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Thema: Kathi e2 und Incubus als CCcam client

  1. #931
    Registriert seit
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    Zitat Zitat von reneh Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich hab gestern meinem CCcam-Server ein Downgrade auf Version 2.0.11 verpasst. Resultat: bisher kein Absturz von incubus (0.95).
    Falls sich das noch zum negativen ändert sag ich Bescheid.
    Ich habe 2.1.0 am laufen. Mit dem obiger Effekt.

  2. #932
    Registriert seit
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    bei mir läuft alles einwandfrei!
    wenn ich aber auf die freien kanäle umschalte und nach einer zeit wieder zurück schalte bekomm ich schwarzes bild..
    wenn ich die kathi in den standby setzte und sie wieder einschalte hab ich auch schwarzes bild
    sobald ich incubus neustarte hab ich wieder bild.. -.-
    also wenn ich mit dem timer iwas aufnehme nehme ich ein schwarzes bild auf
    das regt mich auf
    woran liegt das ?

  3. #933
    Registriert seit
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    Hallo Leute

    Wo bekomme ich den incubus (0.95) für die UFS922 her ??


  4. #934
    Registriert seit
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    Google freut sich über Deinen Besuch


    einfach incubuscamd 0.95 als Suchbegriff eingeben
    Informationen zu eingefügten Links Informationen zu eingefügten Links


  5. #935
    Registriert seit
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    922 / Indian Summer / incubusCamd095 cs

    Hallo, ich habe auf der 922 das AAF Indian Summer drauf und incubusCamd095 installiert. Ich verbinde mich via Internet zum einem CCCam Server. Laut log-files sieht alles gut aus, aber ich bekomme keinen Sender hell. Gibt es noch was zu beachten bei dem Indian Summer Image ?

    Hier meine config :

    log file
    # You can select wich protocol will be used first for the current caid/prov combination
    # protocol name available are: newcamd,cccam,gbox,radegast,camd33,camd35,aroureos
    # each protocol must be separated by a comma
    # you can also declare only one type: cs_protocol_order=cccam
    # or two types: cs_protocol_order=cccam,newcamd
    # and so on
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm process when a cs protocol is used
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm g type process
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm s type process
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm u type process
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) seca 3 ecm pid handler
    # when is set to On, it will try to use seca 3 ecm pid
    # before try seca 2 ecm pid, otherwise seca 2 pid will 
    # be selected firstly
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    1833:1702:000000:0080 #History HD
    1833:1702:000000:0081 #Sky Sport HD
    1833:1702:000000:0082 #Discovery HD
    1833:1702:000000:0083 #Sky Cinema HD
    1833:1702:000000:0084 #EuroSport HD
    1833:1702:000000:007E #Disney Cinemagic HD
    1833:1702:000000:007F #National Geography HD 

  6. #936
    Registriert seit
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    Im Web.IF von incubus sieht auch alles ok aus. Trotzdem kein Bild. Hat jemand noch eine Idee ?

    CAID: 1702
    Provider ID: 000000
    Ecm PID: 001700
    Raw Encrypted ECM:
    Decrypted ECM:
    DCW0: 1485FA93BB6FE913 (NOT SET)
    DCW1: 2BBAF6DB2338CE29 (SET)
    Stream Decryption: Successful

  7. #937
    Registriert seit
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    ja gibt es

    fals du den falschen Incubus benutzt sagt er zwar decryptet aber no bild

    schreibe mir ne PM und du bekommst den richtigen Incubus

    und achtung incubus IPBOX install packet geht nicht auf der Kathy schau in deiner Console dan siehste was los ist oder melde dich bei mir per PM dan machen wir das Telefonisch und ich sage dir worauf du achten muss im Consolen log.

  8. #938
    Registriert seit
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    Hat denn irgendjemand den incubuscamd auf ner 922 am laufen ? Wenn ja, welche Version genau ? Ich hab alle durch und meiner Meinung nach gibt es keine Version die auf dem 922 läuft ....

  9. #939
    Registriert seit
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    hab mal ne Frage:
    bei mir gehen die HD Kanäle von S*y nicht...
    Obwohl die HD Kanäle dabei sein sollten.
    ich hab mal die C-Linie in einer Dm800 ausprobiert und da funktioniert alles einwandfrei, nur auf der Kathi kriege ich die HD Kanäle nicht angezeigt... wieso?

    Hab incubus 0.95 und AAF-Summerdream
    Hier ist mein conf File:
    ################################################## ############################
    # incubusCamd configuration file #
    # All configuration options in this file observe the same format: #
    # <configuration_name>=<configuration_value> #
    # #
    # Each section are [<section_name>:<option_1>:<option_x>] like. #
    # #
    # No matter about white spaces on any place or UNIX/DOS style files #
    ################################################## ############################
    ########################### general configuration ############################
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) background execution
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # This sets the level of console output for debugging:
    # 0 - No debug messages, 1 - First level debug messages, 2 - Second level debug messages,
    # 3 - Print all debug messages
    # This option enables (1) or disables (0) the writing of debug information to the
    # console.
    # This option enables (1) or disables (0) the writing of console output to a log file
    # When log_to_file is set to 1, this is the path and filename to write console
    # ouput to.
    # This is the path and filename to read SoftCam.Key file
    # by default it will be searched in the /var/keys directory
    # This is the path and filename to read prio file
    # by default it will be searched in the /var/bin directory, or in /etc, or in /var/keys
    # Used to activate on-screen messages. Username and password required if
    # HTTP authentication is enabled on enigma.
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # When activated, incubusCamd will listen on the specified port for connections. All
    # log activity will be broadcast in real-time to connected clients.
    # Enable/disable incubusCamd web interface (default port is 668).
    # 0 - Disable
    # 1 - Enable
    ########################### provider configuration ###########################
    # All parameters are in hexadecimal notation.
    # Each section is defined by the provider id value.
    # If you don't know the provider id value then use the provider id "000000" and ca id "0000".
    # On provider 000000 caid 0000 goes all provider wich are not declared. If the provider
    # is declared then the cam will use the provider founded.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # this provider is a stand-in for all cards and all caid not declared previously
    # You can select wich type of priority to assign on each caid/prov combination
    # priority name available are: card,emu,cs
    # card: internal card reader
    # emu: internal emulator
    # cs: card share protocols
    # each type must be separated by a comma
    # you can also set to use only cs and nothing more, to do it insert on each comma "cs"
    # example: check_priority=cs,cs,cs # only cs in this case
    # example: check_priority=card,emu,emu # no cs in this case
    # obviously this is not suggested but if you prefer to disable an option you should do it in this way
    # you can also declare only one type: check_priority=cs
    # or two types: check_priority=cs,emu
    # and so on
    # You can select wich protocol will be used first for the current caid/prov combination
    # protocol name available are: newcamd,cccam,gbox,radegast,camd33,camd35,aroureos
    # each protocol must be separated by a comma
    # you can also declare only one type: cs_protocol_order=cccam
    # or two types: cs_protocol_order=cccam,newcamd
    # and so on
    cs_protocol_order=cccam,newcamd,gbox,camd35,camd33 ,radegast,aroureos
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm process when a cs protocol is used
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm g type process
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm s type process
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm u type process
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) seca 3 ecm pid handler
    # when is set to On, it will try to use seca 3 ecm pid
    # before try seca 2 ecm pid, otherwise seca 2 pid will
    # be selected firstly
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    #cs_protocol_order=cccam,newcamd,gbox,camd35,camd3 3,radegast,aroureos
    ########################### servers configuration ############################
    # This is the section for the multi-server configuration.
    # URL of card-server to use, formats are as follows:
    # newcamd://<username_31>:<password_31>@<hostname>:<port>:<cai d_4>:<prov_id_6>/<des_key_14>/[EMM]
    # aroureos://@<hostname>:<port>:<caid_4>:<prov_id_6>/[EMM]
    # radegast://@<hostname>:<port>:<caid_4>:<prov_id_6>/[EMM]
    # camd33://<username_10>:<password_10>@<hostname>:<port>:<cai d_4>:<prov_id_6>/[aes_key_16]/[EMM]
    # camd35://<username_32>:<password_32>@<hostname>:<port>:<cai d_4>:<prov_id_6>/[EMM]
    # gbox://<localhost>:<localport>:<password_8>@<peer_address >:<peer_port>:<peer_pass_8>/[EMM]
    # cccam://<username_20>:<password_32>@<hostname>:<port>/<receive_emu_shared>/[EMM]
    # where <receive_emu_shared> should assume value "yes" (without quotes, if you like to receive emus data shared by the server) or "no" (this is assumed by default)
    # NOTE: The "EMM" suffix is optional and tells the card-server client whether
    # to send EMM's to the card-server or not. Enabling or disabling this only
    # has effect if the card-server is configured to accept emms from this client.
    # NOTE 2: The "card_server_url" is not the same as previously declared in the prov/caid section
    # use how many server as you like
    # i.e:
    ########################### CaIDs tunneling configuration ############################
    # All values are in hex notation
    # In this file you can configure what CAIDs/PIDs incubusCamd should tunnel to another CAID
    # situation 1: this caid, all idents, on all channels will use the tunnel_caid
    # caid:tunnel_caid
    # situation 2: this caid/ident pair will use the tunnel_caid
    # caid:tunnel_caid:ident
    # situation 3: this caid/ident pair, on channel 'sid' will use the tunnel_caid
    # caid:tunnel_caid:ident:sid
    # i.e:
    #1833:1702:000000:0082 # this one should tunnel premiereHD nagra3 into betacrypt cards
    #1833:1702:000000:0081 # this one should tunnel premiereHD nagra3 into betacrypt cards
    Hier meine Prio File:
    P: 1702 #Betacrypt
    P: 1833 #Kudelski SA ###wenn kein HD genutzt wird I: 1833###
    I: 09C4 #Videoguard
    I: 1834 #Kudelski SA
    I: 1722 #Betacrypt
    I: 0D22 #Cryptoworks
    # ignoriere NDS - Karten. Wenn Du eine NDS hast, ist es viellleicht sinnvoll, die Zeile zu entfernen :)
    #I: 09c4
    # PrioritŠt der pids, wenn mehrere gesendet werden. Sky sendet auf 4 pids. 
    # Da dauert es teilweise EWIG bis der Sender hell ist wenn diese Zeile fehlt
    # Wenn Du NDS hast, schreib: P: 09c4, 1702, 1722, 1801, 1833, 1834
    #P: 1702, 1722, 1801, 1833, 1834
    # diese Zeile ist fŸr Kabel Deutschland Ÿber Satellit. 
    # Meine Karte bietet den Key auf 1722, pid ist aber 1801:001101.
    #P: 1722, 1801:001101   
    P: 0100:00A821
    P: 0d22:000000:1fc5 # Arena sat1 comedy
    P: 0d22:000000:1fd3 # Arena TCM
    P: 0d22:000000:1fc7 # Arena kabel classic
    P: 0d22:000000:1fe5 # Arena alpengluehen
    P: 0d22:000000:1fe3 # Arena Sportdigital
    I: 0500:020910 # SEX VIEW (13)
    P: 0500:032000 # SEX VIEW (13)
    P: 0500:021500 # MCT/REDLIGHT
    P: 0500:025100 # MCT/REDLIGHT
    P: 0500:025110 # MCT/REDLIGHT
    P: 0500:023b00 # MCT/REDLIGHT
    P: 0500:025100:ceb # Dont panic tv
    P: 0500:021700 # PRIVATE SPICE
    P: 0500:024400 # Dorcel TV (FREEX/FREEX2/Xdream) (13E)
    P: 0626:000000 # InXWorld/Redlight Tv(+)/FreeXTV (13E/19E) (I2
    P: 0500:021c00 # Free-X Tv/XDreamTV (13E/19E)
    P: 4a70 # French Lover
    P: 04a7:024400 # French Lover/XPlusTV (13E/10E) (dreamcrypt)
    P: 1803:000000 # Polsat HD
    P: 0664:000000 # Digiturk (7E/42E)
    P: 0d22:1fd5 # Arena AXN
    P: 0baa:000000 # HD platform
    P: 0100:2f # Orbit
    P: 0b00:0 # DIGITALB
    P: 092F:000000 # Hungary amos
    P: 0b00:000000:0b22 # Channel one Russia Conax
    P: 0b00:000000:09f6 # RTR Planeta Conax
    P: 0500:023800 # SRG Swiss (13E)
    P: 0100:003341 # Mediaguard V10.0
    P: 0100:003111 # CanalSat France (19E)
    P: 0100:003315 # CANAL+ France (19E
    P: 0100:003317 # CanalPro France (19E)
    P: 0100:00331b # CSAT
    P: 0d05:000000:f1e0 # ORF 1 HD
    P: 0d05:000000:32c9 # ORF 1
    P: 0d05:000000:32ca # ORF 2
    P: 0d05:000000:32d4 # ATV+
    P: 0d05:000000:4E27 # Puls4Austria
    P: 0d05:000000:3332 # Austria 9 TV
    P: 0100:000068 # Cyfra
    P: 0b01:000000 # N/Conto TV
    P: 0500:032820 # Csat
    P: 0500:032830 # Csat
    P: 0500:032840 # Csat
    P: 0500:024500 # SVT Europa
    P: 0500:024510 # SVT Europa
    P: 0500:024520 # SVT Europa
    P: 0500:024b00 # NTVI
    P: 0500:020800 # Asat
    P: 0500:021110 # ART
    ## Showtime Network
    # Irdeto 2
    P: 0604:000000:03EE #Showtime Network - Animal Planet [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F0 #Showtime Network - Discovery Science Channel [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:00CF #Showtime Network - E! Entertainment TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:00D0 #Showtime Network - ShowComedy Extra [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:00D1 #Showtime Network - ShowShasha [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:00D2 #Showtime Network - MBC+ [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:00D3 #Showtime Network - Extreme Sports [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:00D3 #Showtime Network - JimJam EMEA [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:00D4 #Showtime Network - Disney Channel Middle-East [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:00D5 #Showtime Network - NatGeo Wild [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:07D2 #Showtime Network - Showtime Home Cinema 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:07D3 #Showtime Network - Showtime Home Cinema 2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:07D4 #Showtime Network - Showtime Home Cinema 3 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:07D5 #Showtime Network - Concierge TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:07D7 #Showtime Network - Bloomberg U.K. [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:07DA #Showtime Network - Showtime Maghreb [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:07DE #Showtime Network - Showtime Open TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:07DF #Showtime Network - Style Network EMEA [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:012D #Showtime Network - ShowSeries 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:012E #Showtime Network - ShowSeries 1 Extra [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:012F #Showtime Network - ShowSports 4 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0130 #Showtime Network - ShowComedy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0131 #Showtime Network - ShowMovies 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0132 #Showtime Network - ShowMovies 2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0133 #Showtime Network - ShowMovies Action [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0134 #Showtime Network - ShowMovies Kids [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0135 #Showtime Network - ShowMovies Comedy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0136 #Showtime Network - ShowSports 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0137 #Showtime Network - ShowSports 2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0138 #Showtime Network - ShowSports 3 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01A5 #Showtime Network - Cartoon Network [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01A6 #Showtime Network - TCM - Turner Classic Movies [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01A7 #Showtime Network - Discovery World [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01A8 #Showtime Network - VH-1 (Video Hits One) [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01A9 #Showtime Network - Hallmark Middle-East [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01AA #Showtime Network - BBC Lifestyle [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01AB #Showtime Network - Travel Channel [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01AC #Showtime Network - ShowKids [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01AD #Showtime Network - MTV Music [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01AE #Showtime Network - CNBC Europe [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01B0 #Showtime Network - Boomerang [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01B1 #Showtime Network - T433 [I2]#
    ## ADD
    # Irdeto 2
    P: 0604:000000:0DB0 #ADD - Indus Vision [I2]#
    P: 0500:030700      ; Al Jazeera (13.0E)
    P: 0604:000000:0DB4 #ADD - Aaj TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0DB7 #ADD - ESPN [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0DB8 #ADD - ESPN America [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0DB9 #ADD - ESPN Classic Sport Europe [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0DBB #ADD - Abu Dhabi Sports 3 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03E9 #ADD - Baby TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03EA #ADD - Ten Sports Middle East [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03EB #ADD - B4U Music [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03EC #ADD - B4U Movies [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03ED #ADD - Jetix U.K. [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03ED #ADD - National Geographic Adventure [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03EE #ADD - Animal Planet [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03EF #ADD - ZoneReality [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F0 #ADD - Discovery Science Channel [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F1 #ADD - Ary Digital UK [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F3 #ADD - Asianet [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F4 #ADD - Granada UK TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F5 #ADD - Star One [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F6 #ADD - Sky News [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F7 #ADD - Star News [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F8 #ADD - Fox News [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06A5 #ADD - SET Max [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06A6 #ADD - Star Plus [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06A7 #ADD - Channel V India [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06A8 #ADD - Star Gold [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06A9 #ADD - Star World [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06AA #ADD - Channel V International [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06AB #ADD - National Geographic UK [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06AC #ADD - Star Movies Middle East [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06AD #ADD - Zee Cinema Asia [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06AE #ADD - Zee News [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06AE #ADD - Zee TV Gujarati [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06AF #ADD - Zee TV Asia [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06B0 #ADD - SET Middle East (Sony Entertainment TV) [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06B1 #ADD - Geo TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06B2 #ADD - NDTV 24x7 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:06B3 #ADD - Jaya TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0321 #ADD - ART Sport [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0322 #ADD - ART Sport 2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0323 #ADD - ART Sport 3 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0324 #ADD - ART Sport 4 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0325 #ADD - ART Sport 5 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0326 #ADD - ART Sport 6 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0327 #ADD - ART Sport 7 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0328 #ADD - ART Sport 8 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0329 #ADD - ART Sport 9 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:032A #ADD - Prime Sports [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:032B #ADD - ART Al Amead [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:02BD #ADD - VIP [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:02BE #ADD - ART Al-Zaeem [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:02BF #ADD - ART Hekayat Zaman [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:02C0 #ADD - Hekayat Kaman [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:02C1 #ADD - Hekayat Zaman [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:02C2 #ADD - ART Aflam 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:02C4 #ADD - ART Aflam 2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:02C5 #ADD - ART Cinema [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:02C6 #ADD - National Geographic Adventure [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:02C8 #ADD - ART Tarab [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:02CB #ADD - Blue Nile Channel [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01A5 #ADD - Cartoon Network [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01A6 #ADD - TCM - Turner Classic Movies [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01A9 #ADD - Hallmark Middle-East [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:01B0 #ADD - Boomerang [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:08FD #ADD - Sahara Manoranjan [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:08FE #ADD - Neo Sports [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:08FF #ADD - Kairali TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:091F #ADD - Prime Sports [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0924 #ADD - Mathuram / TBO [I2]#
    ## Nova
    # Irdeto 2
    P: 0604:000000:11F9 #Nova - Ant1 Europe [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D4D #Nova - NovaSports 3 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D4E #Nova - VH-1 (Video Hits One) [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D4F #Nova - MTV Greece [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D51 #Nova - MGM Greece [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D52 #Nova - Animal Planet [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D53 #Nova - Nova Cinema 2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D54 #Nova - National Geographic Greece [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D55 #Nova - novacinema2 Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D56 #Nova - A TEST [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D57 #Nova - Sigma Sports 2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D7E #Nova - OTV Test [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D88 #Nova - novasports3 Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D8F #Nova - Nova Cinema 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D97 #Nova - Travel Channel [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D99 #Nova - Mad Greekz [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D59 #Nova - CY Feed [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D6A #Nova - CITY 99,5 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D83 #Nova - SENTRA FM [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D84 #Nova - REAL FM [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D94 #Nova - novasport FM [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D95 #Nova - NOVA SCOPE [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D93 #Nova - EEPG [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1D9A #Nova - Stest1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:35E9 #Nova - Eurosport 2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:3607 #Nova - Eurosport [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:012D #Nova - R1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:012F #Nova - R3 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0130 #Nova - R4 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0132 #Nova - R5 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0133 #Nova - R6 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0134 #Nova - novasports1 Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:013C #Nova - Jetix Hellas [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:013D #Nova - Nova Cinema 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:013E #Nova - NovaSports 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:013F #Nova - Mega Channel [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0140 #Nova - ANT 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0141 #Nova - Star Channel [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0142 #Nova - Alter Channel [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0144 #Nova - R13 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0145 #Nova - Alpha TV Greece [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0146 #Nova - R11 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0147 #Nova - R12 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0135 #Nova - Love Radio [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0136 #Nova - Greek Church [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0137 #Nova - Skai Radio [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0138 #Nova - Melodi Radio [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0139 #Nova - RR3 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:013A #Nova - RR1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0143 #Nova - SSExtra 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0148 #Nova - Test2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0149 #Nova - DS  Test [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BBE #Nova - E! Entertainment TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BBF #Nova - The History Channel [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BC0 #Nova - Private Spice [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BC2 #Nova - Nova Cinema 3 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BC3 #Nova - NovaSports 4 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BC4 #Nova - NovaSports Highlights [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BC5 #Nova - NovaSports 6 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BC7 #Nova - Chasse et Pche [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BC8 #Nova - Playboy TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BC9 #Nova - novasports4 Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BCA #Nova - novacinema3 Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BCB #Nova - Playboy TV Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BCC #Nova - novasports6 Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BCE #Nova - Private Spice Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BD0 #Nova - Alpha TV Cyprus [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BD1 #Nova - Lumiere TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BD2 #Nova - Boomerang [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BC1 #Nova - Motors  TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BCD #Nova - Mad Radio [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BD3 #Nova - ol5 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:1BBD #Nova - GAMES [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:015F #Nova - Discovery Channel Greece [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0160 #Nova - R9 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0161 #Nova - NovaSports 2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0162 #Nova - TCM - Turner Classic Movies [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0163 #Nova - Sigma Sports 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0164 #Nova - R15 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0165 #Nova - R10 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0166 #Nova - R8 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0168 #Nova - Cartoon Network [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0169 #Nova - Macedonia TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:016A #Nova - Skai [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:016B #Nova - ET 3 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:016F #Nova - R7 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0170 #Nova - unnamed channel [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0171 #Nova - novasports7 Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0178 #Nova - NET [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0179 #Nova - Mad TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:017A #Nova - ET 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:017C #Nova - MAD TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:017D #Nova - R14 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:017F #Nova - novasports2 Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:016C #Nova - ERA1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:016D #Nova - ERA2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:016E #Nova - ERA SPORT [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0172 #Nova - Mad Music Hits GR Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0173 #Nova - Mad Music My Rock Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0174 #Nova - Mad Music Greek Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0175 #Nova - Mad Music Rebetico Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0176 #Nova - Mad Music  Seasonal Cy [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:017B #Nova - ERA3 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0182 #Nova - MAD MUSIC  Hits GR [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0183 #Nova - MAD MUSIC My Rock [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0184 #Nova - MAD MUSIC Greek [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0185 #Nova - MAD MUSIC Rebetico [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0186 #Nova - MAD MUSIC Seasonal [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0069 #Nova - Mezzo [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:2011 #Nova - CNN International Europe [I2]#
    ## Bulsatcom
    # Irdeto 2
    P: 0604:000000:03EA #Bulsatcom - Planeta TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03EB #Bulsatcom - BNT 1 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03ED #Bulsatcom - HBO Bulgaria [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03EE #Bulsatcom - TV 7 Bulgaria [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03EF #Bulsatcom - BTV Bulgaria [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F0 #Bulsatcom - Private Spice [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F2 #Bulsatcom - TV Plus [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F4 #Bulsatcom - Nova TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F5 #Bulsatcom - Diema 2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F6 #Bulsatcom - Animal Planet Eastern Europe [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:03F8 #Bulsatcom - Discovery Channel Eastern Europe [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:046A #Bulsatcom - Diema [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:006F #Bulsatcom - Playboy TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:006F #Bulsatcom - Viasat Explorer [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0070 #Bulsatcom - Ring TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0071 #Bulsatcom - CNN International Europe [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0072 #Bulsatcom - Fashion TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0072 #Bulsatcom - Free-X TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0073 #Bulsatcom - Perviy Kanal [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0074 #Bulsatcom - ZoneReality [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0075 #Bulsatcom - Jetix Russia & Balkan [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0076 #Bulsatcom - BBT [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0077 #Bulsatcom - Folklor TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0078 #Bulsatcom - RTV International [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0079 #Bulsatcom - Fan TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:007A #Bulsatcom - Boomerang [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:007B #Bulsatcom - Sport 7 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0015 #Bulsatcom - Film+ HD [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0016 #Bulsatcom - Eurosport HD [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:001F #Bulsatcom - Hallmark Central Europe [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0022 #Bulsatcom - Discovery Science Channel [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0023 #Bulsatcom - Discovery Travel & Living UK [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0024 #Bulsatcom - Discovery World [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0025 #Bulsatcom - VH-1 (Video Hits One) [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0026 #Bulsatcom - BNT Sat [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0028 #Bulsatcom - Viasat History [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0029 #Bulsatcom - Super 7 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:002A #Bulsatcom - Zone Club [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:002C #Bulsatcom - GTV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:002D #Bulsatcom - Hustler TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:002F #Bulsatcom - Evrokom Bulgaria [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0030 #Bulsatcom - Film Plus [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0031 #Bulsatcom - TV Evropa [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0001 #Bulsatcom - Diema Family [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0002 #Bulsatcom - National Geographic UK [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0003 #Bulsatcom - TV 1000 Balkan [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0004 #Bulsatcom - Hobby TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0005 #Bulsatcom - Cinemax East Europe [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0006 #Bulsatcom - MTV Europe [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0007 #Bulsatcom - Eurosport [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0008 #Bulsatcom - City TV [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:000A #Bulsatcom - Eurosport 2 [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:000D #Bulsatcom - HBO Comedy Adria [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:000F #Bulsatcom - TV2 Bulgaria [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0010 #Bulsatcom - AXN Central Europe [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0011 #Bulsatcom - AXN Sci Fi [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:0012 #Bulsatcom - AXN Crime [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:001C #Bulsatcom - Fox Life Bulgaria [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000:001E #Bulsatcom - Fox Crime Bulgaria [I2]#
    P: 0604:000000 # Nova
    P: 0606:000000 # Nova
    P: 0100:00002f # Orbit
    P: 0500:21120 # ART/Pehla
    P: 1810:00000 # D+
    P: 0100:4106 # D+
    P: 0919:000000 # Sky Italia
    P: 0919:000000:2B6B # Sky Italia - Sky Cinema Max [NDS]
    P: 0919:000000:2B5D # Sky Italia - Sky Cinema 1 [NDS]
    P: 0919:000000:2B5F # Sky Italia - Sky Cinema Mania [NDS]
    P: 0919:000000:2B61 # Sky Italia - Sky Cinema 3 [NDS]
    P: 0919:000000:2DCA # Sky Italia - Sky Cinema 2 [NDS]
    P: 0919:000000:2DCB # Sky Italia - Sky Cinema Classics [NDS]
    P: 0919:000000:2DCC # Sky Italia - Sky Cinema Hits [NDS]
    P: 093b:000000 # SKY Italia (new) [13E
    P: 0d03:000004 # Czech Link [23E] | 8 Czech Link [23E]
    P: 0d03:000008 # Czech Link [23E] | 8 Czech Link [23E]
    P: 0100:003311 # ABsat
    P: 0500:020800 # Absat (BIS TV)
    P: 0500:020810 # Absat (BIS TV)
    P: 0d00:000000 # Digiturk (7E/42E)
    P: 092b:000000 # D-Smart (42E)
    P: 0100:004106 # Digital++ (seca3)
    P: 0b02:000000 # Tvn redlight
    P: 0100:00006a # S2 - Canal+ Digitaal NL (19E)
    P: 0100:000084 # Virtuall Card K3/S2 - Numericable (13E/19E)
    P: 0500:032820 # Canal+ France (19E)
    P: 0100:003311 # Canal+ France (19E)
    P: 0100:003317 # Canal+ France (19E)
    P: 0100:00006c # Canal+ Vlaanderen (19E/23E)
    P: 0100:00006a # Canal+ Vlaanderen (19E/23E)
    P: 0963:000000 , 0961:000000 # BskyB & Setanta Sports (28E)
    P: 1801:002111 # Digi Tv
    P: 0100:000080 # Canal+ France (19E)
    P: 0100:000081 # Canal+ France (19E)
    P: 0100:000082 # Canal+ France (19E)
    P: 0100:000084 # Canal+ France (19E)
    P: 0602:000000 # Pink Plus/Pehla (13E/16E)
    P: 0500:024f00 # MaxTV Romania (5E)
    P: 0d02:000000 # Upc Direct (19E)
    P: 0b00:022f00 # MaxTV Romania (5E)
    P: 090f:000000 # Viasat (5E)
    P: 1810:000000 # D+ SPAIN (30W) (NAGRA 3)
    P: 0d07:000000 # BFBS (7E)
    P: 0d03:000000 # Cryptoworks CAID
    P: 0d0f:000000 # Cryptoworks CAID
    P: 0d70:000000 # Cryptoworks CAID
    P: 0100:000085 # FTC (13E/19E)
    P: 0100:000086 # Pro Tv (13E/19E)
    P: 0500:020000 # Tps (Via PC 2.5) (13E)
    P: 0500:026000 # Tps (13E/19E)
    P: 0b00:000000 # conax (8W/13E/19E/Volia UA/Satro SK (DVBC)
    P: 1802:000000 # TV CABO(30w)
    P: 0500:021110 # Art /Ant1 (13E)
    P: 0100:000068 # Cyfra
    P: 1801:2111 # DigiTV
    P: 0919:0 # SKY Italia
    P: 091f:0 # Pink NDS instead of Irdeto KEYS
    P: 0B00:000000:6FF0 # VH1
    P: 0B00:000000:6FF1 # VH1 Classic
    P: 0B00:000000:6FFE # MTV 2 / Music
    P: 0100:004106:6FEB # MTV ESP
    P: 0B00:000000:6FEE # MTV Hits
    P: 0B00:000000:6FEF # MTV Base / Dance
    P: 0b00:000000:6ff3 # MTV2 [CONAX]
    P: 0D02:000000:7000, 0D00:000000:7000 # MTV Euro
    P: 0100:0065:1788, 0d00:000000:17f2, 0b01:000000:1776 # MTV NHD
    P: 0500:020000, 0100:000084 # MCM
    P: 0500:032820 # MCM Music Hits, MTV
    P: 0d22:000000 # Arena
    P: 0d05:000000 # ORF
    P: 1803:000000 # Polsat 
    P: 1801:002111 # Digi Tv
    P: 0d02:000000 # UPC DIRECT [NAGRA]
    P: 0100:000068 # Cyfra+
    P: 0100:000030 # RAI TV [SECA]
    P: 0500:024f00 # MaxTV Romania (5E)
    P: 0919,093B #SKY IT
    P: 0961 # SKy UK
    P: 0500:015400 # Globecast France (13E/5W)
    P: 0500:020810 # AB Sat (19E/13E
    P: 0500:032000, 0500:020910 # SEXWIEW 
    P: 0500:021700 # PRIVATE SPICE [VIA2]
    P: 0500:024400 # FREE-X TV / X-DREAM / DORCEL
    P: 0500:0:00D0 # SEX ON TV Crystal
    P: 0500:0:0CE8 # SEX ON TV Gold
    P: 0500:0:0D03 # SEX ON TV Sylver
    P: 0500:024410 # FREE-X TV / X-DREAM / DORCEL
    P: 0603:000000 # JSC Sport+ (7W)
    P: 0604:0:1BC0 # PRIVATE SPICE
    P: 0606:000000, 0b00:000000 # SEXVIEW:
    P: 0626:000000 # FREE-X TV / X-DREAM / DORCEL
    P: 0500:023b00 # MCT/REDLIGHT [VIA1]
    P: 0500:025110 # MCT/REDLIGHT [VIA2]
    P: 0500:025100, 604:000000, 628:000000, 0b02:000000 # Redlight
    P: 1810,100:4101 # D+
    P: 1803:000000 # polsat
    P: 0d05,  1801 #
    P: 1802:000000 # TV CABO(30w)
    P: 0b00:000000:6ff1 # VH1 Classic [CONAX]
    P: 0b00:000000:6ff0 # VH1 [CONAX]
    P: 0b00:000000:6ff3 # MTV2 [CONAX]
    P: 0b00:000000:6fee # MTV Hits [CONAX]
    P: 0b00:000000:6fef # MTV Dance [CONAX]
    P: 0b00:000000:6fef # MTV Base [CONAX]
    P: 0b00:000000:6fff # MTV Music [CONAX]
    P: 1801:002111 # Digi Tv
    P: 0604:000000 # Nova+Sex+ARY/ABS/Showtime+ART (13E)
    P: 0100:000068 # Cyfra+ (13E)
    P: 1803:000000 # Polsat (13E)
    P: 0602:000000 # Pink Plus/Pehla (13E/16E)
    P: 0d02:000000 # Upc Direct (19E)
    P: 090f:000000 # Viasat (5E)
    P: 0d03:000000 # Cryptoworks CAID
    P: 0d05:000000 # Cryptoworks CAID
    P: 0d0f:000000 # Cryptoworks CAID
    P: 0d70:000000 # Cryptoworks CAID
    P: 0604:000000 # Nova
    P: 0500:024f00 # Max TV
    P: 090f:000000 # Viasat
    P: 0b00:022f00 # MaxTV Romania
    P: 0100:4106 # D+ only Seca 
    P: 0100:004106 # Digital++ (seca3)
    P: 0500:032820 # Canal+ France (19E)
    P: 0100:003311 # Canal+ France (19E)
    P: 0100:003317 # Canal+ France (19E)
    P: 0500:020810 # Absat (BIS TV)
    P: 0500:020800 # Absat (BIS TV)
    P: 0961:000000 # BskyB & Setanta Sports (28E)
    P: 0100:000080 # Canal+ France (19E)
    P: 0100:000081 # Canal+ France (19E)
    P: 1803:007101 # Polsat (13E)
    P: 0602:000000 # PINK TV
    P: 091f:000000 # Total TV 
    P: 0b00:000000 # DigiALB
    P: 0d06:000000 # ITV Partner
    P: 0961:000000 # BSKYB
    P: 0D07:140000 # BFBS
    P: 1702:000000:0080
    P: 1702:000000:0081
    P: 1702:000000:0082
    P: 1702:000000:0083
    P: 1702:000000:0084
    P: 1702:000000:007E
    P: 1702:000000:007F

  10. #940
    Registriert seit
    Oct 2008
    Erhielt 0 Danke für 0 Beiträge
    FAQ Downloads
    füge folgendes in deine config ein dann klappt das:

    1833:1702:000000:0080 # History HD
    1833:1702:000000:0081 # Sky Sport HD
    1833:1702:000000:0082 # Discovery HD
    1833:1702:000000:0083 # Sky Cinema HD
    1833:1702:000000:0084 # Eurosport HD
    1833:1702:000000:007E # Disney Cinemagic HD
    1833:1702:000000:007F # NatGeo HD

  11. #941
    Registriert seit
    Dec 2009
    Erhielt 0 Danke für 0 Beiträge
    FAQ Downloads
    hi ho freunde der sonne ;D
    ich komm irgend wie nicht weiter incubus 0.93 ist drauf und auch 0.95....
    AAF 2.0 im flash
    image ist AAF Summer Dream V2 E2 ba
    Ufs 910 1 watt
    die box ist nur client
    config :
    ################################################## ############################
    # incubusCamd configuration file #
    # All configuration options in this file observe the same format: #
    # <configuration_name>=<configuration_value> #
    # #
    # Each section are [<section_name>:<option_1>:<option_x>] like. #
    # #
    # No matter about white spaces on any place or UNIX/DOS style files #
    ################################################## ############################
    ########################### general configuration ############################
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) background execution
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # This sets the level of console output for debugging:
    # 0 - No debug messages, 1 - First level debug messages, 2 - Second level debug messages,
    # 3 - Print all debug messages
    # This option enables (1) or disables (0) the writing of debug information to the
    # console.
    # This option enables (1) or disables (0) the writing of console output to a log file
    # When log_to_file is set to 1, this is the path and filename to write console
    # ouput to.
    # This is the path and filename to read SoftCam.Key file
    # by default it will be searched in the /var/keys directory
    # This is the path and filename to read prio file
    # by default it will be searched in the /var/bin directory, or in /etc, or in /var/keys
    # Used to activate on-screen messages. Username and password required if
    # HTTP authentication is enabled on enigma.
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # When activated, incubusCamd will listen on the specified port for connections. All
    # log activity will be broadcast in real-time to connected clients.
    # Enable/disable incubusCamd web interface (default port is 668).
    # 0 - Disable
    # 1 - Enable
    ########################### provider configuration ###########################
    # All parameters are in hexadecimal notation.
    # Each section is defined by the provider id value.
    # If you don\'t know the provider id value then use the provider id "000000" and ca id "0000".
    # On provider 000000 caid 0000 goes all provider wich are not declared. If the provider
    # is declared then the cam will use the provider founded.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # this provider is a stand-in for all cards and all caid not declared previously
    # You can select wich type of priority to assign on each caid/prov combination
    # priority name available are: card,emu,cs
    # card: internal card reader
    # emu: internal emulator
    # cs: card share protocols
    # each type must be separated by a comma
    # you can also set to use only cs and nothing more, to do it insert on each comma "cs"
    # example: check_priority=cs,cs,cs # only cs in this case
    # example: check_priority=card,emu,emu # no cs in this case
    # obviously this is not suggested but if you prefer to disable an option you should do it in this way
    # you can also declare only one type: check_priority=cs
    # or two types: check_priority=cs,emu
    # and so on
    # You can select wich protocol will be used first for the current caid/prov combination
    # protocol name available are: newcamd,cccam,gbox,radegast,camd33,camd35,aroureos
    # each protocol must be separated by a comma
    # you can also declare only one type: cs_protocol_order=cccam
    # or two types: cs_protocol_order=cccam,newcamd
    # and so on
    cs_protocol_order=cccam,newcamd,gbox,camd35,camd33 ,radegast,aroureos
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm process when a cs protocol is used
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm g type process
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm s type process
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm u type process
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) seca 3 ecm pid handler
    # when is set to On, it will try to use seca 3 ecm pid
    # before try seca 2 ecm pid, otherwise seca 2 pid will
    # be selected firstly
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On
    #cs_protocol_order=cccam,newcamd,gbox,camd35,camd3 3,radegast,aroureos
    ########################### servers configuration ############################
    # This is the section for the multi-server configuration.
    # URL of card-server to use, formats are as follows:
    # newcamd://<username_31>:<password_31>@<hostname>:<port>:<c ai d_4>:<prov_id_6>/<des_key_14>/[EMM]
    # aroureos://@<hostname>:<port>:<caid_4>:<prov_id_6>/[EMM]
    # radegast://@<hostname>:<port>:<caid_4>:<prov_id_6>/[EMM]
    # camd33://<username_10>:<password_10>@<hostname>:<port>:<c ai d_4>:<prov_id_6>/[aes_key_16]/[EMM]
    # camd35://<username_32>:<password_32>@<hostname>:<port>:<c ai d_4>:<prov_id_6>/[EMM]
    # gbox://<localhost>:<localport>:<password_8>@<peer_addre ss >:<peer_port>:<peer_pass_8>/[EMM]
    # cccam://<username_20>:<password_32>@<hostname>:<port>/<receive_emu_shared>/[EMM]
    # where <receive_emu_shared> should assume value "yes" (without quotes, if you like to receive emus data shared by the server) or "no" (this is assumed by default)
    # NOTE: The "EMM" suffix is optional and tells the card-server client whether
    # to send EMM\'s to the card-server or not. Enabling or disabling this only
    # has effect if the card-server is configured to accept emms from this client.
    # NOTE 2: The "card_server_url" is not the same as previously declared in the prov/caid section
    # use how many server as you like
    # i.e:

    ########################### CaIDs tunneling configuration ############################
    # All values are in hex notation
    # In this file you can configure what CAIDs/PIDs incubusCamd should tunnel to another CAID
    # situation 1: this caid, all idents, on all channels will use the tunnel_caid
    # caid:tunnel_caid
    # situation 2: this caid/ident pair will use the tunnel_caid
    # caid:tunnel_caid:ident
    # situation 3: this caid/ident pair, on channel \'sid\' will use the tunnel_caid
    # caid:tunnel_caid:ident:sid

    kann es auch an der prio liegen = ?

  12. #942
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    Hat denn nun irgend jemand incubusCamd auf einer Kati 922 am laufen ?

  13. #943
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    Hat denn nun irgend jemand incubusCamd auf einer Kati 922 am laufen ?
    Da keiner geantwortet hatte, habe ich jetzt selber alle Versionen durch. Config und Prio files sind definitiv ok.

    922 und incubusCamd laufen definitiv nicht !

    An alle die das auch probieren ... spart euch die Mühe .... Zwar bekommt man das CS ans laufen und alles sieht so aus als ob es funktionieren müßte, aber die 922 zeigt kein Bild an.

  14. #944
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    Zitat Zitat von Macom2009 Beitrag anzeigen
    Da keiner geantwortet hatte, habe ich jetzt selber alle Versionen durch. Config und Prio files sind definitiv ok.
    922 und incubusCamd laufen definitiv nicht !

    An alle die das auch probieren ... spart euch die Mühe .... Zwar bekommt man das CS ans laufen und alles sieht so aus als ob es funktionieren müßte, aber die 922 zeigt kein Bild an.

    du hast sicher die indian summer v2 drauf.

    Nimm die erste Version und mach die 3 Fixes (Lüfter, Autoresolution, Runterfahren)
    Da läuft die0.95

    Frag mich nicht warum, aber bei V2 läufts bei mir auch nicht

    Ich weiß nicht wo beim UFS 922 immer das Problem liegt



  15. #945
    Registriert seit
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    Hallo Leute.

    Ich jetzt Besitzer einer neuen Kathi UFS 922 bin leider nicht ganz so glücklich da ich nach langen hin und her probieren draufgekommen bin, dass das neue AAF - India summer nicht kompatibel mit den neuesten modellen der 922 sind. LEIDER aber ich hoffe auf ein UPDATE

    Naja egal ich lass jetzt einfach mal das aaf-summerdream drauf laufen.

    da ich ein s*y abo habe das momentan auf der Dbox2 mit cccam läuft, möchte ich es auf der Kathi nutzen. ich habe schon mal den incubus 0.95 mit dem AAF updater installiert aber leider ohne erfolg denn ich finde die incubus.conf nicht ... peinlich ...

    was für eine Version soll ich nutzen installieren bzw. hast jemand von euch eine funktionierende conf wo ORF HD hell ist.

    Dbox hat cccam 2.0.11 .. soll lauf forum ja die beste version sein.


    schönes WE

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