
Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Externer serieller ****reader und V13 NDS Karte

07.12.08, 15:51

versuche gerade die V13 Karte für einen Freund auf Basis eines externen Kartenlesers zu verwirklichen.

CCcam 2.11

habe ich soweit miteinander Verbunden.


#SERIAL READER : /dev/tts/0
N: 34001 server passwort 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
SERIAL READER: /dev/tts/0
newcs.xml (Teilauszug)

<readers name="dbox">
<!-- valid value for name are:
Any name of your choice, just to name the device for you to read. -->

<!-- valid value for type are:
phoenix, dbox, sci, dragon, sc8, mp35, smartreader, pcsc (for own binary) or infinity(for own binary). -->
<type>phoenix</type> /// auch smartreader ausprobiert

<!-- valid value for mhz are:
153(1.53mhz), 358(3.58mhz), 368(3,68Mhz), 450(4.5mhz), 536(5.36mhz), 600(6.00mhz), 715(7.15 mhz), 800(8.00mhz)
1000(10.00 mhz), 1071(10.71mhz), 1200 (12.00mhz), 1431(14.31 mhz), 1600 (16.00mhz)
This setting is now IMPORTANT, normal phoenix usually have 3.57mhz, and can usually be overclocked
to 6mhz. For the others you probably need extra crystal (be careful). -->

<!-- valid value for node are full path to device, f.ex /dev/tts/0,
/dev/sciX (for dreambox), /dev/****readerX (for dragon),
/dev/tts/USBX (for a usb2serial device).
COMx on Win32, COM1, COM2 etc.
For PC/SC this is just 0, 1 ,2 and so on (reader number) -->

<!-- valid value for parity are:
Odd, Even, None (ignored on sci and dragon).
This is only used on serial _BEFORE_ ATR is recieved. -->

<!-- valid value for reset are:
normal, inverse (ignored on sci and dragon).
normal is phoenix, inverse is smartmouse -->

<!-- valid value for export are:
Yes,No - if not exported only localhost can connect. -->

<!-- valid value for enabled are:
Yes,No - if not enabled it cant be used. -->

<!-- valid value for blocksa are:
Yes, No - block shared address emm to ****. -->

<!-- valid value for blockua are:
Yes, No - block unique address emm to ****. -->

<!-- valid value for blockga are:
Yes, No - block group address emm to ****. -->
Es hapert schon bei der Erkennung des Readers. Es ist ein normaler Serieller Reader mit der Frequenzeinstellung (Dip- Schalter) auf 3,58 MHz. Reader funktionier unter Windows.

Der Telnet Log sag folgendes:

/var # newcs
This is NewCS 1.62 - the New ****Server by the Butter-team..
Compiled on Aug 27 2008 at 16:49:31
Reading Config file from /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
TCP-log password is disabled!
level: normal
type: init
output: console,tcp
logger config: level 1 type 3 output 5
Console log options: level 1 type 3
TCP log options: level 1 type 3
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Box detect ] Box type 4 (Dbox2)
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Config ] Option <blockc0> for device 0 (dbox) not present, defaulting to NO
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Config ] Value in <ipk> for device 0 (dbox) is INVALID, skipping...
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Config ] Value in <ucpk> for device 0 (dbox) is INVALID, skipping...
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Config ] Pincode for device 0 (dbox): 0000
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Config ] /dev/tts/0 ECM priority: round
[ 15:48:54 ] [ EMM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
[ 15:48:54 ] [ ECM Cache ] Initialising dynamic Cache
[ NewCS ] Process ID is: 1583
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Loader ] Starting Telnet on port 1001
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: ODD
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
[ 15:48:54 ] bind: error! 98: Address already in use
[ 15:48:54 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:56 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
[ 15:48:56 ] [ Loader ] Starting Newcamd Server on port 34001
[ 15:48:56 ] [ Newcamd ] Newcamd thread Server started on port 34001
[ 15:48:56 ] [ NewCS ] Ready to GO! :)
/var # [ 15:48:56 ] bind: error! 98: Address already in use
[ 15:48:56 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:56 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:56 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: ODD
[ 15:48:56 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:56 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
[ 15:48:56 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:58 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
[ 15:48:58 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:58 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:58 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: ODD
[ 15:48:58 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:58 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
[ 15:48:58 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:59 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
[ 15:48:59 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:59 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:59 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: ODD
[ 15:48:59 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:48:59 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
[ 15:48:59 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:49:01 ] [ Loader ] Reset failed ...
[ 15:49:01 ] [ Loader ] Reader type 2 on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:49:01 ] [ Phoenix ] Opening device /dev/tts/0
[ 15:49:01 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Parity to: ODD
[ 15:49:01 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting 2 Stop bits on node /dev/tts/0
[ 15:49:01 ] [ Phoenix ] Setting Baud to standard 9600
[ 15:49:01 ] [ Phoenix ] Normal RESET on node /dev/tts/0Hat jemand dazu einen Rat?????

Cu Kartenkraut

12.12.08, 16:58

12.12.08, 18:35

12.12.08, 21:39
Also der camd-c-a-r-dserver wird laut Telnetprotokoll geladen.

Die Karte läuft auf 3,58 MHz habe aber sicherheitshalber meine alte S02 Karte rein geschoben bis diese erst einmal richtig erkannt wird. Anschließend wechsle ich zur V13 Karte wofür der Reader auch gedacht ist. Der Reader kommt von Sat King (
Dieser sollte eigentlich funktionieren.

Cu Kartenkraut

13.12.08, 08:16
Ich kann nur jedem emphelen, den Einbau eines Multicams vorzuziehen.

13.12.08, 11:04