Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : MGCamd + newcs/mpcs

30.10.08, 09:51
Nur mal Interesse halber:
Wenn ich mit der aktuellen MGCamd auf ein Newcamd Protokoll wie newcs oder mpcs zugreifen will, brauche ich dann zusätzlich die
camd3.servers und die newcamd.list oder reicht die newcamd.list alleine aus? Da gab es doch mal das Problem das die camd3.servers erforderlich war...

31.10.08, 09:24
Wenn es keiner weiß muß man eben selber testen und hier die Zusammenfassung:
Also es ist genau anders herum. Die newcamd.list wird nicht benötigt, da die aktuelle MGCamd kein newcamd Protokol lesen kann. Es wird nur die camd3.servers gebraucht die so aussehen muß:

cs357x://local:local@ 0&1722:000000=1702:000000
Wichtig ist auch noch dass man in der mg_cfg das richtige Protokol auswählt:

# network mode, use summ for several clients
# 00 no network (default)
# 01 newcamd netclient
# 02 radegast netclient
# 04 camd3 netclient
# 08 gbox netclient
G: { 04 }
Das wars auch schon..... Viel Spaß und Fragen bitte hier rein und nicht ins Postfach

28.09.09, 03:11
In welchen Ordner finde ich Camd3.servers? Habe ipbox9000 mit nlb10513 Image?


28.09.09, 12:01
Das hast Du aber einen alten Beitrag raus gezogen :-)
Wenn Du MGCamd nutzt funktioniert jetzt auch die newcamd.list
Diese befindest sich normal im Keys Ordner

28.09.09, 17:51
Achso super:a115:
Was gibt man denn genau jetzt bei mg_cfg und bei newcamd.list ein um auf einen Newcamd zuzugreifen? Mit incubuscamd 0.92 hatte ich leider nicht viel erfolg. Ich kann ja auch später meine incubuscamd.conf hier einfügen aber einz nachem andrem.
Danke für deine Hilfe

28.09.09, 21:25
Du brauchst nur eine CWS Linie einfügen und anpaßen in der newcamd.list:
CWS = 34000 benutzer passwort 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

28.09.09, 23:03
So hab mal jetzt alles eingestellt...
Was bedeutet wenn in der web. info das hier angezeigt wird:
mgshare Info
newcamd route 0604:benutzer:domain:50001:cardserver EMM OFF online.
Heißt das er ist zwar online aber servercam ist aus oder wie?

29.09.09, 07:27
Du mußt evtl noch die Keys löschen z.B. Softcam.key im Keys Ordner

29.09.09, 18:51
Das mit dem löschen hat leider auch nix gebracht.
Also bei der Ipbox 9000 habe ich das nlb10513 image draufgepackt gehabt und da sind zwar mgcamd, incubuscamd und so alles schon dann vorhanden, jedoch waren da im ordner var/keys gar keine Softcam,key vorhanden. Deswegen habe ich mit dem Keyupdater die softcam.keys, mgcamd, incubuscamd aktualisiert, dannach waren die Softcam.keys auch in var/keys drinne. Da ich das jetzt wieder löschen soll also die keys (softcam.key) habe ich das nlb10513 nochmal neu installiert. Also soll ich jetzt alles so lassen ohne update zumachen?

30.09.09, 04:36
so jetzt sind bei auf on online , aber immer noch alles dunkel. Was ist hier los?


30.09.09, 07:27
Das steht dann wenn ich per telnet starte.
welcome to cuberevo
cuberevo login: root
System bootup in progress - please wait
[Disconnect bypassed -- root login allowed.]
Custom release - No Limits Board --> http://www.nlb.to

Release Edition - nlb10513
[NLB cuberevo /]$ cd /var/bin
[NLB cuberevo bin]$ ./mgcamd
tuxbox mgcamd v1.33 by mixvt (compiled May 31 2009 19:41:08)
[mg] Net:1:7:2:5s Show ecm:1, emm:1 Up:1 Au:2 Dir:0 Osd:no:80:0 Cache:7 Log:3:17 Reread:0
[mg] Ecm cache time: 15
Box type: ipbox9000
Conax.Key error 2: No such file or directory
SoftCam.Key error 2: No such file or directory
AutoRoll.Key error 2: No such file or directory
Conax.Key error 2: No such file or directory
[config] newcamd route = benutzername:
newcamd keep alive: 300, incoming port: 0
[NLB cuberevo bin]$ [mgcam] emm thread started
[mgcamd] tps update started.
/var/keys/tps.bin error 2: No such file or directory
[newcamd] Connecting to
[mg0] service 4F8D index 0 pmt pid 0 (1)
[mg0] ECM: CaID: 0x0D02 -> CaPID: 0x158C ProvID: 000000
[mg0] ECM: CaID: 0x1815 -> CaPID: 0x16B8 ProvID: 000000
[mg0] ECM: CaID: 0x0D00 -> CaPID: 0x15F0 ProvID: 000000
[mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D02 provid a0 keynr 00
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] pid 0x158C failed to decode.
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] pid 0x16B8 failed to decode.
no cryptoworks RSA found
no cryptoworks RSA found
[mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D00 provid 10 keynr 00
[mg0] network can't decode
[mg0] pid 0x15F0 failed to decode.
[mgcamd] emm started
EMM: CaID: 0x0D02 -> CaPID: 0x1389 ProvID: 000000
STAPI slot set pid error 71 pid 138b
*EMM: CaID: 0x1815 -> CaPID: 0x138B ProvID: 000000
EMM: CaID: 0x0D00 -> CaPID: 0x138D ProvID: 000000
[newcamd] Login to as kassa35/2 accepted (220ms)
[newcamd] Card data from (481ms):
EMM enabled: UA yes SA yes GA yes, Card serial: 4B8C2B6C5FBE
Userid 1 caid D00 providers 5
Idents: 000000 0000C0 0000C4 0000C8 0000CC
ids: 0 0 0 0 0

[mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D02 provid a0 keynr 00
no cryptoworks RSA found
no cryptoworks RSA found
[mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D00 provid 10 keynr 00
[mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D02 provid a0 keynr 00
no cryptoworks RSA found
no cryptoworks RSA found
[mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D00 provid 10 keynr 00
[mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D02 provid a0 keynr 00
no cryptoworks RSA found
no cryptoworks RSA found
[mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D00 provid 10 keynr 00
[mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D02 provid a0 keynr 00
no cryptoworks RSA found
no cryptoworks RSA found
Habe mgcamd 1.33
Keine ahnung was da los ist.

30.09.09, 07:37
Also die Karte wird gefunden aber die CAID kann nicht entschlüßelt werden.
Es handelt sich um eine Arena Karte oder?
Vielleicht mal die Settings überprüfen

30.09.09, 18:12
So habs mal so versucht
# EMM messages
# 00 don't show any EMMs (default)
# 01 show only valid EMMs
# 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display
M: { 01 }

# ECM messages
# 00 don't show anything about ecm
# 01 normal mode, show pids processed, decoded ecm and cw
# 02 verbose mode, show valid and bad ECMs with data
C: { 01 }

# AU
# 00 disable, no emm pids processed
# 01 enable, emm pids always processed for soft-au and shared cards
# 02 auto, emm started only if channel cant be decoded
# 03 process emm pids for network cards update only
A: { 02 }

# key update (sum 01 or 02 with 04)
# 01 update only new keys, default setting
# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
# 04 enable TPS au
# + tps SID, which pmt pid contains au pid
U: { 05 } 0x12c0

# config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority)
# 00 files in /var/keys
# 01 files in /tmp
T: { 00 }

# network mode, use summ for several clients
# 00 no network (default)
# 01 newcamd netclient
# 02 radegast netclient
# 04 camd3 netclient
# 08 gbox netclient
G: { 01 }

# network retry, use summ for several options
# 00 disable
# 01 retry every new ecm
# 02 try to connect to offline shares every Q: seconds
# 04 try to detect and fast reconnect to lost (and not used atm) server
# + XX messages number and YY seconds to reconnect
# mg will reconnect to server, if no answer to last XX ecm/keepalive or
# if no answer for last ecm or keepalive sent for YY seconds
# set to 0 to disable
N: { 07 } 5 30

# network ecm timeout in seconds
K: { 05 }

# newcamd dead routes connect retry, sec
Q: { 600 }

# network shares priority
# 00 gbox, newcamd, radegast, camd3 (default)
# 01 camd3, radegast, newcamd, gbox
# 02 newcamd, camd3, gbox, radegast
P: { 02 }

# on screen display type
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 neutrino
# 02 enigma
# 03 relook
# + user password for http auth
O: { 03 } root relook

# on screen display Options, summ of:
# 01 show emu ecm
# 02 show network shares messages
# 04 show decoding failed / fta
# 08 show emm keys update
# + web port to use for osd
S: { 11 } 80

# Log option, summ of:
# 00 off
# 01 network udp log
# 02 log to console
# 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd
# + IP udp-port log-file-name
L: { 03 } 28007 /tmp/mgcamd.log

# keep ecm cache, seconds
# every cache entry takes 28 bytes, so 24h cache will take *only* 240-400kb of memory,
# for openbox/elanvision users with remote shares make sense to set it higher than default value,
# to not hammer cards while timeshifting or playing crypted recordings.
E: { 15 }

# cache option, summ of:
# 00 Off (default)
# 01 Ecm pids cache, store pids used to decode in /tmp/ca_cache.list at exit, load at startup, same syntax as restore.list
# 02 Ecm data cache, remember CW for (E:) time
# 04 Emm cache for network cards, do not resend the same emm twice, cache not cleared until restart
H: { 07 }

# reread files, summ of:
# 00 No (default)
# 01 reread config file on channel change (including priority and ignore, but not replace/cache)
# 02 reread SoftCam.Key on channel change
# 04 reread SoftCam.Key if file changed
R: { 00 }

# debug, summ of
# 00 off (default)
# 01 debug ecm
# 02 debug emm
# 04 debug network ecm
# 08 debug network emm
# 16 debug network login
# 32 show mem/cpu stats every 1 min
# 64 add timestamp to log messages
D: { 127 }

# box type
# 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected.
# 01 dbox2
# 02 dreambox
# 03 triple-dragon
# 04 relook
# 05 openbox
B: { 00 }

CWS = 15005 benutzer passwort 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
CWS = 15008 benutzer passwort 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
CWS = 15005 benutzer passwort 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
CWS = 15008 benutzer passwort 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

Das hat dann telnet rausgespuckt:

welcome to cuberevo
cuberevo login: root
System bootup in progress - please wait
[Disconnect bypassed -- root login allowed.]
Custom release - No Limits Board --> http://www.nlb.to

Release Edition - nlb10513
[NLB cuberevo /]$ cd /var/bin
[NLB cuberevo bin]$ ./mgcamd
[ 18:25:06.326 ] tuxbox mgcamd v1.33 by mixvt (compiled May 31 2009 19:41:08)
[ 18:25:06.330 ] [mg] Net:1:7:2:5s Show ecm:1, emm:1 Up:5 Au:2 Dir:0 Osd:no:80:1
1 Cache:7 Log:3: Reread:0
[ 18:25:06.331 ] [mg] Ecm cache time: 15
[ 18:25:06.335 ] Box type: ipbox9000
[ 18:25:06.346 ] Conax.Key error 2: No such file or directory
[NLB cuberevo bin]$ [ 18:25:06.404 ] Keys readed
[ 18:25:06.436 ] Conax.Key error 2: No such file or directory
[ 18:25:06.441 ] caid replace 1833 -> 1702
[ 18:25:06.460 ] [config] newcamd route = benutzer:
[ 18:25:06.468 ] [config] newcamd route = benutzer:
[ 18:25:06.483 ] [config] newcamd route = benutzer:
[ 18:25:06.491 ] [config] newcamd route = benutzer:
[ 18:25:06.495 ] newcamd keep alive: 300, incoming port: 0
[ 18:25:06.498 ] [mgcam] emm thread started
[ 18:25:06.500 ] [mgcamd] tps update started.
[ 18:25:06.501 ] /var/keys/tps.bin error 2: No such file or directory
[ 18:25:06.504 ] [newcamd] Connecting to
[ 18:25:06.507 ] [newcamd] Connecting to
[ 18:25:06.510 ] [newcamd] Connecting to
[ 18:25:06.511 ] [newcamd] Connecting to
[ 18:25:06.557 ] [mg0] service 445D index 0 pmt pid 0 (1)
[ 18:25:06.560 ] [mg0] No supported encryption system found
[ 18:25:06.561 ] [mg0] stopped
[ 18:25:06.610 ] [mg1] service 445D already started with index 0
[ 18:25:06.612 ] [mg1] service 445D index 1 pmt pid 0 (2)
[ 18:25:10.216 ] Client <- Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.217 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.218 ] 000: f1 5e 0f 9b 48 b6 50 62 67 6c 98 ef 08 74 .^..H.Pb
[ 18:25:10.219 ]
[ 18:25:10.220 ] Client -> Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.220 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.222 ] 000: e0 00 00 6b 61 73 73 61 31 36 33 2f 32 00 24 31 ...kassa1
[ 18:25:10.222 ] 010: 24 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 24 6f 50 58 45 54 76 $abcdefgh
[ 18:25:10.223 ] 020: 38 75 4c 41 57 57 50 72 39 62 37 55 36 32 45 30 8uLAWWPr9
[ 18:25:10.224 ] 030: 00 .
[ 18:25:10.224 ]
[ 18:25:10.225 ] Client -> Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.226 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.227 ] 000: e3 00 2e ...
[ 18:25:10.227 ]
[ 18:25:10.404 ] Client <- Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.405 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.405 ] 000: f1 5e 0f 9b 48 b6 50 62 67 6c 98 ef 08 74 .^..H.Pb
[ 18:25:10.407 ]
[ 18:25:10.408 ] Client -> Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.409 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.410 ] 000: e0 00 00 6b 61 73 73 61 31 33 30 2f 32 00 24 31 ...kassa1
[ 18:25:10.410 ] 010: 24 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 24 6f 50 58 45 54 76 $abcdefgh
[ 18:25:10.411 ] 020: 38 75 4c 41 57 57 50 72 39 62 37 55 36 32 45 30 8uLAWWPr9
[ 18:25:10.413 ] 030: 00 .
[ 18:25:10.416 ]
[ 18:25:10.417 ] Client -> Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.417 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.418 ] 000: e3 00 2e ...
[ 18:25:10.419 ]
[ 18:25:10.421 ] Client <- Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.421 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.422 ] 000: f1 5e 0f 9b 48 b6 50 62 67 6c 98 ef 08 74 .^..H.Pb
[ 18:25:10.423 ]
[ 18:25:10.423 ] Client -> Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.424 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.425 ] 000: e0 00 00 6b 61 73 73 61 31 37 39 2f 32 00 24 31 ...kassa1
[ 18:25:10.426 ] 010: 24 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 24 6f 50 58 45 54 76 $abcdefgh
[ 18:25:10.428 ] 020: 38 75 4c 41 57 57 50 72 39 62 37 55 36 32 45 30 8uLAWWPr9
[ 18:25:10.429 ] 030: 00 .
[ 18:25:10.430 ]
[ 18:25:10.433 ] Client -> Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.434 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.435 ] 000: e3 00 2e ...
[ 18:25:10.436 ]
[ 18:25:10.487 ] Client <- Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.488 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.489 ] 000: f1 5e 0f 9b 48 b6 50 62 67 6c 98 ef 08 74 .^..H.Pb
[ 18:25:10.489 ]
[ 18:25:10.490 ] Client -> Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.491 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.493 ] 000: e0 00 00 6b 61 73 73 61 33 35 2f 32 00 24 31 24 ...kassa3
[ 18:25:10.493 ] 010: 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 24 6f 50 58 45 54 76 38 abcdefgh$
[ 18:25:10.494 ] 020: 75 4c 41 57 57 50 72 39 62 37 55 36 32 45 30 00 uLAWWPr9b
[ 18:25:10.495 ]
[ 18:25:10.496 ] Client -> Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.497 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.497 ] 000: e3 00 2d ..-
[ 18:25:10.500 ]
[ 18:25:10.708 ] Client <- Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.709 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.710 ] 000: e2 00 00 ...
[ 18:25:10.710 ]
[ 18:25:10.711 ] [newcamd] Login to as kassa130/2 failed (28
[ 18:25:10.741 ] Client <- Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.742 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.742 ] 000: e1 00 00 ...
[ 18:25:10.743 ]
[ 18:25:10.743 ] [newcamd] Login to as kassa179/2 accepted (
[ 18:25:10.901 ] Client <- Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:10 2009
[ 18:25:10.902 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:10.902 ] 000: e1 00 00 ...
[ 18:25:10.903 ]
[ 18:25:10.904 ] [newcamd] Login to as kassa35/2 accepted (4
[ 18:25:11.254 ] Client <- Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:11 2009
[ 18:25:11.255 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:11.256 ] 000: e1 00 00 ...
[ 18:25:11.257 ]
[ 18:25:11.257 ] [newcamd] Login to as kassa163/2 accepted (
[ 18:25:11.525 ] Client <- Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:11 2009
[ 18:25:11.526 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:11.527 ] 000: e4 00 43 01 0d 00 00 00 78 dc d8 44 08 b1 05 00 ..C.....x
[ 18:25:11.528 ] 010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 00 00 00 .........
[ 18:25:11.529 ] 020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .........
[ 18:25:11.530 ] 030: 00 00 c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 cc 00 00 .........
[ 18:25:11.531 ] 040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......
[ 18:25:11.532 ]
[ 18:25:11.533 ] [newcamd] Card data from (1296ms):
[ 18:25:11.534 ] EMM enabled: UA yes SA yes GA yes, Card serial: 78DCD844
[ 18:25:11.534 ] Userid 1 caid D00 providers 5
[ 18:25:11.536 ] Idents: 000000 0000C0 0000C4 0000C8 0000CC
[ 18:25:11.537 ] ids: 0 0 0 0 0
[ 18:25:11.537 ]
[ 18:25:11.836 ] Client <- Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:11 2009
[ 18:25:11.837 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:11.837 ] 000: e4 00 22 01 0d 06 00 00 78 dc d8 44 08 b1 02 00 ..".....x
[ 18:25:11.838 ] 010: 00 c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 .........
[ 18:25:11.839 ] 020: 00 00 00 00 00 .....
[ 18:25:11.841 ]
[ 18:25:11.841 ] [newcamd] Card data from (1398ms):
[ 18:25:11.842 ] EMM enabled: UA yes SA yes GA yes, Card serial: 78DCD844
[ 18:25:11.843 ] Userid 1 caid D06 providers 2
[ 18:25:11.843 ] Idents: 0000C0 0000C4
[ 18:25:11.844 ] ids: 0 0
[ 18:25:11.845 ]
[ 18:25:12.227 ] Client <- Server: -- Thu Oct 1 18:25:12 2009
[ 18:25:12.228 ] ----------------------------------------------------
[ 18:25:12.229 ] 000: e4 00 43 01 0d 00 00 00 78 dc d8 44 08 b1 05 00 ..C.....x
[ 18:25:12.232 ] 010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 00 00 00 .........
[ 18:25:12.233 ] 020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .........
[ 18:25:12.234 ] 030: 00 00 c8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 cc 00 00 .........
[ 18:25:12.235 ] 040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......
[ 18:25:12.235 ]
[ 18:25:12.236 ] [newcamd] Card data from (1727ms):
[ 18:25:12.237 ] EMM enabled: UA yes SA yes GA yes, Card serial: 78DCD844
[ 18:25:12.237 ] Userid 1 caid D00 providers 5
[ 18:25:12.238 ] Idents: 000000 0000C0 0000C4 0000C8 0000CC
[ 18:25:12.238 ] ids: 0 0 0 0 0
[ 18:25:12.239 ]
[ 18:26:07.012 ]
Box: uptime = 1894s, CPU load: 1 min 238112 / 5 min 272192 / 15 min 318304
RAM in bytes: total 57827328 / free 1605632 / shared 0 / buffers = 5373952
[ 18:26:07.013 ] mgcamd: total memory allocated by malloc, in bytes: 135168 (132
kb), chunks 42096

[ 18:27:08.046 ]
Box: uptime = 1955s, CPU load: 1 min 249760 / 5 min 270720 / 15 min 314848
RAM in bytes: total 57827328 / free 2039808 / shared 0 / buffers = 5349376
[ 18:27:08.047 ] mgcamd: total memory allocated by malloc, in bytes: 135168 (132
kb), chunks 42096

[ 18:27:11.317 ] [newcamd] Pong from (120817ms)
[ 18:27:11.558 ] [newcamd] Pong from (121330ms)
[ 18:27:11.844 ] [newcamd] Pong from (121406ms)
[ 18:28:09.026 ]
Box: uptime = 2016s, CPU load: 1 min 235424 / 5 min 260384 / 15 min 308096
RAM in bytes: total 57827328 / free 2002944 / shared 0 / buffers = 5406720
[ 18:28:09.028 ] mgcamd: total memory allocated by malloc, in bytes: 135168 (132
kb), chunks 42096

[ 18:29:10.044 ]
Box: uptime = 2077s, CPU load: 1 min 210752 / 5 min 248640 / 15 min 300960
RAM in bytes: total 57827328 / free 1957888 / shared 0 / buffers = 5529600
[ 18:29:10.045 ] mgcamd: total memory allocated by malloc, in bytes: 135168 (132
kb), chunks 42096

[ 18:29:11.330 ] [newcamd] Pong from (240830ms)
[ 18:29:11.562 ] [newcamd] Pong from (241333ms)
[ 18:29:11.845 ] [newcamd] Pong from (241407ms)
[ 18:30:11.031 ] [newcamd] Ping to
[ 18:30:11.032 ] [newcamd] Ping to
[ 18:30:11.033 ] [newcamd] Ping to
[ 18:30:11.036 ]
Box: uptime = 2138s, CPU load: 1 min 203776 / 5 min 239904 / 15 min 294592
RAM in bytes: total 57827328 / free 1474560 / shared 0 / buffers = 5652480
[ 18:30:11.037 ] mgcamd: total memory allocated by malloc, in bytes: 135168 (132
kb), chunks 42096

[ 18:30:11.353 ] [newcamd] Pong from (319ms)
[ 18:30:11.364 ] [newcamd] Pong from (329ms)
[ 18:30:12.141 ] [newcamd] Pong from (1109ms)
Wenn ich jetzt auf einen Dunklen Kanal gehe: Proverider Upc direckt auf astra 19,2 e
dann kommt bei Telnet das hier

[ 18:33:38.083 ] [mg0] stoping camd..
[ 18:33:39.098 ] [mg0] service 4F79 index 0 pmt pid 0 (3)
[ 18:33:39.105 ] [mg0] ECM: CaID: 0x0D02 -> CaPID: 0x1581 ProvID: 000000
[ 18:33:39.107 ] [mg0] ECM: CaID: 0x1815 -> CaPID: 0x16AD ProvID: 000000
[ 18:33:39.109 ] STAPI slot set pid error 71 pid 1581
[ 18:33:39.151 ] [mg1] service 4F79 already started with index 0
[ 18:33:39.152 ] [mg1] service 4F79 index 1 pmt pid 0 (4)
[ 18:33:39.200 ] got 113 cmd 9F
[ 18:33:39.202 ] got 113 cmd 9F
[ 18:33:39.204 ] got 113 cmd 9F
[ 18:33:39.206 ] got 113 cmd 9F
[ 18:33:40.113 ] STAPI slot set pid error 71 pid 16ad
[ 18:33:41.119 ] [mgcamd] emm started
[ 18:33:41.144 ] EMM: CaID: 0x0D02 -> CaPID: 0x1389 ProvID: 000000
[ 18:33:41.146 ] EMM: CaID: 0x0622 -> CaPID: 0x138A ProvID: 000000
[ 18:33:41.149 ] STAPI slot set pid error 71 pid 138b
[ 18:33:41.150 ] *EMM: CaID: 0x1815 -> CaPID: 0x138B ProvID: 000000
[ 18:33:42.199 ] [mg0] Cryptoworks prov A0
[ 18:33:42.200 ] [mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D02 provid a0 k
eynr 00
[ 18:33:43.299 ] [mg0] Cryptoworks prov A0
[ 18:33:43.300 ] [mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D02 provid a0 k
eynr 00
[ 18:33:44.399 ] [mg0] Cryptoworks prov A0
[ 18:33:44.400 ] [mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D02 provid a0 k
eynr 00
[ 18:33:45.499 ] [mg0] Cryptoworks prov A0
[ 18:33:45.500 ] [mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D02 provid a0 k
eynr 00
[ 18:33:46.600 ] [mg0] Cryptoworks prov A0
[ 18:33:46.601 ] [mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D02 provid a0 k
eynr 00
[ 18:33:47.700 ] [mg0] Cryptoworks prov A0
[ 18:33:47.701 ] [mgcamd] Cryptoworks key(s) not found for caid 0D02 provid a0 k
eynr 00
[ 18:33:48.800 ] [mg0] Cryptoworks prov A0

Was hat das zu bedeuten?


01.10.09, 18:56
Hab mal jetzt noch einen tps.bin datei in var/keys erstellt habe irgendwo gelesen das man das machen soll und dann werde es hell.
Jedoch steht dies jetzt dort bei telnet:
[mgcamd] tps update started.
[mg] Trying /var/keys/tps.bin for tps keys.
[mg] /var/keys/tps.bin format not recognised

Was ist das hier egal was ich mache geht nix. Dieser Mgcamd hat was gegen mich und vor allem die Ipbox 9000 auch noch HD:454: