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Thema: Kathi e2 und Incubus als CCcam client


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  1. #1
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    Geändert von tomcat01 (30.10.09 um 11:25 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Stammuser Avatar von twocores
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    kann jemand sagen ob meine config aus 0,93teta so richtig ist:

    ################################################## ############################
    # incubusCamd configuration file #
    # All configuration options in this file observe the same format: #
    # <configuration_name>=<configuration_value> #
    # #
    # Each section are [<section_name>:<option_1>:<option_x>] like. #
    # #
    # No matter about white spaces on any place or UNIX/DOS style files #
    ################################################## ############################

    ########################### general configuration ############################
    # Enable (1) or disable (0) background execution
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On

    # This sets the level of console output for debugging:
    # 0 - No debug messages, 1 - First level debug messages, 2 - Second level debug messages,
    # 3 - Print all debug messages

    # This option enables (1) or disables (0) the writing of debug information to the
    # console.

    # This option enables (1) or disables (0) the writing of console output to a log file

    # When log_to_file is set to 1, this is the path and filename to write console
    # ouput to.

    # This is the path and filename to read SoftCam.Key file
    # by default it will be searched in the /var/keys directory

    # This is the path and filename to read prio file
    # by default it will be searched in the /var/bin directory, or in /etc, or in /var/keys

    # Used to activate on-screen messages. Username and password required if
    # HTTP authentication is enabled on enigma.
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On

    # When activated, incubusCamd will listen on the specified port for connections. All
    # log activity will be broadcast in real-time to connected clients.

    # Enable/disable incubusCamd web interface (default port is 668).
    # 0 - Disable
    # 1 - Enable

    ########################### provider configuration ###########################
    # All parameters are in hexadecimal notation.
    # Each section is defined by the provider id value.
    # If you don't know the provider id value then use the provider id "000000" and ca id "0000".
    # On provider 000000 caid 0000 goes all provider wich are not declared. If the provider
    # is declared then the cam will use the provider founded.

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # this provider is a stand-in for all cards and all caid not declared previously
    # You can select wich type of priority to assign on each caid/prov combination
    # priority name available are: card,emu,cs
    # card: internal card reader
    # emu: internal emulator
    # cs: card share protocols
    # each type must be separated by a comma
    # you can also set to use only cs and nothing more, to do it insert on each comma "cs"
    # example: check_priority=cs,cs,cs # only cs in this case
    # example: check_priority=card,emu,emu # no cs in this case
    # obviously this is not suggested but if you prefer to disable an option you should do it in this way
    # you can also declare only one type: check_priority=cs
    # or two types: check_priority=cs,emu
    # and so on

    # You can select wich protocol will be used first for the current caid/prov combination
    # protocol name available are: newcamd,cccam,gbox,radegast,camd33,camd35,aroureos
    # each protocol must be separated by a comma
    # you can also declare only one type: cs_protocol_order=cccam
    # or two types: cs_protocol_order=cccam,newcamd
    # and so on

    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm process when a cs protocol is used
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On

    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm g type process
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On

    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm s type process
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On

    # Enable (1) or disable (0) emm u type process
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On

    # Enable (1) or disable (0) seca 3 ecm pid handler
    # when is set to On, it will try to use seca 3 ecm pid
    # before try seca 2 ecm pid, otherwise seca 2 pid will
    # be selected firstly
    # 0 - Off
    # 1 - On

    # This is the ChannelID wich will be used as first value
    # on irdeto channels. Value "-1" means no preferred channel id will be used
    # The value is expressed as decimal. Automatic change will be done.


    ########################### servers configuration ############################
    # This is the section for the multi-server configuration.
    # URL of card-server to use, formats are as follows:
    # newcamd://<username_31>:<password_31>@<hostname>:<port>:<cai d_4>:<prov_id_6>/<des_key_14>/[EMM]
    # aroureos://@<hostname>:<port>:<caid_4>:<prov_id_6>/[EMM]
    # radegast://@<hostname>:<port>:<caid_4>:<prov_id_6>/[EMM]
    # camd33://<username_10>:<password_10>@<hostname>:<port>:<cai d_4>:<prov_id_6>/[aes_key_16]/[EMM]
    # camd35://<username_32>:<password_32>@<hostname>:<port>:<cai d_4>:<prov_id_6>/[EMM]
    # gbox://<localhost>:<localport>:<password_8>@<peer_address >:<peer_port>:<peer_pass_8>/[EMM]
    # cccam://<username_20>:<password_32>@<hostname>:<port>/<receive_emu_shared>/[EMM]
    # where <receive_emu_shared> should assume value "yes" (without quotes, if you like to receive emus data shared by the server) or "no" (this is assumed by default)
    # NOTE: The "EMM" suffix is optional and tells the card-server client whether
    # to send EMM's to the card-server or not. Enabling or disabling this only
    # has effect if the card-server is configured to accept emms from this client.
    # NOTE 2: The "card_server_url" is not the same as previously declared in the prov/caid section
    # use how many server as you like
    # i.e:
    #card_server_url=gbox://yourname.dyndns.org:6666:password@hisname.dyndns.o rg:6666:peer_pass
    #card_server_url=gbox:// pass
    #card_server_url=camd33://username:password@ # cam33 without AES encryption
    #card_server_url=camd33://username:password@ # cam33 with AES encryption
    #card_server_url=newcamd://username:password@ # EMM is enabled for this server
    card_server_url=cccam:// xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ########################### CaIDs tunneling configuration ############################
    # All values are in hex notation
    # In this file you can configure what CAIDs/PIDs incubusCamd should tunnel to another CAID
    # situation 1: this caid, all idents, on all channels will use the tunnel_caid
    # caid:tunnel_caid
    # situation 2: this caid/ident pair will use the tunnel_caid
    # caid:tunnel_caid:ident
    # situation 3: this caid/ident pair, on channel 'sid' will use the tunnel_caid
    # caid:tunnel_caid:ident:sid
    # i.e:
    #1833:1702:000000:0082 # this one should tunnel premiereHD nagra3 into betacrypt cards
    #1833:1702:000000:0081 # this one should tunnel premiereHD nagra3 into betacrypt cards
    1833:1702:000000:0080 #History HD
    1833:1702:000000:0081 #Sky Sport HD
    1833:1702:000000:0082 #Discovery HD
    1833:1702:000000:0083 #Sky Cinema HD
    1833:1702:000000:0084 #EuroSport HD
    1833:1702:000000:007E #Disney Cinemagic HD
    1833:1702:000000:007F #National Geography HD
    welche prio soll man am besten nehmen ?
    Thomson Scenium HDTV 37" PB 220 S4
    Kathrein 910si 1W

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    Letzter Beitrag: 25.10.09, 16:41


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