ash)
    Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
    /var # killall -9 newcs
    /var # nwcs
    -sh: nwcs: not found
    /var # newcs
    This is NewCS 1.62 - the New ****Server by the Butter-team..
    Compiled on Aug 27 2008 at 16:49:31
    Reading Config file from /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
    TCP-log password is disabled!
    level: normal
    type: init
    output: console,tcp
    logger config: level 1 type 3 output 5
    Console log options: level 1 type 3
    TCP log options: level 1 type 3
    [ 19:46:07 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 4 (Dbox2)
    [ 19:46:07 ] [ Config ] Option <blockc0> for device 0 (Multicam) not present, defaulting to NO
    [ 19:46:07 ] [ Config ] Value in <ipk> for device 0 (Multicam) is INVALID, skipping...
    [ 19:46:07 ] [ Config ] Value in <ucpk> for device 0 (Multicam) is INVALID, skipping...
    [ 19:46:07 ] [ Config ] /dev/tts/0 ECM priority: round
    [ 19:46:07 ] [ httpd ] httpd-user: Admin, password: 0815, accesslevel: admin
    [ 19:46:07 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
    [ 19:46:07 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
    [ NewCS ] Process ID is: 4939
    [ 19:46:07 ] [ Loader ] Starting Telnet on port 10001
    [ 19:46:07 ] [ Loader ] Started HTTP-server on port: 8088
    [ 19:46:07 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 4 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 19:46:07 ] [ Dbox ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 19:46:08 ] [ Loader ] Unknown ****
    [ 19:46:08 ] [ Loader ] Trying Irdeto (T=14)
    [ 19:46:08 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 4 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 19:46:08 ] [ Dbox ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 19:46:10 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
    [ 19:46:10 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 34001
    [ 19:46:10 ] [ Newcamd ] Newcamd thread Server started on port 34001
    [ 19:46:10 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO! :)
    /var #

    Wäre echt super, wenn mir einer einen Tip geben könnte. Ich bin mittlerweile ziemlich ratlos.

    Danke und Gruß

  2. #2
    Reader falsch konfiguriert, Du hast ja kein Multicam sondern einen Phoenixreader, hier ein Beispiel:

    <mhz>357</mhz> <!-- oder 600 -->

  3. #3

    Registriert seit
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    Mmhh. Ist ja witzig. Wenn ich hier Dir Antworte sehe ich Deine Config.


    O.k. der Eintrag ist doch egal, oder:

    Oder spielen die tatsächlich eine Rolle.
    Und nach langem lesen bin ich der Meinung, dass ich den externen Reader über /dev/tts/0 anspreche.

    Bitte klärt mich auf

  4. #4
    die Config oben passt für einen externer Reader an der DB2.
    Du kannst sie 1:1 übernehmen, da auf 3,57MHZ gestellt.

  5. #5

    Registriert seit
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    Nun habe ich mal meine newcs.xml geändert:

    	<readers name="DBox2">
    			<deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>
    Hier das Ergebnis im Log:

    BusyBox v1.7.2 (2008-10-30 00:59:12 CET) built-in shell (ash)
    Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
    /var # killall -9 newcs
    /var # newcs
    This is NewCS 1.62 - the New ****Server by the Butter-team..
    Compiled on Aug 27 2008 at 16:49:31
    Reading Config file from /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
    TCP-log password is disabled!
    level: normal
    type: init
    output: console,tcp
    logger config: level 1 type 3 output 5
    Console log options: level 1 type 3
    TCP log options: level 1 type 3
    [ 20:21:20 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 4 (Dbox2)
    [ 20:21:20 ] [ Config ] Option <blockc0> for device 0 (phoenix) not present, defau
    [ 20:21:20 ] [ Config ] Value in <ipk> for device 0 (phoenix) is INVALID, skipping
    [ 20:21:20 ] [ Config ] Value in <ucpk> for device 0 (phoenix) is INVALID, skippin
    [ 20:21:20 ] [ Config ] /dev/tts/0 ECM priority: round
    [ 20:21:20 ] [ httpd ] httpd-user: Admin, password: 0815, accesslevel: admin
    [ 20:21:20 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
    [ 20:21:20 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
    [ NewCS ] Process ID is: 5021
    [ 20:21:21 ] [ Loader ] Starting Telnet on port 10001
    [ 20:21:21 ] [ Loader ] Started HTTP-server on port: 8088
    [ 20:21:21 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:21 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:21 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:21:21 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:21 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 20:21:21 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:23 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
    [ 20:21:23 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 34001
    [ 20:21:23 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO! :)
    /var # [ 20:21:23 ] [ Newcamd ] Newcamd thread Server started on port 34001
    [ 20:21:23 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:23 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:23 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:21:23 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:23 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 20:21:23 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:25 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
    [ 20:21:25 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:25 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:25 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:21:25 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:25 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 20:21:25 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:26 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
    [ 20:21:26 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:26 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:26 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:21:26 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:26 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 20:21:26 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:28 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
    [ 20:21:28 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:28 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:28 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:21:28 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:28 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 20:21:28 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:29 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
    [ 20:21:29 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:29 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:29 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:21:29 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:29 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 20:21:29 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:31 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
    [ 20:21:31 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:31 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:31 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:21:31 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:31 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 20:21:31 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:32 ] [ Loader ] Unknown ****
    [ 20:21:32 ] [ Loader ] Trying Irdeto (T=14)
    [ 20:21:32 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:32 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:32 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:21:32 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:32 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to custom 5713
    [ 20:21:32 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:21:34 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
    [ 20:21:34 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 34001
    [ 20:21:34 ] [ Newcamd ] Newcamd thread Server started on port 34001
    [ 20:21:34 ] bind: error! 98: Address already in use
    Leider immer noch kein Bild :-(

  6. #6

    Registriert seit
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    Schon mal besten Dank für Deine Hilfe. Bin schon ca. 1 Woche am Basteln. Aber ich bekomme einfach kein Bild.

    So nun habe ich Deine xml übernommen. Sieht nun so aus:

    <mhz>357</mhz> <!-- oder 600 -->
    Leider auch kein Bild

  7. #7
    reset mal auf hard probieren

    Bind Error, Port bereits in Benutzung, NewCS mehrfach laufen?
    Vor dem Neustart der NewCS killall newcs ausführen

  8. #8

    Registriert seit
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    hier nun noch mal mein Log nach einem Box Neustart.

    Reset steht noch auf Normal

    BusyBox v1.7.2 (2008-10-30 00:59:12 CET) built-in shell (ash)
    Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
    /var # killall -9 newcs
    /var # newcs
    This is NewCS 1.62 - the New ****Server by the Butter-team..
    Compiled on Aug 27 2008 at 16:49:31
    Reading Config file from /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
    [ 20:38:24 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 4 (Dbox2)
    [ 20:38:24 ] [ Config ] Auto readers config enabled
    [ 20:38:24 ] [ Config ] Devicetype in config must be wrong, defaulting to Phoenix..
    [ 20:38:24 ] [ Config ] Devicetype in config must be wrong, defaulting to Phoenix..
    [ 20:38:24 ] [ Config ] Option <cache> not present, defaulting EMM: 20, ECM: Dynamic
    [ NewCS ] Process ID is: 547
    [ 20:38:24 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO! :)
    /var #
    Werde jetzt mal den Reset auf Hard setzen

  9. #9

    Registriert seit
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    Wieder ich mit einer neuen Konfiguration:


    	<readers name="DBox2">
    			<deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>

    BusyBox v1.7.2 (2008-10-30 00:59:12 CET) built-in shell (ash)
    Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
    /var # killall -9 newcs
    /var # newcs
    This is NewCS 1.62 - the New ****Server by the Butter-team..
    Compiled on Aug 27 2008 at 16:49:31
    Reading Config file from /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
    TCP-log password is disabled!
    level: normal
    type: init
    output: console,tcp
    logger config: level 1 type 3 output 5
    Console log options: level 1 type 3
    TCP log options: level 1 type 3
    [ 20:55:30 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 4 (Dbox2)
    [ 20:55:30 ] [ Config ] Option <blockc0> for device 0 (phoenix) not present, defaulting to NO
    [ 20:55:30 ] [ Config ] Value in <ipk> for device 0 (phoenix) is INVALID, skipping...
    [ 20:55:30 ] [ Config ] Value in <ucpk> for device 0 (phoenix) is INVALID, skipping...
    [ 20:55:30 ] [ Config ] /dev/tts/0 ECM priority: round
    [ 20:55:30 ] [ httpd ] httpd-user: Admin, password: 0815, accesslevel: admin
    [ 20:55:30 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
    [ 20:55:30 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
    [ NewCS ] Process ID is: 1143
    [ 20:55:31 ] [ Loader ] Starting Telnet on port 10001
    [ 20:55:31 ] [ Loader ] Started HTTP-server on port: 8088
    [ 20:55:31 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:55:31 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:55:31 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:55:31 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:55:31 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 20:55:31 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:55:33 ] [ Loader ] Unknown ****
    [ 20:55:33 ] [ Loader ] Trying Irdeto (T=14)
    [ 20:55:33 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:55:33 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:55:33 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 20:55:33 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:55:33 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to custom 5713
    [ 20:55:33 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 20:55:35 ] [ Loader ] Unknown ****
    [ 20:55:35 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO! :)
    /var #
    Sieht ja irgendwie schon besser aus. Leider noch kein Bild

  10. #10

    Registriert seit
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    Hallo ...

    ist noch einer da, der mir helfen kann ???

    BusyBox v1.7.2 (2008-10-30 00:59:12 CET) built-in shell (ash)
    Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
    /var # killall -9 newcs
    /var # newcs
    This is NewCS 1.62 - the New ****Server by the Butter-team..
    Compiled on Aug 27 2008 at 16:49:31
    Reading Config file from /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
    TCP-log password is disabled!
    level: normal
    type: init
    output: console,tcp
    logger config: level 1 type 3 output 5
    Console log options: level 1 type 3
    TCP log options: level 1 type 3
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 4 (Dbox2)
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ Config ] Option <blockc0> for device 0 (phoenix) not present, defaulting t
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ Config ] Value in <ipk> for device 0 (phoenix) is INVALID, skipping...
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ Config ] Value in <ucpk> for device 0 (phoenix) is INVALID, skipping...
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ Config ] /dev/tts/0 ECM priority: round
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ httpd ] httpd-user: Admin, password: 0815, accesslevel: admin
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
    [ NewCS ] Process ID is: 628
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ Loader ] Starting Telnet on port 10001
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ Loader ] Started HTTP-server on port: 8088
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 21:50:25 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 21:50:26 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 21:50:27 ] [ Loader ] Unknown ****
    [ 21:50:27 ] [ Loader ] Trying Irdeto (T=14)
    [ 21:50:27 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 21:50:27 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 21:50:27 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 21:50:27 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 21:50:27 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to custom 5713
    [ 21:50:28 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 21:50:29 ] [ Loader ] Unknown ****
    [ 21:50:29 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO! :)
    /var #

  11. #11
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2005
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    mal aus einem Dialog mit mir und einem anderen User aus einem anderen Board:
    Meine Antwort
    Zitat an:
    ich habe mal deine newcs.xml auf meiner Box laufen lassen und sie funktioniert. (allerdings mußte ich bei mir den Wert 600 auf 357 abändern.

    hier mal die 3 Änderungen bei mir

    <name>Phoenix Interface</name>
    <type>dbox</type> der Wert dbox soll ja für´s Multicam stehen ?
    <mhz>357</mhz> 600 funktioniert bei mir nicht
    <node>/dev/tts/1</node> mein Multicam hat /dev/tts/1

    ext. ****reader kann ich leider nicht testen, da ich kein kabel hier habe.

    und so sieht deine aus

    <name>Phoenix Interface</name>
    <type>phoenix</type> und phoenix für ext. ****reader

    Hast du dir mal die Ausgabe bei telnet angeschaut ?

    seine Antwort


    Obwohl ich ein externer Reader habe mußte ich bei Typ dbox eingeben !!

    Man Man 2 Tage wegen einem Wort

    Dank euch für eure unterstützung!!!

    Zitat aus:
    Meine Boxen:
    2 * Sagem Sat mit WL-HDD +++ 2*Sagem Sat mit IDE Interface - Festplatte,SD Karte und Multicam2.03 Firmware 1.08b /1.09 /Multicam 2.09 Firmware 2.51+++ 1 * Sagem Sat mit SATA Interface -Festplatte -Micro SD und MC Ahab 2 +++ 3*Sagem Sat +++ 1*Sagem Kabel +++ Dreambox 500 S

  12. #12
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2005
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    capmtserver laäuft mit ?
    Meine Boxen:
    2 * Sagem Sat mit WL-HDD +++ 2*Sagem Sat mit IDE Interface - Festplatte,SD Karte und Multicam2.03 Firmware 1.08b /1.09 /Multicam 2.09 Firmware 2.51+++ 1 * Sagem Sat mit SATA Interface -Festplatte -Micro SD und MC Ahab 2 +++ 3*Sagem Sat +++ 1*Sagem Kabel +++ Dreambox 500 S

  13. #13

    Registriert seit
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    Ich habe nun schon soviel probiert. Kann es sein, dass es an der Hardware liegt?

    µMC, NG2 und Mastercrd Junior auprobiert. Alles ohne erfolg.

    Die ganze Hardware ist von 2006 oder noch älter.Kann es daran liegen?

    Hier mal meine aktuelle Konfiguration:

    Mastercrd angeschlossen:

    	<readers name="Phoenix">
    			<deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>

    SERIAL READER : /dev/tts/0
    N: 34001 newcs1 newcs 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
    Und mein Telnet Log:

    BusyBox v1.7.2 (2008-10-30 00:59:12 CET) built-in shell (ash)
    Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
    /var # killall -9 newcs
    /var # newcs
    This is NewCS 1.62 - the New ****Server by the Butter-team..
    Compiled on Aug 27 2008 at 16:49:31
    Reading Config file from /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
    TCP-log password is disabled!
    level: normal
    type: init
    output: console,tcp
    logger config: level 1 type 3 output 5
    Console log options: level 1 type 3
    TCP log options: level 1 type 3
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 4 (Dbox2)
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Config ] Option <blockc0> for device 0 (phoenix) not present, defaulting to NO
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Config ] Value in <ipk> for device 0 (phoenix) is INVALID, skipping...
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Config ] Value in <ucpk> for device 0 (phoenix) is INVALID, skipping...
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Config ] /dev/tts/0 ECM priority: round
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ httpd ] httpd-user: Admin, password: 0815, accesslevel: admin
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
    [ NewCS ] Process ID is: 933
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Loader ] Starting Telnet on port 10001
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Loader ] Started HTTP-server on port: 8088
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
    [ 22:16:16 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 22:16:18 ] [ Loader ] Unknown ****
    [ 22:16:18 ] [ Loader ] Trying Irdeto (T=14)
    [ 22:16:18 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 22:16:18 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
    [ 22:16:18 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: EVEN
    [ 22:16:18 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 22:16:18 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to custom 5713
    [ 22:16:18 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
    [ 22:16:20 ] [ Loader ] Unknown ****
    [ 22:16:20 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO! :)
    /var #
    Ich bin echt am verzweifeln. ! Woch beschäftige ich mich nun schon damit.

  14. #14
    Registriert seit
    Jun 2005
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    ruf mal dein Web Interface von newcs auf und sieh dir mal unter Reader was dort angezeigt wird
    dort steht die Mhz Zahl die CAID die erkannt wird/ wenn es denn erkannt wird
    Geändert von Sentner (22.11.08 um 14:16 Uhr)
    Meine Boxen:
    2 * Sagem Sat mit WL-HDD +++ 2*Sagem Sat mit IDE Interface - Festplatte,SD Karte und Multicam2.03 Firmware 1.08b /1.09 /Multicam 2.09 Firmware 2.51+++ 1 * Sagem Sat mit SATA Interface -Festplatte -Micro SD und MC Ahab 2 +++ 3*Sagem Sat +++ 1*Sagem Kabel +++ Dreambox 500 S

  15. #15
    die Karte wird nicht erkannt im Log, da hilft auch kein Webinterface.
    mal auf 6MHZ starten oder 500
    Der Karte macht es kurzzeitig nichts, andere fahren die dauerhaft auf 6MHZ.
    Und dann den Log hier rein bitte.

Seite 1 von 3 123 LetzteLetzte

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    Von shark25 im Forum Cardsharing
    Antworten: 2
    Letzter Beitrag: 10.05.09, 20:40
  2. CS mit Dbox2 und mastercrd!Hilfee
    Von DonGiorgio im Forum Cardsharing
    Antworten: 3
    Letzter Beitrag: 17.09.07, 20:38


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