Hallo Spinnes Board,

habe gelesen dass es jetzt auch Newcs Support für Kathi geben soll. Soll aber noch nicht 100% funktionieren.


Newcs v.1.3 (with Kathrein support)


v.1.3 -Stable Release

Okay, first of all we want to apologise for the looong wait.. we have been working hard though, honest!
This is just a minor release though, was time for some bugfixes - and so you know that we're still alive!

Changes from previous release are too many to mention here (tbh. we have lost control over the changelog )
There have been alot of fixes, hopefully its bit more stable now then before..
Can also mention that we have added DGcrypt (wherever thats used..)
Also we have compiled support for the Kathrein box, even though it might not be quite useful (seems awfully buggy)

The big changes and features are planned for the next major release (v1.5 series)

mfg newbie