ich habe hier eine Nokia Kabel D-Box mit Bmon 1.0 und 2x Intel Chipsatz.

Folgendes Problem:
Ich gehe nach der Methode von MHC (auf der dietmar h Seite) vor. Habe alle Einstellungen getroffen und möchte nun den debug modus bekommen:

Dabei bekomme ich folgende Meldung im Bootloader:

***Adapter Desc: D-Link DFE-530TX-PCI-Fast Ethernet-Adapter (rev.B) - Virtual Machine Network Services Driver (via IpHlpApi #0)
***MAC address: 00:50:BA:EB:93:A7 Local IP:
***BootP server started... Port 67
***TFTP server started... Port 69
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 414 blocks
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 414 blocks
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 414 blocks
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 414 blocks
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 414 blocks
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 414 blocks
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 414 blocks
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 414 blocks
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 414 blocks
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 414 blocks
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 414 blocks
BootP> Created dynamic ARP entry for DBoxIP with MAC 00:50:9C:10:C2:A5
BootP> Answer sent!
TFTP> Started TFTP-Transfer for "C:\ppcboot\ppcboot"...
TFTP> Transfer finished, sent 414 blocks

Das geht dann immer so weiter. Das ganze passiert, nachdem ich "chorus 800000" eingegeben habe. Zuerst bekomme ich im unteren Log-Fenster folgende Meldung:

icache is on
chorus 800000
Branching to 0x40000

ppcboot 0.6.4 (Nov 1 2002 - 18:37:07)

CPU: PPC823ZTnnA at 67 MHz: 2 kB I-Cache 1 kB D-Cache
*** Warning: CPU Core has Silicon Bugs -- Check the Errata ***
Board: ### No HW ID - assuming TQM8xxL
DRAM: (faked) 32 MB
Ethernet: 00-50-9c-10-c2-a5

Danach macht er einen endlosen Reset... Normalerweise sollte die ppcboot doch jetzt geladen werden?! Ich habe den Pin richtig verbunden - die 5 Balken erscheinen im Display....

Wenn ich die Box ohne Bootloader starte dann läuft sie endlos mit "Lade..." .

Was ist da los?
