
Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Enigma2 für Kathi ist opem source

19.12.09, 23:27
Enigma2 für Kathi ist open source

As our project has reached puberty we decided that it is time to release it to the world by taking it somewhere more public.
For that we have created a git repository with the most important parts of our project the
* build environment,
* kernel sources(patches),
* all tdt applications,
* enigma2 source,
* drivers sources.
What this package does not contain is/are
* any proprietary video and audio firmwares + headers
* the proprietary pti driver, but we replaced this with an limited open source version.
This Packets does not contain any proprietary stuff and is therefor completely legal. This git repository will soon (later this day) be available for you for cloning, but this will be only for a limited time, max 1 week. We hope that you will put it to good use, hopefully you will clone it to an open source git hoster like gitorious or github. All this means of course that Team Ducktales won't be Team Ducktales as we know an love it any longer, but we are sure that the era of sh4 based settopboxes featuring enigma2, neutrino and vdr has just began.
R.I.P. The Ducktales Team (TDT) ( * October 2007, + December 2009 ) Welcome The OpenSource Team Ducktales Project (OS:TDP) ( * December 2009)

20.12.09, 17:04

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TDT Open Source Package

This package contains most of the sources to build complete TDT images

for the following settopboxes:

- Kathrein UFS-910
- Kathrein UFS-922
- Topfield 7700 HDPVR
- Fortis 9200/9000 based - HD-box, Octagon 1018... (still very buggy)

Host Installation & Building:

1. Clone your git repository from the server or local repository...
git clone Servername/teamducktales.git

2. Enter the build directory: "cd ./dt/cvs/cdk"

3. Setup host:
- To build an image you need to install some packages on your host system.

* git
* ccache
* rpm
* make
* automake1.8
* autoconf
* patch
* gcc
* cpp (or gcc or c++)
* tar
* bzip2
* gzip
* ncurses-devel (debian: libncurses5-dev)
* flex
* bison
* gawk
* e2fsprogs-devel
* texinfo
* gettext
* gettext-devel (debian?)
* cfv
* fakeroot
* xfsprogs-devel debian: (xfslibs-dev)
* zlib1g-dev (zlib-devel)
* libtool
* g++
* swig
* pkg-config
- For Ubuntu-hosts you have to link the sh to bash:
ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
(delete an existing /bin/sh before)
- Alternatively a script for Ubuntu 9.10 is available which takes care of everything.
sudo ./
- For debian-based systems only: "export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin"

4. Configure the build environment:
To configure the build environment type: "./"
The Setup dialog allows you to customize the build environment for your target device.

5. Building
if there are no errors (missing packages) type:
- make yaud-enigma2
This will build an enigma2 image based on e2 source from May 2009.
This is considered to be a stable release.
- make yaud-enigma2-nightly
This will build an enigma2 image based on e2 source from $Today.
This is considered to be a unstable (untested) release.
The first build will probably take very long (min 2h max 6h)
6. Finishing up
- After finishing the build you can find the nfs-root in the following directory:
- the kernel is located in the boot subfolder of the release directory
Known problems:
- openSuSE 11.0: If you have trouble compiling lirc, remove all occurance of lirc/lircd in
cvs/cdk/make/ cvs/cdk/make/ cvs/cdk/make/
- if you have problems like this

In Datei, eingefügt von ../../lib/base/smartptr.h:4,

von ../../lib/base/eptrlist.h:7,

von ../../lib/base/ebase.h:12,

von enigma_python_wrap.cxx:2807:
../../lib/base/object.h:166:4: Warnung: #warning use non optimized implementation of refcounting.
enigma_python_wrap.cxx: In function »int SWIG_AsPtr_std_string(PyObject*, std::string**)«:
enigma_python_wrap.cxx:3131: Warnung: Dereferenzierung eines Type-Pun-Zeigers verletzt strict-aliasing-Regeln
enigma_python_wrap.cxx: In function »RESULT SwigFromPython(ePtr<gPixmap>&, PyObject*)«:
enigma_python_wrap.cxx:3455: Warnung: Dereferenzierung eines Type-Pun-Zeigers verletzt strict-aliasing-Regeln
enigma_python_wrap.cxx:3455: Fehler: »SWIGTYPE_p_ePtrTgPixmap_t« wurde in diesem Gültigkeitsbereich nicht definiert
enigma_python_wrap.cxx: In function »PyObject* New_iRecordableServicePtr(const ePtr<iRecordableService>&)«:
you have to use an older swig version (e.g. 1.3.33)


tdt/cvs/cdk - the build directory
tdt/cvs/cdk/linux - a link to the kernel directory (will be installed from build)
tdt/cvs/apps/enigma2 - e2 source code
tdt/cvs/apps/misc/tools - tools like evremote2, fp_control, libeplayer2, etc
tdt/cvs/driver/frontends - frontend and tuner driver
tdt/cvs/driver/cic - ci controller driver
tdt/cvs/driver/player2 - STM's great player patched by TDT
tdt/cvs/driver/multicom - the copo/fw communication driver
tdt/cvs/driver/avs - av switch driver
tdt/cvs/driver/stgfb - patch stmfb version
tdt/cvs/driver/e2_proc - the e2 proc main part
tdt/cvs/driver/vfd - ufs910 vfd driver
tdt/cvs/driver/nuvoton - fp driver for hdbox
tdt/cvs/driver/micom - fp driver for ufs922
tdt/cvs/driver/tffp - fp driver for tf7700
tdt/cvs/driver/ufs922_fan - ufs922 fan control driver

25.12.09, 13:14